The Messiah's Birth
Part III "The birth of the Messiah"
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Or otherwise known as “the hippie… …”Or at least I would like to think. Even Jesus had an alias
Being a man born in the time of the star of prophecy Jesus most certainly would have always in his mind the number in time that the earth would crumble under the weight of the very heavens. He was of course an anointed one.But how? What separated him from the pack, and made him a great lion? And how can royalty later say that they where descendants of his kin? Why where some early kings reigns so long considering the time?
Monarchy buffs know what I am talking about. Of course we are talking about bloodline.But of course as interesting as it sounds, it opens up the paradox of Jesus leaving behind some sort of blood behind. That is, a descendant, a son or daughter. This of course makes the reader able to understand that the scripture canonized by the church are not completely correct.Jesus was arguably a mommas boy.I have always considered his conception of birth of that being rape. What a sad concept considering his status but let us consider scripture:
Matthew 1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.
Before they came together, Mary was already pregnant with a child before he and Joseph ever had intercourse. Mary was lying, saying that she had never had sex, or even raped – which intercourse before marriage and of the time – was punishable by death. She could have stated the truth and saved her soul, but she sinned, lied – pleaded that it was the almighty god that came to her and gave her the child. When perhaps she prayed for an answer to the problem God said, tell them it was me. Instead she lied to save the soul of her unborn child. This must have weighed very heavily on Jesus.
Matthew 1:19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily.
Oh Shit! Don’t let word of this get out! Stay in the house and don’t come out until I figure this out.
Matthew 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
So, somebody shows up, an angel, a creature depicted in art for thousands of years as a creature from above with wings, with a glimmering sheen – something that Joseph would easily recognize as divine (that ought to raise some UFO brows) shows up and says – he is of the Holy Ghost. Different in more ways than one, HE is one of US…Jesus of course, was a half-breed. This is how his tribe would have learned of it eventually. He was of roman and Jewish stock. He was not of his fathers seed. This would have been obvious latter in life.
The part about the Lion comes in when you understand that Jesus was also genetically different from his mother and his father. Yes, Jesus was the son of Mary, that part was visibly obvious. As Jesus the child grew the genetic part became obvious as Mary and the Father stayed in Egypt. Jesus had what today is classified as a genetic disorder of all things – a longevity gene. This would have been obvious by a ten year old boy with the mind of a two year old. Mary and Joseph certainly would have been overwhelmed and yet at the same time would have been helped through this ordeal until the boys mind caught up with his body and thus – able to be see in public as normal. It was for this genetic trait alone that the wise men could be certain that he was an anointed one.
I tell people this stuff at dinner parties.Doesn’t go over so well sometimes.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Or otherwise known as “the hippie… …”Or at least I would like to think. Even Jesus had an alias
Being a man born in the time of the star of prophecy Jesus most certainly would have always in his mind the number in time that the earth would crumble under the weight of the very heavens. He was of course an anointed one.But how? What separated him from the pack, and made him a great lion? And how can royalty later say that they where descendants of his kin? Why where some early kings reigns so long considering the time?
Monarchy buffs know what I am talking about. Of course we are talking about bloodline.But of course as interesting as it sounds, it opens up the paradox of Jesus leaving behind some sort of blood behind. That is, a descendant, a son or daughter. This of course makes the reader able to understand that the scripture canonized by the church are not completely correct.Jesus was arguably a mommas boy.I have always considered his conception of birth of that being rape. What a sad concept considering his status but let us consider scripture:
Matthew 1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.
Before they came together, Mary was already pregnant with a child before he and Joseph ever had intercourse. Mary was lying, saying that she had never had sex, or even raped – which intercourse before marriage and of the time – was punishable by death. She could have stated the truth and saved her soul, but she sinned, lied – pleaded that it was the almighty god that came to her and gave her the child. When perhaps she prayed for an answer to the problem God said, tell them it was me. Instead she lied to save the soul of her unborn child. This must have weighed very heavily on Jesus.
Matthew 1:19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily.
Oh Shit! Don’t let word of this get out! Stay in the house and don’t come out until I figure this out.
Matthew 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
So, somebody shows up, an angel, a creature depicted in art for thousands of years as a creature from above with wings, with a glimmering sheen – something that Joseph would easily recognize as divine (that ought to raise some UFO brows) shows up and says – he is of the Holy Ghost. Different in more ways than one, HE is one of US…Jesus of course, was a half-breed. This is how his tribe would have learned of it eventually. He was of roman and Jewish stock. He was not of his fathers seed. This would have been obvious latter in life.
The part about the Lion comes in when you understand that Jesus was also genetically different from his mother and his father. Yes, Jesus was the son of Mary, that part was visibly obvious. As Jesus the child grew the genetic part became obvious as Mary and the Father stayed in Egypt. Jesus had what today is classified as a genetic disorder of all things – a longevity gene. This would have been obvious by a ten year old boy with the mind of a two year old. Mary and Joseph certainly would have been overwhelmed and yet at the same time would have been helped through this ordeal until the boys mind caught up with his body and thus – able to be see in public as normal. It was for this genetic trait alone that the wise men could be certain that he was an anointed one.
I tell people this stuff at dinner parties.Doesn’t go over so well sometimes.
I see I am the first. An interesting 3 part series. Yeah interesting is a good word. More later.
Happy New Year
Well, I didn't want to be the first. :)
Sword, I have to say that your part 3 is nowhere near what I expected. Lots of holes and lots of missing information as to how you've come to these conclusions.
Mary was raped by a being from another planet?
Jesus had a longevity gene which made his body grow at a faster rate than his brain matured?
Jesus left behind descendants (heard that one before...Holy Grail was actually Mary Magdeline's womb).
Monarchy lived longer because they also shared this longevity gene?
What are all your conclusions based on?
I think I need to get another drink. :)
Part 3 DID make my eyes bulge!
Mary was abducted by an alien and raped.
LMAO at telling that one at a dinner party or a bible study!
Wow, I do think you ought to have flushed it out a little more sword,
I think that you may read a lot of that,
but thanks, defineately interesting. I don't presume that this
didn't happen, but good luck having this version adopted by
christians! Oh, man! wooooooweeeeeeeeeeee
I'm glad I popped for some grey goose vodka!
Cheers everyone! A very soggy new years eve from
southern california! More later, -Bryan wv: bikudy
Intriguing. If I remember correctly, somewhere in the FSHOD blog Sword indicated that this installment is not quite what he wanted either. I suspect he put too much pressure on himself to go out with a big bang and ran out of time.
Now that the blog is up, perhaps we have the luxury of time to fill in the details through our discourse and Sword's additional responses. I am especially curious as to how Christ's body grew much faster than his mind. It's a rather sneaky way of defeating Herod. After all, Herod is looking for a baby, but if the body of Christ has some kind of accelerated growth and has moved physically well past infancy he would not be recognisible to those hunting for him.
Implies considerable genetic manipulation, does it not? Also implies that rulers of state had access to the same manipulation. I'd love to know the details on how this came to be.
Happy New Year! May the Truth be the tonic that cures our ills!
Cheers, Bryan! Wish we were getting some of that rain!
I'm off to FSHOD to find the bar and another Merlot! :) does look like he ran out of time..hopefully, Sword will elaborate through later posts. Interesting thoughts on Herod. Not sure that I would want to be Mary though...hopefully the accelerated growth rate didn't start until AFTER the birth. Yikes!
Sword, you have left a LOT to be blogged on.
But just to start off...
(whilst jumping between drinks)
Apart from DNA testing, longevity.
I could go on for a while about that in my family history.
My grand father had these traits, that Longevity... at 90 years old look 60.
It wasn't mentioned much, when I Was growing up, but the Scottish side of the bloodline is interesting.
Masonary has a big foundation in Scotland.
In the Da Vinci code, they make a reference to half the Grail being in Scotland (hald the blood line).
Strange, always wondered what it was about.
The acceleration, is mentality.
We'll chat.
PS Still awaiting your elaboration on Abaddon/Apollyon.
Well, re: the alien parentage
If we recall that the Nefilim were also angels, and that they had sex with homo sapiens females, maybe Mary WAS 'raped' by another NFL type.
AND if the Nfl were also the Annunanki and they were merely higher teched inhabitants from another planet, then you DO have an 'alien' father.
Yes, SunKing, I guess that's the reality, the Anunaki or Nfl, had genes left over on this planet.
Special ways to read, 'data', from the air/white noise?
Hence a greater lie about the flood, completely destroying the earth.
For the inhabitants of Noahs time it would seem that it was chatastrophic for that region.
Hmmmmmm had tribes already spread?
Incas? Egyptians? etc?
Nfl, had various traits, outright steaming ahead of other men.
What if royalty had been guarded discreetly, away from the lime light for many many centuries.
Closely watched by a secret few?
Call then Phrygian Hat wearers, from Europe and Eastern parts.
These ones would know who was who.
Sword, is it possible, that Masons (the higher ranking and more switched on stars) would be guiding the path of the genetic path, or do you put that more into the divine, inspired path ways?
or a combination of both, the path that an Anointed one will choose and the subtle watch/guard from those in the know?
Just questions, it's late, but my mind has been on this subject a while...
Seeing as you may and well could be a 15 degree Mason of the Knight of Sword, Just on the Elu, then I would imagine you are privvy to some 'information' on that?
...oh then there is the fact, that I've never broken a bone... ever!
Then the lion heart and many other traits that make life a little more wow...
so these genetic traits, any links and assistance to understand the limitations or ?
If as you say,"Jesus was arguably a mommas boy" then why did he say that he must be about his Father's work ? And then of course, there was that crucifixion business. He sort of had to come out from behind mama's skirts to accomplish that now, didn't he ?
You also said:
"Matthew 1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.
SWORD: Before they came together, Mary was already pregnant with a child before he and Joseph ever had intercourse. Mary was lying, saying that she had never had sex, or even raped – which intercourse before marriage and of the time – was punishable by death. She could have stated the truth and saved her soul, but she sinned, lied – pleaded that it was the almighty god that came to her and gave her the child. When perhaps she prayed for an answer to the problem God said, tell them it was me. Instead she lied to save the soul of her unborn child. This must have weighed very heavily on Jesus."
TB2012: The above is an obviously very liberal interpretation of Matt 1:18. You write as if you had access to other sources and you really should state what they are, since you seem intent on blaspheming what myself and many others recognize as the ONLY source of salvation for all humanity.
Matthew 1:19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily.
SWORD:"Oh Shit! Don’t let word of this get out! Stay in the house and don’t come out until I figure this out."
TB2012: There is no reason at that point why Joseph would believe Mary's story anymore than the rest of the masses. Matt 1:19 simply shows the character of Joseph by the way he reacts to this potential for explosive scandal. It is there to show why God chose him to be the earthly father of Jesus.
As far as Mary being raped by a Roman, prove it ! Let's see some "illumination" here ! You said that you tell this story at dinner parties and it doesn't go over very well. Why am I not surprised ? Maybe the other guests at the dinner party know something that you don't?
The Jews failed to recognize him as the Messiah - END OF STORY
Can we move on to DISCLOSURE? - Like many of us who have seen a UFO
First off Happy New Year everyone...watchin FSHOD too!!
Interesting take on the acceleration to avoid being picked up by Herod, I'd like to know your source on that. There was a program on Discovery or History, can't remember which (havta do some diggin) but they also mentioned Mary was with child before Joseph, an idea I didn't remember hearing before. Now I don't put too much into either of their programs as most seem to be lacking anything other than what has been said before....Hmmmm, still thinkin'
Jas...still working on the Jehovah post, I might post on my blog cause this thing isn't stayin many damn connections it seems.
Stay Safe everyone...Adrenaline I'm prayin for you, yours and your cousin and tried to put some good energy toward Ion for his efforts.
W007!! 2|<6 IZ |-|33R!!!
As for that post about Jesus, I didn't like it one bit...
Best wishes to all, even those who don't agree with me!!!
Something odd in this pic...
Anyone heard about this?...
Nightstar, looking forward to it, no matter :)
These are interesting times...
2-0-6 is gonna be da year of years... well like 2-0-5 was too... but like we said, what's coming next is gonna turn ya eyes blue...
Just wanted to let you know I'm still alive and glad to have finally read the whole 2424 posts of the last blog and found this one in the Cydonia Smoking Room posts.
I'm still recovering as you can read in my own new blog entry here:
but glad to see many still around. I'll catch up on reading this place when I can but for now its way past my physical limits and I still have to put more wood on the fire before I crawl upstairs to bed.
Sword...I'm surprised you haven't had the gumption to hijack one of those ships yet...what are you waiting for?
Here's a neat pic of a map Cassini made of Iapetus...
Robert et al.
We are now sarting 2006 with a new identity... at FSHOD
You can still comment here, but I THINK we are fazing out DRYDOCK.
so DAMNED good to see you Robert. You've been on our minds! :)
I'm really happy to see your New Year return !
Happy New Year !!
Happy New Year Robert, Glad your back with us.
Anybody wants to blog on my site go right ahead
Dionysus Scrolls - Someone ring the bell
The only long living beings at that point in time, at least from what I have read, was the Annunaki. The only references to "angels" as they related to biblical times I have read is from Sitchen. Angels were known to be angels by their clothing. They wore heavenly garments. They were also known by how they arrived to people, as in the angel flew down in a "whirlwind" and so on. This would be how Joseph knew who he was talking to was an angel.
As to the longevity, this is where I am not so clear. I take it that you were refering to the longevity gene, since he was semi-divine (semi-divine meaning he was 1/3 divine due to his mother being human, he would be 2/3 divine if his mother was Annunaki and his father human) that his physical development would have been slower than regular human offspring, in all aspects? I do think we take him to look just like us since this is our only reference point. He definitely would have been a stand out. If he was so different, was this fact recorded? Somewhere? Unless, the best that could be done was attribute his feats to "miracles". Unless that word is an interpretation from more contemporary times.
As with anything regarding this subjector other ancient history, we are having another "truth" put before us to ponder. I am not saying that I think that all you have given sword is not true. I am saying that I want to know what is true. I have read various authors all giving their take on this very subject, from the Magdalene through the Merovingians to the Templars, the Priory of Zion down to the elites of today and their claims to ancient families. Everything I ahve read is speculation, backed upe by research serving the topic at hand. Your take is not much different. I was really hoping you would lay some heavy on me dude. I really thought you were going in a not neccessarily new direction, but a more focused not so well worn path.
I think your third paper showed you under some pressure to finish and I think you have more to say. I would like to ask if you would consider writing some more and tie this all together a bit more. I know it is in you. Glad you are part of this group too. :)
starship said;
"I am especially curious as to how Christ's body grew much faster than his mind. It's a rather sneaky way of defeating Herod. After all, Herod is looking for a baby, but if the body of Christ has some kind of accelerated growth and has moved physically well past infancy he would not be recognisible to those hunting for him."
That is an interesting point. It certainly would answer the Q about how J got through it all.
sinking said;
If we recall that the Nefilim were also angels, and that they had sex with homo sapiens females, maybe Mary WAS 'raped' by another NFL type.
AND if the Nfl were also the Annunanki and they were merely higher teched inhabitants from another planet, then you DO have an 'alien' father.
12/31/2005 11:37:49 PM
That has been the thought pattern in most of my reading. We all seem to be close to the same page, very cool. :)
jas said;
"Sword, is it possible, that Masons (the higher ranking and more switched on stars) would be guiding the path of the genetic path, or do you put that more into the divine, inspired path ways?"
Damn dude, that was some deep OOTB thinking! That could be a revelation impacting many things. Hmmm.
HI ROBERT! Glad to hear from you!!!!!!
sword said;
"I may guest Blogg again - If the reading public pleads... ...:-)
1/01/2006 04:08:09 AM "
Asking nicely. :)
I ask nicely, why leave this blog space?
We all met through the original EnterpriseMission arena and this name ties in with that. Richard Hoagland will show up again as I did, though I had my doubts when I called the ambulance that November day.
With guest blogging here it is possible to continue this here and remain ties with the TEM and EnterpriseMission community. If that is what people want that is.
We are all always free to run off and join other small communities of folks with similar interets, I have several on-going myself as I mentioned at the end of my last blog entry I made yesterday.
I just think the name of the plaace here ties in nicely with what we came together for and carries our seed of community n continuity forward.
One final question, how do you set up the blog to narrow that archives, links and essential section and move the main entry up to the top so it shows up more easily. Detailed help here would be appreciated. Thanx
PS to last post,
THANK YOU to all you cared enough to wonder as I am sure those happy n curious thoughts helped me through the tough times.
It IS very much appreciated.
Robert, you've been in mi thoughts too bro...
Just wanted to say, love ya comments, hope ya health improves more than more...
Stay strong bro, maybe we'll see you soon, on that Hijacked Star-Ship. I freaking well hope so! :)
One Love...
Sword said...
Well, yes, there are holes, adn it does seem like I finished halfway through.
I'm telling a story with half a brain - half awake.
Spider---> Sword, what do you mean by half a brain - half awake? I have a feeling I missed something from a previous blog or does this have something to do with the longevity gene and your comments about the physical body developing faster than the mental? Sorry, I'm a bit confused.
Sword, never mind. I found my answer.
I went back and re-read your comments on the Katrina blog from the TEM site and found exactly what I was looking for. You revealed much about yourself on that blog...of course, without part 3 it didn't make much sense. Now I know what you mean about the best way to hide the truth...put it in plain site.
I sometimes feel like an alien creature
for which there is no earthly explanation
Sure I have human form
walking erect and opposing digits,
but my mind is upside down.
I feel like a run-on sentence
in a punctuation crazy world.
and I see the world around me
like a mad collective dream.
An endless stream of people
move like ants from the freeway
cell phones, pc's, and digital displays
"In Money We Trust,"
we'll find happiness
the prevailing attitude;
like a genetically modified irradiated Big Mac
is somehow symbolic of food.
Morality is legislated
prisons over-populated
religion is incorporated
the profit-motive has permeated all activity
we pay our government to let us park on the street
And war is the biggest money-maker of all
we all know missile envy only comes from being small.
Politicians and prostitutes
are comfortable together
I wonder if they talk about the strange change in the weather.
This government was founded by, of, and for the people
but everybody feels it
like a giant open sore
they don't represent us anymore
And blaming the President for the country's woes
is like yelling at a puppet
for the way it sings
Who's the man behind the curtain pulling the strings?
A billion people sitting watching their TV
in the room that they call living
but as for me
I see living as loving
and since there is no loving room
I sit on the grass under a tree
dreaming of the way things used to be
Pre-Industrial Revolution
which of course is before the rivers and oceans, and skies were polluted
before Parkinson's, and mad cows
and all the convoluted cacophony of bad ideas
like skyscrapers, and tree paper, and earth rapers
like Monsanto and Dupont had their way
as they continue to today.
This was Pre-us
back when the buffalo roamed
and the Indian's home
was the forest, and God was nature
and heaven was here and now
Can you imagine clean water, food, and air
living in community with animals and people who care?
Do you dare to feel responsible for every dollar you lay down
are you going to make the rich man richer
or are you going to stand your ground
You say you want a revolution
a communal evolution
to be a part of the solution
maybe I'll be seeing you around.
spider818 said;
I went back and re-read your comments on the Katrina blog from the TEM site and found exactly what I was looking for. You revealed much about yourself on that blog...of course, without part 3 it didn't make much sense. Now I know what you mean about the best way to hide the truth...put it in plain site.
1/01/2006 01:57:36 PM
Could you post that spider? I believe I am missing something here. Makes me nuts when that happens. Thanks.
Spider---> Hello, Wayne. Boy, this place is dead today. Guess everyone is resting up from the festivities last evening.
Anyway, I started re-reading a lot of the past blogs. There are pages and pages of “hints” that Sword has been leaving and he has always told us that, so I decided to go back and re-read. The post that really made my eyes bulge (as Bryan would say) was a dialogue between Sword and Robert and it is from the Wilma blog. (I stated Katrina earlier, but did find more specifics on the Wilma blog.)
Sword talks about his “awakening” and who was responsible, but he also gave further detail about himself that didn’t make much sense at the time, at least not to me. After reading part 3 and then going back to reread the other blogs, his comments took on a whole new meaning. The original post was quite long, but I didn’t want to receive the dreaded FSHOD, so I’ve snipped and only left a few of the comments. I left the date and time of the post in case you want to go and read it in its entirety on the TEM site.
Sword, you are a man of many surprises! :)
Robert Says:
One should wonder about HOW you are awakening, and secondly; realizing you WERE asleep...WHO knocked you out? The SAME TOPS who are 'awakening' you?
Sword says:
My religion knocked me out. It is a matter of course for this mortal vessel. That is – my mortal vessel. My religion is as old as humanity itself – and for this reason I do not go against my FAITHS ancient ways. I do not blame my faith for “knocking me out” – I asked for it – being BORN a child of the dammed – a MAN born unto the sin of rape (!oh, mother!)… …It is for this reason that I walk my faith’s path – undaunted. Footprints in the mortars beside me, and behind me – and before me – for them who came before me I follow. It is a spiritual path – which I must follow.
Robert Says:
Believe me I understand your situation.
Sword says:
This, in THIS Robert – I seriously doubt. My life is a tale yet written… …
Robert Says:
Gee Sword you think these fellers at the TOP REALLY have a conscious for the rest of us? C' were PUT to sleep...then THEY 'partially' awakened admit you are still going through that process...
Sword says:
Indeed. Yet – I awake. And NO ONE can deny me the path of light.
Robert Says:
Pain? All the time.
You have no understanding of pain. My body maintains MANY scars of truths that I have fought for – in my daily life I feel pain – pain that is UN-knowing to you. I fought – and LIVED. Yet – my body beares remarks better left unsaid – for I carry no violin to play my sorrows – there is to much work at hand to lament on old injuries,
Faith, Hope, and Charity be with you BROTHER.
25/10/05 12:40 AM
Interesing re-post spider and as I was trying to get at Sword himself is being deceived and is unwilling to realize that deception. That is a 'blind-spot' in his perception that endagers himself and his mission.
Hence I STILL call for the Hijacking of the Starship from Area 51/Dreamland.
Today secrets are leaking from all over the secret keepers about spying on Americans on top of the CIA outing and the way the Administration is OPENLY admitting mistakes being made in Iraq and other endeavors like Katrina. And we TRUST these 'TOPS' to train their 'Swords' to do the right thing when the shat hits the fan in 2012? NOT!!!
Hi, Robert! Good to see you back and doing so well. I think I arrived on the scene about the time you went into the hospital. Your whereabouts were a great mystery for awhile. You'll see that as you read through some of the old posts. :)
That old post was very interesting and as I said, I snipped a lot of other dialogue out (I was trying to understand the "awakening" that Sword always refers to). I think the original post was about 6 pages long.
I originally didn't understand you stance on hijacking the starship, but I have read much more since then. I'm beginning to see where you are coming the time the deception is apparent, it will be too late.
Anyway, again, glad to see you back and doing so well. You were in my thoughts and prayers...still are!
Sword, thanx for thoughts and yes one should always remember the mortality of us...only NOT just on birthdays. I've said many many many times...I live heartbeat to heartbeat. I do NOT presume to even finish this post...THAT is my REALITY I live by beat by beat. Try it.
Spider, also thanx for thoughts. Do not discount the shock and major change that can take place by the successful Hijacking of the Starship. We only need ONE (1) Starbuck/Spock to get it done, and IT CAN BE DONE!!! Getting someone to gather the cahjones or ovaries to do it is another thing. There are many people oming forward now talking secrets to the press that is ticking off the 'TOPS' right now and Congress is calling for Investigations and maybe even another special prosecutor may be called in. SECRETS CAN BE OUTED!
It only takes someone who holds the BRUTAL TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE to do it. That brutal truth is that death is only a heartbeat away at ALL times...and what will YOU say to the FACE of the Universe?
Welcome Back. Wishing you and your wife a great recovery this 2006.
Interesting posts, Sword I hope you continue with a Part lV?
I heard from my ex-motherinlaw, a long time ago when I was young and not too attentive to details, about when she was young, from a family with some royalty in Czech. and was placed in a German Prison Camp (WW2), and how she and her husband were smuggled into Canada. She told me she saw (I can't remember where she was/building)an old bible? that told the story of Mary, it matches what Sword has said in Part 3. Looking forward to the responses from Sword to questions posed re: Part 3 above. I hope Sword addresses them all.
Hope all of you had a Happy New Year's Eve. My prayer for 2006 is for Truth, Disclosure, and to all of us health, joy, and a true awakening. Cheers
Wayne Madsen - 2006 Wish List
Wayne Madsen
In 2006, Tom DeLay will pay. And so will Bob Ney, and Mark Lay, and Ken Lay. Maybe by May, some people say. And when they pay, let it be so. The same for Tom Noe and Texan Ted Poe. And Wally O'Dell and a Miller named Zell and Jodi Rell as well. Oh hell man, along with Ken Mehlman, it wouldn't be daft to jail Bob Taft Let's hope none of them get off including Jack Abramoff and Michael Chertoff.
May they have a terrible New Year And may we all turn giddy, at the conviction of Scooter Libby. And wouldn't it be zany to arrest Dick Cheney? And without bail may he be held, that would be Don Rumsfeld.
Adding to the GOP's depressions, would be scandals for Jeff and Pete Sessions. And it would not be a no no, to investigate Mary Bono. At the end of the day, they may say, "Who knew" they'd get John Sununu?
While the fundies are eating their grits, may they read about the sacking of Paul Wolfowitz. And a bastard named Hastert and the right-wing dodo, Sam Alito.
FDR used to grind away at "Martin, Barton, and Fish," the GOP scoundrels of their day. Today you'd be no meanie to attack "Foxx, Franks, and Feeney."
As for Bill O'Reilly, the lush, may his ratings tumble, ditto for Rush. And may the sun finally set on a nit named Mitt and a suit named Newt.
And how does this rub ya? The impeachment of Dubya. May his fortunes ebb along with those of Jeb. May the House of Bush collapse in debris al fresco thus joining the House of Ceausescu.
And God willing, with the trial of Jeffrey Skilling, the Bush slush fund will be exposed and swallow up Karl Rove. Right into the crap hole, along with Mike Crapo.
And may 06 be dismal for the neocon stooges, the abysmal Ahmad Chalabi, Reza Pahlavi, and George Pataki. Let them all decline, along with Mike DeWine. And there would be no affront in kicking out Roy and Matt Blunt.
In the Year of the Dog may Condi Rice be afflicted with the GOP's political lice -- the whole batch -- from Orrin Hatch to John Bolton's mustache. Even Ted Stevens. Did I mention John Ensign?
And for the sanatorium, how about Rick Santorum? And would it not be stunning to commit Jim Bunning? After a while, maybe Jon Kyl.
After a movie called Brokeback let it be curtains for a hate merchant called Brownback, and John Cornyn and B-1 Bob Dornan. And the GOP won't be merry when they finally find out about Rick Perry and not so holy over Mark Foley. The fundie criers will groan louder about David Dreier and become quite abashed about Victor Ashe.
Let California finally forsake its mistake, the Nazi prevaricator Arnold Schwarzenegger. Wouldn't it be superb, if the GOP had to bring back Mike Curb? And Maryland will grow sick of Bob Ehrlich and there will be no safe harbor for Mississippi's Haley Barbour.
In November, if we could, let's dump Virgil Goode and Ray LaHood, Rick Renzi and in two years, Mike Enzi. It would not be a mistake to toss out Jeff Flake and Errnie Istook who just might be a crook.
This time next year, let us welcome to town a brand new sound. One that is so liberal the neocons will spit meaningless drivel and quickly shrivel.
Happy 06.
Just as we are making our entry into 2006, the Sun and Moon will be together close to the center of the galaxy. The Sun crosses the galactic equator closest to the center of the galaxy at the time of the winter solstice (Dec 21). The moon, in its monthly orbit around the earth catches up with the sun on December 30 at 7:12 pm PST.
What makes this event unusual and interesting is that at the same moment Saturn, Neptune, Mars and Jupiter will be spread out around the sky at 90 degree intervals forming a cross or a grand square. All at once we have the sun and moon together at the natural cross-roads formed by the ecliptic and the galactic equator together with this big square or cross being formed by the planets.
This moment is one that brings to all of us the opportunity to reflect. More than most years, this new year is especially potent for examining the effects of our actions and priorities. This is not a time for worry or pointing the finger of blame, but a wonderful opportunity to see ourselves and our circumstances more clearly. Clarity brings the opportunity for new and better choices.
May we all sieze the opportunity to see more clearly and make choices that fully support the blessings of our lives and the thriving of all those with whom we share relationships. Blessings for your journey into this new year.
Sword, a few comments on the latest blog (which I think is great)
The wise men....
If they knew the signs of the newborn and how to follow an object in space that indicated the location of the birth, what did they read/know about the event? Was there another "religion" that talked/warned about such an event? Where is this documentation today? It must be a well know event since three separate kings knew of why didn't Herod?
On Mary, why was she selected?
There are substantial passages dealing with the birth of Jesus in the Qur'an. The Qur'an says clearly that Muhammad had not been present at the birth of Jesus and had no direct knowledge of what happened to Mary, but it does give a vivid description of the circumstances of the birth of Jesus, which helps us to understand the important issues raised by that birth.
According to the Qur'an4,
-Mary (Mariam) was a young girl from a good respectable family. She was a virgin and had not been touched by a man.
-One day Mary saw a vision of a well-built man. The man told her that he was sent by God to give her a boy who will be an example and a mercy for Mankind.
-Shortly after that Mary discovers that she is pregnant5. So, she leaves her home to hide from the people in the wilderness.
-As the birth pains begin, she leans onto a palm tree, saying, "I wish I were dead and forgotten". But at that moment she hears in her mind her child saying to her, "Do not despair. There is a stream of running water beneath your feet, and shake the palm tree and fresh dates will fall down".
Having given birth to her child, and having mothered him to a state when he is strong enough, Mary comes back to the people.
Seeing her with the child people say, "Come on, Mary, what is that great thing that you've got there? Your father was a decent man, and your mother was not a whore!".
Mary does not answer, but the child speaks out, "I am a servant of God, who has given me the gift of prophesy".
The prophets Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad saw their mission as telling the people the truth and leading them towards free, honest, healthy and productive life. They did not claim to be gods, gods' relatives, or superhuman supernatural beings. Nor did they seek cheap popularity by exploiting the weaknesses of the human nature like modern politicians and idolized "celebrities".
On last thing:
When (and if) we migrate to when Jesus was growing up, you may want to check out this book..WOW
The Lost Years of Jesus: Documentary Evidence of Jesus' 17-Year Journey to the East
off topic right now...but if this topic evolves Im sure this will make sense in the future.
I see said the blind man. :) Thanks.
sword said;
This isn't the first refferacne to long life... ...longevity gene - super gene... ...
How many years did Noah live?
1/01/2006 11:22:16 PM
I think it was between 600 and 800 +/- years. Depending on your reference source.
Sword, Abaddon is Gods measured ruler.
He is the perfect Foundation stone.
I owe much grattitude to the ones to who continue to believe that God measures us perfectly.
Each of us as earthenware vessels are of the earth, therefore a PIECE of Masonary to be sculpted before the LIVING God.
Masonary takes the bible, and by the AGAPE proportions of Love, measures a man to Gods way of thinking.
Each of us therefore unwittingly could be classified a MASON, each of us crafting our own temples (our own internal being and vessel), before the God that crafted us.
Each of us, taking Gods measurements, of Love, peace, Joy etc, and placing these upon our mental mantels.
The square and the compass being the 'reed like rods' that give the ultimate answer, PHI.
that Exactness and Chaos are at ease in the measurements of The God, Love.
That each representing love, would be high, valence, attract and promote that same quality.
The Masonic faith is in each of Gods created 'intelligent' beings.
But therein lies the key, inspiration and intelligence, from which source?
Intelligence... who is, how can you tell?
The masonic faith, is letting a man be measured, by those who have gone before him, the foundation stone was laid, in the form of Jesus.
But he wasn't coming back as Jesus.
You all knew that, the hellcat that Jesus was and represented, represents the love of Jehovah.
A love so strong that it would be hell to have pissed it off.
A fellowship of mankind.
It goes deeper.
But to summarise, given that we are told The God of Agape love, sculpted and caused the universe to become, with love and crafting, we are all sculpters.
This heaven has been sculpted, this blog space, the F-Shod, everything is a crafted shared mental heaven of fellowship.
A Science led by the Agape love.
No selfish interests, but a sharing with mankind and feeding of the mental peace, the one love.
Masonary, certainly has many many angles. I know a good few of you are following along and know what I'm talking about.
Time has come, thrust in ya scythes... the times is a ready to reap...
for all those that know.
Abaddon - One love, 333
PS, to any 'Christians' that thought you were scared of Satan, he's a p*ssy!
A-Bad-Don hi hi hi
Oh, and Revelation 5:5
The Lion, The 'root' of the tribe of Judah.
Ho ho ho Sword.
I got that whilst I was windsurfing yesterday.
Cannabis, laid the foundation stone of Love, for those that SMOKED it.
of course you can eat it, but it's quality was not 'best' in eating but in smoking, which requires 'intelligence'.
Very cleverly hidden sword.
Root of the Tribe of Judah.
Plant root... sheesh, I get it, Solomon the whole connection...
The priestly class.
The ones Jehovah never had a problem with.
OK, its windy again...
Just dropping in, to get some information to Sword before riding some more windy waves...
cos he's a nit, Nightstar.
Knights who now say, nit!
ok, haven't gone yet...
Nightstar said" "If JC was not of God, why do we still discuss him 2000 years later on this blog?
Wasn't it Hitler that said the more you tell the big lie the more people will believe it?
Also, for quite a long period of time, the religious authorities were also the civil authorities and when that did not obtain, the religious still had powerful sqay with the civil. If it's a choice of burning at the stake of talking about Jaaaaysus for 2000 years, folk will keep talking!
Your premise in no wise equates to the concept of Jesus being of God as the truth. You simply must do better than that.
sway...not sqay
Sword said in his part 3 blog:
"Before they came together, Mary was already pregnant with a child before he and Joseph ever had intercourse. Mary was lying, saying that she had never had sex, or even raped – which intercourse before marriage and of the time – was punishable by death. She could have stated the truth and saved her soul, but she sinned, lied – pleaded that it was the almighty god that came to her and gave her the child. When perhaps she prayed for an answer to the problem God said, tell them it was me. Instead she lied to save the soul of her unborn child. This must have weighed very heavily on Jesus."
Sword, even if this dark alternative to the story were true, Jesus was still God Incarnate on Earth and had the power to forgive Mary of these sins and much more (including YOURS, by the way). Mary certainly did not have the power to save or condemn the "soul" of God Incarnate either by truth OR lies.
In Matthew 28, before his last ascension, Jesus states that ALL power in Heaven and Earth is vested in him. The mixing of bloodlines is irrelevant, as they had been mixed long before and whatever damage that could have been done in that area was already done. The jews and such are pre-occupied with their "bloodlines" but to God they are meaningless.
If you keep using a cosmic creation story for human power, by quoting a so-called God's words, you are making the most erroneous mistake of judgment ever made by humans. You are unequipped to make the slightest judgment.
You have comdemned a little jewish girl and you simply do not have any such power or authority over anyone, to do so. Never did.
Monkey Wrench
OOOooook Said da monkey...
seeing everyone forgetting about the Lie of a non-electrical universe...
How sad dat Zero-Point energy exists... proving u unequiped to ooook on about a nation killing a righteous man!!!
Look! Your house is abandoned to you, till you say blessed is he who comes in Jehovahs name...
That's why the monkey was the snake!
Sorry to see you going away, even if only for awhile, especially since I just got back myself. I'm very tired at the moment and should be taking my required nap after having ingested my protein diet and medicine but had to communicate before you leave so I am pushing myself here.
1.Are you FULLY awake yet?
2. Why has 'TOPS' stopped meeting with you?
3. You mentioned planting warheads on the debris when coming from behind the sun as you've been slungshot around and 'beam' the results into the sun. This goes to my point that you'll loose a portion of your forces from debris collision before even planting warheads. Besides nucs in space do little damage on the surface. Armegeddon was NEED to dig and plant these things INSIDE the big chunks to break them up.
4. I hope the best for you and your brave crew but I still maintain that your and ALL of planet Earth's survivability rests solely on someone like you getting the cajhones to Hijack that Starship...frack fly it to Mooers NY and hand it over to me if you don't want to deal with the politics of it. It IS the only way survivability has a chance.
5. Please come back soon and may you faith sustain you...remember though that ANY particular heartbeat my be your last and then you WILL meet the Maker of the Universe FACE to FACE. Will you look in his eyes with honesty that your life was lived and acted on with same, or hang your head while your ears fill with the scream of demons of deeds done you knew were wrong? There's no place to hide in infinity.
Best of luck my friend n brother, please come back soon.
...meaning Sword;
"or do you put that more into the divine, inspired path ways?
meaning, I have had a hand in a few odd places, where I least expected a turn or a nudge...
Are there those that know and inspired or otherwise, pushing leading the pace spirit or genetics...
In other words, yes there is a Divine line, but and this is the but, do some other physical men or women, know who is and was of the divine line?
Yes, I make so much of so little, cos I have to grokk and squeeze every drop of understanding from you 'input', as it is pretty bones and skin flesh, not much meat!
Still, I've come more than 100% of the way with your help and assistance, in fact your lack of answers assisted me more, the silence tells all ;)
I guess you know then, that it's is of spiritual inspiration, I know the things I do...
Like one of the tests of the Mason, is to guess what is inside a box. But it's not a guess, it's to see, if the person's training is of the standard, measured by a Person of love.
Only Love would be in the box, and a few esoteric clues, but the answer is already inside of us.
What is inside the box, should already be in our hearts and minds.
The One love...
Sword said in his part 3 blog:
"Before they came together, Mary was already pregnant with a child before he and Joseph ever had intercourse. ..."
Before *he* and Joseph ever had intercourse ??? Are you talkin' 'bout Adam and Steve? LOL
Sword, you need an editor.
But, I would also like to see a part IV.
I have a quetion.
If we go to a different mode of web presence, outside of Blogger/Blogspot/gooooogle, do we have to get new blogosphere names?
I still want to be Gort.
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