In Memoriam Of

We busy ourselves here with seeking after knowledge and Truth in relation to scientific endeavor and exploration. We study and expound on the works of the great names associated in these fields, we ponder about their lives and their motivations and, for some, we elevate them in our thinking to a status far above that of every-day humans, oft-times to the level of worship. How often, though, do the people who worked behind the scenes go unmentioned, their work gone unremarked upon...yet who knows that their labors chisled the bedrock which became the foundation of great theories and learning.
As I read the names of those souls lost, I see none I recognize. I know not what function they served or if their contributions will ever gain honorable mention in the annals of science. But I do imagine that they spent anxious hours at some task and that they took pride in what they did, knowing that it served to add to a grand body of knowledge with an even grander and noble purpose.
May they be remembered with honor and with love and with our thanks.
I'd have to agree with you SunKing, there are many who go unknown...well said!
tnx, Zebo.
Indeed, well said sunking.
Catch me up a bit.. I have never heard of Goldstone or what they are about.. At least a bit of legacy on the point will be in order.
Point made, eric. Perhaps Bohemia can 'illuminate' us on this subject. I gather they are part of JPL and being a Deep Space Comms place, no doubt keep track of satellites and such. I think Bohemia mentioned that they were coordinating with Jaxa on the Hayabasa mission.
I'm compelled to reprint the whole article by Madsen.. it tolls for you....
Internet Censorship: The Warning Signs Were Not Hidden
The warning signs for the crackdown on the web have been with us for over a decade. The Clipper chip controversy of the 90s, John Poindexter’s Total Information Awareness (TIA) system pushed in the aftermath of 9-11, backroom deals between the Federal government and the Internet service industry, and the Patriot Act have ushered in a new era of Internet censorship, something just half a decade ago computer programmers averred was impossible given the nature of the web. They were wrong, dead wrong.
Take for example of what recently occurred when two journalists were taking on the phone about a story that appeared on Google News. The story was about a Christian fundamentalist move in Congress to use U.S. military force in Sudan to end genocide in Darfur. The story appeared on the English Google News site in Qatar. But the very same Google News site when accessed simultaneously in Washington, DC failed to show the article. This censorship is accomplished by geolocation filtering: the restriction or modifying of web content based on the geographical region of the user. In addition to countries, such filtering can now be implemented for states, cities, and even individual IP addresses.
With reports in the Swedish newspaper Svensa Dagbladet today that the United States has transmitted a Homeland Security Department "no fly" list of 80,000 suspected terrorists to airport authorities around the world, it is not unreasonable that a "no [or restricted] surfing/emailing" list has been transmitted to Internet Service Providers around the world. The systematic disruptions of web sites and email strongly suggests that such a list exists.
News reports on CIA prisoner flights and secret prisons are disappearing from Google and other search engines like Alltheweb as fast as they appear. Here now, gone tomorrow is the name of the game.
Google is systematically failing to list and link to articles that contain explosive information about the Bush administration, the war in Iraq, Al Qaeda, and U.S. political scandals. But Google is not alone in working closely to stifle Internet discourse. America On Line, Microsoft, Yahoo and others are slowly turning the Internet into an information superhighway dominated by barricades, toll booths, off-ramps that lead to dead ends, choke points, and security checks.
America On Line is the most egregious is stifling Internet freedom. A former AOL employee noted how AOL and other Internet Service Providers cooperate with the Bush administration in censoring email. The Patriot Act gave federal agencies the power to review information to the packet level and AOL was directed by agencies like the FBI to do more than sniff the subject line. The AOL term of service (TOS) has gradually been expanded to grant AOL virtually universal power regarding information. Many AOL users are likely unaware of the elastic clause, which says they will be bound by the current TOS and any TOS revisions which AOL may elect at any time in the future. Essentially, AOL users once agreed to allow the censorship and non-delivery of their email.
Microsoft has similar requirements for Hotmail as do Yahoo and Google for their respective e-mail services.
There are also many cases of Google’s search engine failing to list and link to certain information. According to a number of web site administrators who carry anti-Bush political content, this situation has become more pronounced in the last month. In addition, many web site administrators are reporting a dramatic drop-off in hits to their sites, according to their web statistic analyzers. Adding to their woes is the frequency at which spam viruses are being spoofed as coming from their web site addresses.
Government disruption of the political side of the web can easily be hidden amid hyped mainstream news media reports of the latest "boutique" viruses and worms, reports that have more to do with the sales of anti-virus software and services than actual long-term disruption of banks, utilities, or airlines.
Internet Censorship in the US: No Longer a Prediction
Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Cisco Systems have honed their skills at Internet censorship for years in places like China, Jordan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, and other countries. They have learned well. They will be the last to admit they have imported their censorship skills into the United States at the behest of the Bush regime. Last year, the Bush-Cheney campaign blocked international access to its web site -- -- for unspecified "security reasons."
Only those in the Federal bureaucracy and the companies involved are in a position to know what deals have been made and how extensive Internet censorship has become. They owe full disclosure to their customers and their fellow citizens.
Cool, lucky number 7. (I hope)
hmmmm...I see what ya mean, eric.
And do you think we're a likely target?
U will tell you we get nowhere NEAR the "million' hits that RCH boasted about...not surprised at that, but not that many...250-300 a day.
I'm outta here....finally get to leave the office...I'm heading home! I will check in over the weekend...if I can stand to look at another computer, after THIS week!
Peace, y'all.
SunKing ... many thanks for the thoughful and touching new blog topic. Thanks for mentioning the contributions of the "little people" behind the scenes.
For every technological breakthrough or discovery, hundreds to thousands of individuals unite and focus on the success of seemingly impossible projects. Only mentioned are the top principal investigators, scientists, and project managers. Unmentioned are the behind-the-scenes people: the computer operators, satellite trackers, communications engineers, and numerous others. Like the grounds-crew that maintain the football and baseball fields, the janitors who clean offices at night, their roles, and the roles of many are often unnoticed. Only when things malfunction (an unkempt field, dirty office, or failed mission), is when the roles of the hidden people become recognized.
To answer "ericswan":
ericswan said...
Catch me up a bit.. I have never heard of Goldstone or what they are about.. At least a bit of legacy on the point will be in order.
12/09/2005 07:36:08 PM
Information about the Goldstone facility can be found here:
Goldstone Virtual Tour
The Goldstone facility played an important role in assisting JAXA in tracking Hayabusa as evidenced in this article. Other information be found via a Google search on the terms: Goldstone Hayabusa.
If there are any other questions, I would be happy to try to answer them.
SunKing, we are waiting permission to release more information on the 3 deceased. Will post if that information becomes available.
Again, many thanks and highest and sincerest compliments!
371 Bohemia
Nice, how thoughtful, Sunking. Thank you.
Re art bell, george noory, rch, etc etc.
Someone said it well, that we have no idea of the pressures they may be under.
They all seemed to be for truth and justice at first. I'm not surprised if that they seem to compromise, dumbing it down. Knowing their original attitudes suggests to me that their shift is not of their own choosing. They have to cooperate or be shut down, replaced. Bless their hearts for hanging in there doing whatever they can.
I'm not totally sure of the stories accuracy but it seems to fit the profile.
It's just a goddamned piece of paper
I'm starting to feel like this guy won't want to leave come January of '08.
Great post SunKing.
There seems to be so much disinfo out there that it seems near impossible to sort the facts from fiction. We have to question everything, everyone - which could leave us spinning around in circles for years to come. The dots can only be connected once the facts are known. And yet, it is impossible for me with my limited knowledge to disprove, prove this stuff. I have to rely somewhat on my gut feelings, but that doesn’t seem to help too much because there are so many plausible ideas, theories out there. Sometimes I wonder if it’s so in our face we are missing it completely and/or not understanding exactly what we are seeing. (can’t see the forest for the trees) I look forward to reading your blogs; many of you have contributed a heck of lot in de-confusing some of this stuff. I hope you continue to post to maintain this site. Perhaps the energy created here is helping more than we all know. Wishing you all health and safety in these troubling times.
The “Truth” is out there === somewhere
bubba hyde said;
I'm starting to feel like this guy won't want to leave come January of '08.
12/09/2005 09:27:59 PM
Ah bubba, don't go there. That's even scarier than the Scientology Scary shit link that went around.
tacodog said;
"Sometimes I wonder if it’s so in our face we are missing it completely and/or not understanding exactly what we are seeing. "
A lot of stuff is hidden in plain sight. We've been through that a few times. You are part of the club now. :)
Beautiful blue sky here on my part of the rock. It was wonderful to see the sky cloud and trail free. The stars were very bright on a mostly clear night. And the temperature has hovered at 32* for at least 3 hours tonight. Very weird weather, very weird. It is getting hard to remember what is normal, if such a thing exists. Staying tuned.
ms t,
Your experience was really interesting, especially the way you each went to a different place on the opposite ends of fear. I have been dreaming a lot lately. Almost every night, and usually I can not remember once I wake up. The first thing my mind does is take off on whatever project I am currently working on. I do want to recall the dreams, and if I try to recall after I am awake, I usually draw a blank. "What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been" GD, seems to work for me right now.
Sunking, good post. Bohemia thanks for your links to the stories regarding the crash.
Very sad situation. I used to live in the high desert and drove between Victorville and
Lancaster frequently. The hotshot, high risk passing manuevers on those desert roads are
ridiculous. Two cars pulling out at the same time to pass occurs pretty often and is
another danger of passing. Did the truck driver not see anything, or did he just decide
not to stop I wonder. Crosses and flowers dot the landscape on 395 and other desert roads
because people didn't drive safely. Very sad situation.
Toad said...
Hello crew... ...It was Tuesday morning when I looked up in the sky and saw a clould shaped like what I believe to be Osiris sitting on his throne and facing the west. This cloud was kind of darkish grey and elongated which stood out since other clouds were a dimly light blue
A few possibilities, perhaps it was a cloud formed by an entity to communicate something, like cropcircles might be.
(Although I've wondered if the complex ones are now being done by satellites) I think if it really looked like
a different cloud type AND color in comparison to the clouds in the sky, then you do have a mystery. Do you remember what you were thinking about when you first saw it? Perhaps thats somehow important. Anyhow if u can rule
out that it was just an average cloud and your mind connected the dots (and if u can rule out jas's fine, tropically carressed ganja, or other mind alterers) then u do have a mystery. Good luck.
Bubba the story of George Hanson, if true as it is presented is a dark one. The hope from
me is that we're coming to the end of the reign of corruption and the beginning of enlightenment.
That I hadn't read or heard that story isn't encouraging either. News too busy reporting the new
x-box sales i suppose.
It's not gonna happen fast enough, but I think some symbolic things are going to happen soon,
hopefully they will move us forward. The level of difficulty of the next few decades is what I don't know.
I expect the old guard to be changed out for one that is more enlightened. How messy that transference
will be is an open question.
Crypto your take on the eggs is interesting. It would be good to see the why. Since they're not offering
that, and since they are Princeton, we should be watching for the tone of their 'science' closely.
I think you're right to be skeptical of their intentions.
If it starts to look like a tool for the elites, we could hijack the eggs, they will be a great deal
easier to hijack than the starship.
That wasn't a troll, twas me. -Bryan
Hi guys/gals...
I've been wondering what might happen tomorrow, and I've got a very disturbing hypothesis. Yesterday, I heard that they stopped an Egyptian man at an airport, because his shoes tested positive for explosive residue. They let him go, to my surprise. Later, I heard that there was an APB out for him (no surprise there). I heard today that they caught him, but let him go AGAIN, because this time, his shoes tested negative for explosive residue (which he could easiliy have washed off). This is making me wonder if there MIGHT, I stress MIGHT, be a terrorist attack tomorrow. Just to reiterate, I'm NOT saying there WILL be one, but the POSSIBILITY exists...
33 minutes to go...
Wow, lotta gongs going on (3 in under 5 seconds, and earlier, 4 in under 10 seconds)...
Does anyone find it odd that SOHO's still got that CCD bakeout?
It's mainly because I just think of stuff that's important.
20 minutes left...
I wonder if we'll notice anything as soon as it turns 12am...
2 minutes to go
1 minute
It's midnight, and I don't feel any different...
And again I get the 33rd comment
Wow, simply amazing what a defrag can do for speeding up my blog loads. ;)
Ms.T, I found you accounting of last nights even very profound and possibly prophetic. I am guessing that you have never experienced anything like this before?! What an incredible vision and how wonderful that you are able to share it with us. We need to spread its message everywhere we go.
How are the eggs, John?
laughing at this gem of an understatement
Sword said... (to John)
I find it odd the number of individual posts you make.... lol, still laughing at that,
then it's followed up with an onslaught!
John u keep getting the 33rd, I've been eyeing those juicy post numbers for
a long time and keep missing them. I failed miserably so far trying to get
333 a few times. ...From the looks of your posts John we'll be at 333 in
about 25 minutes. Just kiddin around w/ u.
I think the 10th might be a little more subtle than what u expected?
To Ms. T, I agree with krazyby4kids, thanx for sharing that mystical experience, sounds
amazing. I would like to be able to ramp up my own dreaming experiences.
So glad to see some feminine power here now. Excellent!
-Bryan (in case I mess up again with blogger display name!)
Might it be that this winter, the haarp players are going to
be plunging the arctic air deep into the belly of the U.S. ?
Understanding well that weather systems are continually becoming
more unpredictable and topsy turvy of late, how would we be able
to see it? Heating oil money to be made. Help us if arctic
storms are going to be assisted in plunging deep into the south.
Forecast for the winter (with or without manipulation)
looks to be extreme. I remember a couple of years back in
Minnesota 10 of the 12 months of the year were record breakers
in one way or another (most precipitation, highest avg. temp.)
-Bryan Sword what's your drink for the night?
remember beer liquor never sicker, liquor beer never fear
And ahhh lets see, the holiday spirit is not what you drink (I'll drink to that)
Dr. John:
I think Art Bell started to change when he ran into problems regarding his son. Shortly thereafter, his back started to affect him. Now, his mind is closed to a lot of things he used to be opened to listen too. GN, well, I had to get used to him - I think the show has been watered down intellectually. Also, Ed Dames has a bit of history with his first organization, I think he is truly a disinfo person. For the "accuracy" of remote viewing, he sure is "off" and provides us with a lot of excuses. I don't know why they keep having him on. As for RCH - GN seemed to get irritated with him at first, then all of a sudden he becomes his science tech - a lot of strange things going on there.
In agreeance with a lot of what you have posted.
Hope the kids feel better in the morning.
Sure has been quiet here tonight. Eerily so.
Sure has been quiet here tonight. Eerily so.
You think it's quiet here? Over on the Enterprise Mission forum we have just gone over ONE WHOLE day without anyone posting anything !!
(and that is a PAY forum !!)
What about someone selecting a Topic?
The Bible:
A.Use as Landfill
B.Toilet Paper
C.Fireplace fuel
I am usually just a lurker, but its been so quiet here, nothing to lurk over. I'm surprised nil postings at the TEM forum. Wow
word: ltjtdle = idle
John, the day's still young and who knows...if something was put in motion today, you may not see the results for awhile. Staying tuned here...continuing to watch.
Ms T, your vision was something else. Hope to hear more as you and your daughter compare more notes.
Krazyby4kids, the eggs are bonging and gonging, so I assume that SOMETHING other than the Spike TV Video Game Awards is going to happen...
You're right dr. John, I need to calm down. It's just that I've been waiting and waiting for months for Dec. 10 to find out if something DOES happen. I'm a little excited. Besides, I've just been throwing out hypothoses as to what could happen. The only big thing that I KNOW is going to happen is the Spike TV Video Game Awards. Oh, and as to that question, I don't remember it...
Spider18, you're right. Whatever happens might take several days to be noticed...
ms t,
THanks for checking all those pics. I wish I had more time to get some new ones, but projects are keeping me indoors. Which isn't such a bad thing this time of year. :)
sword said;
I expect the old guard to be changed out for one that is more enlightened. How messy that transference
will be is an open question.
An "anana" said thus...
And then Sword says - three sheets to the wind:
You don't know how close to the truth you are my brother.
12/09/2005 11:02:23 PM
The sooner the better. This has gone on long enough.
Sunspot 822 has come back around
If the egss go nuts about 24 hours before a big event, then maybe whatever's going to happen, happens this afternoon...
Something of interest: Most of the eggs aren't showing up on the site (last I saw, it was down to 4)
Something of interest. I'll be frying eggs with bacon this morning.
What about Kung Fu Fighting?
Dr.John: excellent response to my post about C2C! I also enjoyed immensely Crypt0's response as well. Both very interesting and informative. My comment about John was meant to be complementary and after thinking about what you said about making John looking liberal, I'd have to say that my painting with this brush should perhaps only apply to my immediate community. Where I live, the slightest mention of the paranormal to anyone who considers themselves conservative sets them off like bombs. Whereupon you are heaped with scorn and condemnation and a desire on their part to declare you a minion of Satan.Until I came on this blog, I had never met anyone who was conservative yet willing to treat the paranormal seriously and with an open mind. To meet such people here I find very encouraging and positive.
When did RCH have his heart problem in Miami? I'm wondering if this predates when I first heard of him or C2C.
To those that were lost: if their work was a contribution to Knowledge and Truth, let us all hope that it was not in vain.
Hoagland had his heart attack in March of 99. He has been on c2c since 94 at least. That is when I first heard him with Art Bell. The info he provides on those shows now, seems to be mostly fluff or rehashed titilation. In the days of old, RCH would speculate on, or report as fact, things he NEVER has discussed on his web site to this day. Thank God for audio tapes.
To Bohemia and all the crewe,
Thank you for the kind remarks about the blog topic. And you, Bohemia, fully understood and improved on the spirit of what I was saying about those who toil behind the scenes, whose dream is not in any way less fervent than the ones in the headlines.
I know I, for one, often feel the same feelings as you so elquently expressed. And it is for good reason you feel that is so easy for disinfo agents to work their 'magic'. Increasingly so these days, as history has shown us the perfidy that 'authority' (i.e. Government, Church, TPTB) has demonstrated in it's dealings with the 'peepul'. Look at the personalities and psychology of those that are 'given' power...most often not very desireable, when we get to the core of what makes these alleged human beings operate.
I oten joke about how I have now learned so much about so many things, that I am now thoroughly confusticated! :)
Has anything ever been said about Drydock in the forum?
WOW! Very odd that was. You been watching ads for the new King Kong movie? (The house shaking side to side.)
I hate to say this...but I thought Sitchins theory about Annunaki taking an evolved hominid and manipulatign DNA to create homo sapiens had a ring of truth to it, that it could be a definite possiblity and answer so many questions about our origins. But I ain't that smart....
The Pole Is moving;
Apologies for the dry url. My cheatsheet is at home.
John: Hottest news on Dec 10
Microsoft launches Xbox 360 console in Japan
Anonymous said...
Hoagland had his heart attack in March of 99. He has been on c2c since 94 at least. That is when I first heard him with Art Bell. The info he provides on those shows now, seems to be mostly fluff or rehashed titilation. In the days of old, RCH would speculate on, or report as fact, things he NEVER has discussed on his web site to this day. Thank God for audio tapes.
starshipconstellation said: Since I had not listened to RCH before 2002, I have no point of reference if he has changed or not. I did read a first edition of the Monuments of Mars in the last couple of years and found it quite compelling. I may try to interlibrary loan myself a more up to date edition if I can find a library that has it. Just what sort of things did RCH talk about then that's still not on his website?
All of those who've listened to Art Bell and C2C from the beginning are a great source of envy to me. I get the impression the difference between then and now is huge.
Shades of Danziger Bridge..
Eyewitness: "I Never Heard the Word 'Bomb'"
Posted by drew
At least one passenger aboard American Airlines Flight 924 maintains the federal air marshals were a little too quick on the draw when they shot and killed Rigoberto Alpizar as he frantically attempted to run off the airplane shortly before take-off.
"I don't think they needed to use deadly force with the guy," says John McAlhany, a 44-year-old construction worker from Sebastian, Fla. "He was getting off the plane." McAlhany also maintains that Alpizar never mentioned having a bomb.
"I never heard the word 'bomb' on the plane," McAlhany told TIME in a telephone interview. "I never heard the word bomb until the FBI asked me did you hear the word bomb. That is ridiculous." Even the authorities didn't come out and say bomb, McAlhany says. "They asked, 'Did you hear anything about the b-word?'" he says. "That's what they called it."
When the incident began McAlhany was in seat 24C, in the middle of the plane. "[Alpizar] was in the back," McAlhany says, "a few seats from the back bathroom. He sat down." Then, McAlhany says, "I heard an argument with his wife. He was saying 'I have to get off the plane.' She said, 'Calm down.'"
Alpizar took off running down the aisle, with his wife close behind him. "She was running behind him saying, 'He's sick. He's sick. He's ill. He's got a disorder," McAlhany recalls. "I don't know if she said bipolar disorder [as one witness has alleged]. She was trying to explain to the marshals that he was ill. He just wanted to get off the plane."
McAlhany described Alpizar as carrying a big backpack and wearing a fanny pack in front. He says it would have been impossible for Alpizar to lie flat on the floor of the plane, as marshals ordered him to do, with the fanny pack on. "You can't get on the ground with a fanny pack," he says. "You have to move it to the side."
By the time Alpizar made it to the front of the airplane, the crew had ordered the rest of the passengers to get down between the seats. "I didn't see him get shot," he says. "They kept telling me to get down. I heard about five shots."
McAlhany says he tried to see what was happening just in case he needed to take evasive action. "I wanted to make sure if anything was coming toward me and they were killing passengers I would have a chance to break somebody's neck," he says. "I was looking through the seats because I wanted to see what was coming.
"I was on the phone with my brother. Somebody came down the aisle and put a shotgun to the back of my head and said put your hands on the seat in front of you. I got my cell phone karate chopped out of my hand. Then I realized it was an official."
In the ensuing events, many of the passengers began crying in fear, he recalls. "They were pointing the guns directly at us instead of pointing them to the ground," he says "One little girl was crying. There was a lady crying all the way to the hotel."
McAlhany said he saw Alpizar before the flight and is absolutely stunned by what unfolded on the airplane. He says he saw Alpizar eating a sandwich in the boarding area before getting on the plane. He looked normal at that time, McAlhany says. He thinks the whole thing was a mistake: "I don't believe he should be dead right now."
The answers are there for us to find. They have to be. Either we haven't dug deep enough archeaologically or we are failing to objectively see all of the present facts.
I have a few reservations regarding the Annunaki.
1) Why would they create a labor force with a will, a conscience and the ability to adapt and create? It would make for one hard to control labor force. Things would seemingly be easier for them to control with a labor force of automatons.
2) Why create deity figures like Enki for us to believe in? Oppressors cartainly do not need to create a dogma or mythos to control a population of laborers. A gun is much more effective and it's simple.
3) Why didn't the Annunaki take us with them when they left? Surely they would need a labor force elsewhere or were we extremely easy to make, disposable if you will. If so, then it surely would bolster the argument for automatons and not homo sapiens.
4) Why haven't they come back? If they left due to a danger in space. Why not return and restart production when the danger had passed? Or maybe they never left at all. Their own creations killed them. If they established a mythos, maybe the concept of hope emerged and over time the labor force began hoping for more than just work. Given time that small hope could have gained momentum and became a movement and the movement became a rebellion.
Just a few questions. I'm not a Sitchin expert and my questions/reservations are based on a cursory knowledge of the subject. I might be all wet from the get go.
starship constellation said,
All of those who've listened to Art Bell and C2C from the beginning are a great source of envy to me. I get the impression the difference between then and now is huge.<
Oh yes. I started listening in '95 and those shows were riveting. I operated a cleaning company then and would hurry thru my jobs so I could sit and listen. Every night, even nights of just open lines, were incredible to hear.
buuba hyde,
About your post re: reservations, aren't you thinking a bit too contemporary? What if they Annunaki created and instilled into the Adama that they, the Annunaki, were gods to be worshipped. As we are today, wouldn't the Adama have believed that that what the way it was supposed to be? I am not criticizing, just throwing out another point to think about. Sitchen reports the Sumerians to worship (read:work for) the Annunaki as their sole purpose. At least initially in their history. Reading all of Sitchens books is a great read. He is just another point to ponder.
I did get a revelation at midnight Dec. 10, 2005 which will be of particular interest to you John and 14000.
I had finished unloading my "dry" trailer and was waiting outside for my driver to move the trailer so that I could seal it up. I always look to the skies when I am waiting for trucks to move in and out. Last night, I was looking up at the moon. This was a rare occasion for me as chemtrails have been so pervasive that I don't see as much of the nightsky as I used to. There was a "chinook" type wind moving the "clouds" around. I recognized them as chemtrails in their flimsy near earth longditudinal furrows. They were being pushed quite noticeably by the wind so I took the opportunity to explain to my driver what it was that was happening with "clouds" these days. While looking up I noticed a much darker cloud moving toward the moon and pointed them out to the driver. Much to my surprise, the darker clouds started to form up in furrows just like the white wispy ones that were up considerably higher but transparent. The black clouds obliterated any possible view of the moon.. All this in a matter of a couple of minutes. This is the depressing part. The black clouds were coming from a smoke stack less that 2 km. away. The "chinook" wind was disassociating (spreading) the industrial cloud very quickly. Who or what was forming the longditudal furrows at "ground level"?
Just in case you don't get it; The EMP shaping chemtrails is right down to the ground shaping me.
Hello everyone!
Heard from Jas via email earlier and it's windy there today and he has gone surfing again. He says he'll be blogging later today.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
SSL4000G said...
buuba hyde,
About your post re: reservations, aren't you thinking a bit too contemporary? What if they Annunaki created and instilled into the Adama that they, the Annunaki, were gods to be worshipped. As we are today, wouldn't the Adama have believed that that what the way it was supposed to be? I am not criticizing, just throwing out another point to think about. Sitchen reports the Sumerians to worship (read:work for) the Annunaki as their sole purpose. At least initially in their history. Reading all of Sitchens books is a great read. He is just another point to ponder.
12/10/2005 02:23:39 PM
Interesting point but no I don't believe I'm thinking too contemporary. What you suggest is indeed plausible. My question is why bother? If all humanity at that time was nothing more than a labor force, there are more efficient ways of dealing with them. Now on the other hand, if the Annunaki believed themselves to be gods and creators worthy of worship and enrichment by those below them what you suggest would seem the more likely.
crew, today, I've thought about today for some time now, as you can all imagine, mi likkel reputation, and all good things, lay on a start and finish to mark an event...
Well today marks the end of the 'event' Five months of torment, however, the start of what happens next starts today...
33 years ago, a jet crashed at that same airport in Chicago.
Today another just crashes in Nigeria killing Nigeria jet crash leaves 103 dead . If that 'coincidence and the spate of things to come, not including this little line up of coincidences;
3.3 2005/12/10 06:34:21 51.264 178.123 1.0 RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIANIS., ALASKA
3.3 2005/12/10 12:05:57 53.104 -166.924 35.0 FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIANIS., ALASKA
3.3 2005/12/10 17:47:43 51.384 -177.077 35.0 ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA
Also Staytuned(italics)com or spaceweather... has an interesting ting;
For all the past 4 months, they have not reported a single Near Earth Object, despite increasing the count from 710 to 743 (33 more) a couple of weeks back.
Now this;
On 10 Dec 2005 there were 748 known Potentially
Hazardous Asteroids
December 2005 Earth-asteroid encounters
2005 XA8 Dec. 5-------0.6 LD--------15---~35 m
2005 XX Dec. 9-------2.2 LD--------18---~20 m
2005 WC1 Dec. 14------7.9 LD--------15---~370 m
THREE (3) New Near earth objects reported today.
Now nothing, zilch, nada for four months and suddenly the above...
Catching up with you all...
hope y'all still got all ya 10 fingers and toes...
Nice new entry SunKing, u always manage to throw me off with how ya mind works... good ting...
4.53 here... and windy...
Crypt0, I hear ya, and mucho appreciato da toast :D having one now myself...
Spider, dats true, the culmination of the last 5 months of 'weather', will be felt in finance, energy, housing etc... will be a growing 'concern' on an already fearing and terrified nation...
staying very tuned... and catching up...
PS it's breezy today, was perfect y'day; Bryansail, had out mi 5.9 and 86 liter wave board, was real hectic in da bigger gusts...
Dr. John, I noticed a similar change in RCH but I had always attributed it to someone staring at their own fate. Not sure how that would change me. Add that to the changes with C2C over the years including Art Bell...bottom line, IMHO it's become just a total mess.
Just before I stopped listening I'd have to tune in all week just for a handful of "real" information amid all the absolute drivel I mean a person can only take so much with the "specialty lines" and frankly I didn't and don't have that much time to spend doing absolutely nothing. So Dr. John, Crypt0 I agree C2C was once some excellent time spent chasing the bigger picture but now...I'd rather hang here with everyone.
I started listening in '95 as well Bubba Hyde and can remember some comments that were so thought provoking that they still have me thinking. One such was when RCH was interviewed on a Sun Dreamland (before Whitley Streiber took the show) and by guest host Barbara Simpson. They were talking about Mars and Richard ended his interview with a cliff hanger, and one I haven't heard him talk about since, and that was simply when your thinking about Mars in the context of TEM, Tom Van Flandern's EPH now think about the bible...The question he posed was "What if Revelation doesn't happen last?" That comment has always had me thinking.
Some interesting arguments re: Annunaki bubba...If I may I'd like to add a couple of pennies :)
After reading Sitchen's "Lost book of Enki" I had the impression (from the story) that the Annunaki, all though were very technically advanced, had a different "spiritual" take on life. I mean they're outlook on "the force of will" and "destiny" were opposite of ours. If something was determined to be "destiny" it would (or should) always override the force of will. So maybe they didn't fully realize the potential of our will power or at the very least, didn't give it any importance over their own.
For the deity...why take on the task of managing the "work force" when you can let God do it. Put the fear of God in the ppl's mind and the control would be a lot easier. Didn't most if not all Dictators/oppressors think they were sent by God too? Religions have been doing it for centuries as well.
According to the book, the reason we were "refined" was because of the difference between the Annunaki's home world and here...not unlike the post on the last comment section about Serpo/Eben's the Annunaki's day on their world was 30 days here (or there abouts)so the environment was too harsh for the manual labor...hence humans/created labor. And then finally when the "deluge" came because of the planet crossing, Enlil and Enki differed in opinion about us. One wanted to save his vested interest and the other wanted to follow his fathers (ruler of Nibiru) ruling that we should have never been manipulated with and left to perish. They always thought of us more like a cherrished pet but not on their level as a spiritual least that was my take.
As far as the whole Sitchen/Annunaki thing, like you I'm still on the fence. I haven't been fully convinced that Sitchen's take is accurate but if it's incredible that the "meat" of the Bible was carved in stone much earlier than scribes came along. Anyway just sharing what I read (and can remember) from the book so whether it's true or not...dunno, but it is interesting.
Ms. T said...
hey spider.. glad to see ya here. I checked out your blog. Cool. I was trying to load some new pics to mine earlier and it posted each pic 3 So i deleted. I would love to know your take on my experience.
Spider----> Hey Ms T! I saw your message earlier and have been thinking through your experience. Thought I had a response for you, but you added a few more details in your post to Sunking, so now I'm giving it some more thought!
Know what you mean about posting the pics to the blog. I have some more I was trying to post and it would tell me it was finished, but nothing was there. After that happened about 3 times, I walked away!!! Will try again later. Has to be the blog...can't be me! :)
Anonymous said...
hay ericswan,
you are an idiotic PINHEAD! You duplicate people's work and repost as your own. You do not even have the intelligence to look up anything.
you are arrogant, short-sighted, incoherent, psycho-babble, shallow, self-centered, self-righteous, PINHEAD.
You are out-of-touch with reality and, quite frankly, you have your head up your @$$!
You are a danger to yourself and to computers. An embarrassment! You can't even get a hot-link correct. And yet you act intellectually superior with your incognizant crap!
Crawl under a rock, please.
12/10/2005 03:11:06 PM
No wonder I couldn't get back to sleep.
Are you sure you want to do my adverts? I may take you to places where your courage will fail.
Bill May Renew U.S. Weather Control Efforts
I sort of missed on the religious outbreak that took place over the past couple of days. I guess I've missed out on quite a few things.. I never read RCH except the blogs from Katrina forword. I have never heard of Art Bell or his sidekick. I have never listened to C2C.
I enjoy organic gardening, composting and saving seeds.. It's great to grow something, save it's seeds and grow it even better the next year.
My religious views and biblical quotes are on my link which will have to be copied and pasted as I have not had the luxury of using HTML like the rest of you. My work has been sabotaged. End of story.
Ms. T said...
Sunking I think that was DIRECT name calling of a crew member. Sorry if I stepped over any lines in my previous post to Anon. :)
No, you did not cross any lines, esteemed fellow crewmate. :)
B-SHOD activated! (Ahhhh, the Power!!!)
Ms. T, your experience made me think about what may be limitation some ETs have visiting Earth...maybe they can visit, but are restricted from interfering or giving advise. Maybe there is no 'free will' with the Prime Directive!?!
Oh, if y'all miss making a clickable link, that's ok...not a requirement, just was a suggestion to make things easier for all. :)
Some of you are talking about having trouble posting pics to 'the blog'.
Which blog? This one? Is so, do you mean a profile pic or something else? Or is this on someone else's blog?
Thanks for that compliment, old friend! Most times I write stuff and I wonder "Are they gonna think I'm stupid?" or "Are they gonna find this BOring?". Mostly just try to think about what's in my heart...and go with the flow.
re: Annunanki
Let's remember the premise...he took existing hominids for use as his "clay', if you would. I would assume that there may have already been a propensity for cognitive functioning in these beings.
As far as making 'robots', I would rather have a 'slave' that I didn't have to tell everything to do...why not have a being that could think for itself...make the whole education/training process easier and more rewarding.
Did they have to go out of their way to set themselves up as 'Gods'? With the power/technology the A. had, they probably couldn't have stopped their creation from worshipping them as gods...i.e. Enki can fly and do all kinds of cool things...gee, I like him....he's great...I'll do whatever he asks....and on and on, until, well, they're 'Gods'.
I dunno, I think about the Bible story and I think 'why'? Why the need to create an Earth? Why the need for our 'heavenly' souls to be taken into bodies? Once having those bodies, why the need to 'prove' that we loved God by obeying rules that are contradictory to what those same God-given bodies tell us to? Seem like a laborious and expensive exercise...and to what end?
Sithcin's premise makes as much sense as any...AND explains that chromosome difference problem.
SunKing said...
Some of you are talking about having trouble posting pics to 'the blog'.
Which blog? This one? Is so, do you mean a profile pic or something else? Or is this on someone else's blog?
Spider---> Ms T and I were talking about our own personal blogs. Sorry for the confusion.
SunKing said...
Thanks for that compliment, old friend! Most times I write stuff and I wonder "Are they gonna think I'm stupid?" or "Are they gonna find this BOring?". Mostly just try to think about what's in my heart...and go with the flow.
Spider---> Well, I think you're doing an outstanding job. You can't go wrong when it's from the heart!
Well, while I haven't heard anything about black triangles showing up over our major cities, something BIG happened to me today. My dad took me to math class (the only college course I have that's not online) this morning. That's unusual, because normally, my mom takes me, then goes shopping. This time they were both in the van, apparently my dad was going shopping with my mom, which I thought was odd. When my dad came to pick me up, I asked him if anything interesting had happened while I was gone. He said not really. When I got home, and went inside, there, under the Christmas tree, was a Toshiba DVD recorder (we had a dvd/vcr combo, but the vcr kept screwing the tapes up)! It's SOOO K00L!! Anyway, that was the biggest thing to happen to me today...
I was really hoping for contact with an alien civilization...
Oh, bubba hyde, about your wondering why the Annunki (I hope that's how it's spelled) created dieties for us to worship, haven't you ever seen "Stargate: SG-1"? The Goa'uld pose as gods, because they're egomaniacs...
Interesting reading on C2C, wish I had listened to it
earlier as I came to hearing C2C/RCH late, well after his
heart troubles.
Jasgrave, 86 liter board, sounds fun, made me salivate
and drool a little bit thinking about a sinker board
and winds that u can barely handle they're so big.
Last night the weather channel showed a graphic of record ______________________________ (*_*)
setting wind gusts from yesterday. I just caught it showing
97 mph somewhere in Mass./new england area. Unbelievable!
To anonymous who posted a link for Bill May Renew U.S. Weather Control Efforts
I couldn't get that link to take me anywhere. Can u repost?
Staying tuned. Jas the italics were NOT there when I went
to spaceweather site. -Bryan
Anonymous said...
Bill May Renew U.S. Weather Control Efforts
Has anything ever been said about Drydock in the forum?
I've posted stuff from here, there's a lot of lurking over there (like here!)
There's a difference between our groups and
You can feel smarmy intellectualism drip off the screen (I still feel unclean to this day !!)
Hi everyone,
December 10 has came and went fortunately without many tragic incidents. Except for A series of large explosions rock England oil depot, number of casualties still unknown.
And, Richard Pryor died :( also Former Minnesota Sen. Eugene McCarthy died in Washington at age 89. Oh and ... Nigerian jet crashes with 110 aboard; 7 survive. Airliner misses runway, bursts into flames in southern city of Port Harcourt. But I think JasGrave333 already mentioned this ... sorry.
SunKing ...
I came across a drawing on the Coast-to-Coast AM website that looked very similar to the drawings of your UFO sighting on the dry-dock previous blog. Here's the URL:
Also, I appreciate you asking about my arm. Very thankfully, I have been out of my cast for more than a month and almost 100%. I am doing strengthening routines. Working in construction is both good and bad for that ... bad because I often overwork it. On the plus, it is definitely getting stronger and starting to look normal again.
Also, excellent new blog topic. One for the little guys or unsung heroes.
Bryansail ...
here's the link to the story: Bill May Renew U.S. Weather Control Efforts,2933,178183,00.html
Strange the FOX News is reporting it. Beware. But, we already knew this was coming. They were just looking for the right lie and the most opportune time.
Best wishes and good vibes to all!
Greg, early AM, here, couldn't sleep.
THREE Major explosions near an major fuel depot at Hemel Hempstead.
That was my old home town, I was born in HH Hertfordshire.
As a fire officer in England, Buncefield Air fuel supply depot, was under his responsibility...
It was something he always feared, that it would catch fire while he was on duty.
Three large explosions have rocked a fuel depot near Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire shooting flames hundreds of feet into the sky.
Police say there are casualties and emergency services are at the scene.
The first blast happened at 0603 GMT at the Buncefield fuel depot, close to junction 8 of the M1 motorway, 10 miles from Luton airport.
now THREE major explosions, at a fueling depot for 2 if not 3 major airports (including Heathrow), would spell coincidence or?
9/10/11 of Dec...
Staying v v v v tuned...
Can't believe mi birth, home town in da big news today...
PS my dad that was, he was a fire officer in HH Herts, back in 70's to 90's...
uh huh, more coincidences;
"It is a scene of utter devastation."
Malcolm Stewart, who drives a tanker at the terminal, said there were 20 tanks on the site, each holding three million gallons of fuel.
Spider818 said...
SunKing said...
Thanks for that compliment, old friend! Most times I write stuff and I wonder "Are they gonna think I'm stupid?" or "Are they gonna find this BOring?". Mostly just try to think about what's in my heart...and go with the flow.
Spider---> Well, I think you're doing an outstanding job. You can't go wrong when it's from the heart!
Spider, that's the truest words, from da heart is sweetest :)
Yep SunKing, we been at this blogging ting a while, tings are happening and the entries give a new theme to adhere too.
Unsung heroes, just sitting in da darker corners, until they gone we hardly notice...
The New Orleans Weather Tragedy shows that to be soo true. The music, the Cooking, the atmosphere of N.O. will never be the same without the people.
It will be a Disney land representation of N'awlins, a BUSH vision of cleaned, sea front posh morality of elitists...
OIL for energy is complete rubbish...
The tech exists to free ourselves, we each of us are a god, a smaller god to each other...
Crypt0 yes, gods and GOD. The bible speaks of many gods (lower case g) and THE God.
Jesus himself walked as a god. But he was not GOD. He had the mind of GOD, but that alone did not make him THE GOD.
He had agape, selfless love, but that did not make him THE GOD.
He died, but was raised up, if he litterally died, who brought him back to life? Dead is dead, so he walked with the mind of God.
We all have that ability, if we truly believe we are ALL gods children, then tuning into the mind of God would be a quality each of us should have. If we can get by our own egos, and own self worship...
Just thoughts...
Bryansail, bro, it was imense, was too excited to take pictures.
Got a new Red Neilpryde 'Excess' sail... sheesh they are nice... the 7.4, 6.4 and 5.9 are nice in the wind ranges from 15MPH to 39MPH after that, it's a handkerchief and the ironing board... at least I'll go slower than the debri flying around me :)
So it's december 11th, and I heard Sword and someone else who's name escapes me say that December 10th would be a day that bares witness to an "event". The "event" was never named in any way and I am very curious as to what it might have been.
...There are FIVE OIL depots around the U.K.
Right here Anonymous;
Apocolypse Dec 10th ~ Theory 555 5 555 (Five months of Torment (Rev 9:5 and Revelation 9:10,11))
HI again,
Dealing with insomnia tonight/morning :(
Find out how much soda it would take to kill you
Some scary stuff out there ... if you drown in it.
~Greg FIVE days before the IRAQI elections;
Four US troops killed in Iraq
Boston Globe - 1 hour ago
By Bassem Mroue, Associated Press | December 11, 2005. BAGHDAD -- Insurgents killed four US soldiers in separate attacks yesterday as violence increased five days before national elections. US officials announced ...
my view of da news
The Central MASONIC army poohbah's little Numerological gift to the soldiers in IRAQ;
Texas Guard Troops Back After Year in Iraq
Minneapolis Star Tribune (subscription) - 9 hours ago
By TA BADGER, Associated Press Writer. WACO, Texas (AP) - About 3,000 troops from a Texas National Guard unit returned home Saturday after nearly a year in Iraq, rushing into the arms of family members after .
3,000 eh?, and the MASONIC central is somewhere there in TEXAS...
Like in N'Awlins, where the MASONS' TAVERN was on 333rd Street...
Crypt0, good rant;
"Just my thoughts on how to structure a watch dog group that knows
a) who to suspect
b) who is fair game (the serial liars)
and oh yeah,
c) where to bite :-)
A. Who is suspect - all in power!
B. Who is fair game - all in power!
C. Where to bite - get media attention to fuel lies, to space disinformation and De-Criminalise a seed that gives nautural meditative healing.
I think Sword mentioned that CNN, may have the odd one or three Masons on board.
CNN - 36 people hurt in the Explosions this AM...
Do all newly reported incidents have to have a Roughly 33% chance of having 30 or 3 more persons counted at any one time in major incidents?
Does it make the Masons feel better, to know all disasters, where Masonically counted?
36 my ass...
CNN Masons, get THE REAL FACTS, and stop disinforming the public with ya triple finger digit processing...
Crypt0, you mentioned something earlier, trinity.
It's interesting that John 1:1-3 that speaks of the WORD.
Jesus Walked as the word.
Sure, he had spirit, love and wisdom. That alone did make him GOD. He did not tell people to pray to him...
He prayed to someone else, not himself...
So Trinity and THREE.
The mind of God
The spirit of God
The love of God
One man, one person who fullfilled the law of God and conquered the worldly loveless system of that time;
The world was not worthy of him...
36 people hurt @
6:03 AM GMT
Three Million Gallons of fuel x 20
60 million gallons of fuel
In my old home Hemel Hempstead UK.
Today 11/12/05.
...that's a big bon fire...
The calling it an 'industrial' accident.
Rumours are already flying of terrorists and planes falling out of the sky...
OK, just to share dis likkel analysing to da crew;
36 people hurt
3 Million Gals of Fuel x 20 cont
60 million Gals.
3 6
6 3
some coincidences there?
I make 3 x (3)(6)
3 3 3 6 6 6
9 9 9
I wish da breezes would pick up here :)
Tell me if am boring ya yet with this stuff...
Looks awesome !!
Hello to all on this noneventful day...
Jas, I was watching the news yesterday, and even when I was just flipping through the channels real fast, I didn't see or hear anything about 3 explosions in oil depots...
I really wish part 7 of "A Moon With A View" would come out soon...
bubba hyde said;
Interesting point but no I don't believe I'm thinking too contemporary. What you suggest is indeed plausible. My question is why bother? If all humanity at that time was nothing more than a labor force, there are more efficient ways of dealing with them. Now on the other hand, if the Annunaki believed themselves to be gods and creators worthy of worship and enrichment by those below them what you suggest would seem the more likely.
12/10/2005 03:29:36 PM
I would really like to know wha tthe relationship was. Sitchen does present compelling points of arguement, such as the Annunaki believing themselves to be gods. On the other hand, no one has corraborated Sitchen's work to bring any validity to his (Sitchen) claims. Well, except Pye and he just seemed to me anyway, to be an echo of Sitchen. Regardless, I find the subject extremely intriguing. I think, if I could choose a second career in life, I would want to study the Sumerian and Egyptian cultures and languages. You know, the current scolars would most likely put me on the fringe as I would definitely be thinking outside the box. LOL!
It's a good discussion bubba. I wish I had some real science to share with you. I find this subject fascinating. :)
jasgrave333 said;
"Spider, dats true, the culmination of the last 5 months of 'weather', will be felt in finance, energy, housing etc... will be a growing 'concern' on an already fearing and terrified nation..."
We are already running 10* below normal temps. Going to be frigid this week with a "locked in artic air mass". As we use more gas to heat the house, gasoline has risen 10 cents in the last week. Will this ever end? We need free energy and we need it bad. Clinton called Bush wrong on Kyoto. Is he right or is that just a political statement to "fuel" the Dems? Guess we'll see won't we.
sunking said;
Sithcin's premise makes as much sense as any...AND explains that chromosome difference problem.
12/10/2005 08:18:57 PM
I would like someone to really corraborate his work. He is compelling, but I can only take from it what I can understand. There is most likely so much we'll never know because it is so extreme. He basically says that all our religions are from one source and we made up the rest to suit where ever we were in any particular point in time.
crypto said;
I just don't think it makes the Annunaki "gods". It makes them a generation or two ahead of us, but I don't think it even makes them our masters. Call me a ghost-in-the-machine loonie, but the interpretation I have, is that they created, or improved a vehicle to move around on the planet in 3D - NOT the spark of divine that inhabits the vehicle. In fact, it's almost as if we are as superior to the Annunaki spiritually as they are superior to us technologically ... inverse proportion. Spiritually, we are their Gods and we serve them that way. (to serve man) It seems too much trouble to go to for "pets" that will worship them - I prefer to think (delude myself perhaps) that we're more.
12/10/2005 09:57:18 PM
It would be great to have something to compare the too, re spirituality. If they worked us up from pre-existing hominids, I think the generational comparison would be moot. Wouldn't we be somewhat of a new hybrid species?
We may have been tools rather than pets led by a cult of personality.
crypto again;
... but it's not the same thing as God or 'a God'. It's a flattering word, no doubt. It's a word that needed to fill a vacuum because humans might not have a word to describe something higher than themselves but lower than God ...
12/10/2005 11:13:02 PM
Interesting point, you make many cryptO. I seem to think that it is again interpretation, by the reader (modern man). Is that our oppressive religious world making us evaluate everything that way?
On History Channel last night, show about DaVinci and the code he lived by....anyway, they show a sequence when talking about the town he grew up in. Panoramic shot opens the scene, and there are 4 chemtrails right in the scene. Not the first time nor the last time I expect to see them in films.
jasgrave333 said...
The calling it an 'industrial' accident.
Rumours are already flying of terrorists and planes falling out of the sky...
Spider---> and all this as the UN Climate Talks close. The US rejected the emissions cutback of the Kyoto Protocol (anyone surprised?)...but "British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who has made tackling climate change a key priority for his presidency of the G-8 group of the world's richest nations this year, welcomed the agreement."
Entire article here...
UN Climate Talks Close
Very interesting...
LOL, Wayne, re: Davinci Code chemtrails!
And yes! I would love to study more about the Sumerians, too!
Spider, thank YOU, too!
Jas, looks like the pieces are starting to come together! ;)
I like your thought about C2C also exposing the hoaxers. You would think that that would be a routine event. You are 'right on' with your analysis!
We must all remember that "disclosure" (re: God, ET, Ancient civilizations, etc, etc) IS a big money-making enterprise, and that the main function of radio shows is to sell advertising airtime. Who are the main C2c advertisers?
Wall Street co-opted the 60's 'Love" movement. It was a groovy thang, until WS figured out how to make money off of it. The whole 'love' concept got watered down and made silly, whilst making some folks rich (Kinda like what happened to the words of Jesus, lol!), until nobody who was genuine and sincere would associate themselves with the 'movement' anymore. It got co-opted.
The same thing is being done with ET and cropcircles and every conspiracy theory out there.
It's a dyzinformatzya thang, baby! :(
re: what I just said....
That is why you should not see something on the news (or whereever) and start running around with your hair on fire...examine the source, examine all the possible motivations for a piece of info to be disemminated at a given time or place, who truly benefits or is destroyed (look hard between the lines here), who is delivering the message (and why THEM?), the setting where the delivery takes place, etc, etc. All these things have meaning.
That's why it's so hard to believe something that points to disclosure...whether it's on Faux News on found in a copier tray by a new customer.
Truth is one slippery customer!
Good morning Ms T! Hey, can you email me? I wanted to send you something via email. I thought you had posted your email address before, but can't find it on this blog. My email:
Apparently crew, John got up this morning and "watched all the news"
And didn't see this AM's (Since 2:30 EST) Headline NEWS!!!
it would be like waking up and not breathing for the rest of the morning...
John, your either stupid or blind?
Blasts send shiver through UK
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 20 minutes ago
A SHIVER swept across London last night after several large explosions rocked an oil terminal near one of city's airports, triggering fears of a terror attack. ...
Large explosions at UK fuel depot an "accident"
Malayala Manorama, India - 30 minutes ago
Hemel Hempstead, England: A series of explosions tore through a fuel depot north of London before dawn on Sunday sending flames and a column of black smoke ...
Two 'serious' after depot blasts
Scotsman, United Kingdom - 1 hour ago
They were among 36 casualties following a series of blasts which rocked the Buncefield depot near Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire, police said. ...
British oil depot burns
CBC News, Canada - 43 minutes ago
A series of explosions rocked a major oil depot just north of London just before dawn Sunday, injuring 36 people. Huge balls of ...
36 hurt in British oil blasts
News24, South Africa - 1 hour ago
London - A total of 36 people were hurt, the vast majority of them with minor injuries, in a series of apparently accidental explosions which struck an oil ...
AGAIN John, of little genius or sight, IT WAS MY HOME TOWN, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD
For freaks sake!!!
Gonna toast him...
Have not seen that commercial, T. Is it for South PArk?
Easy on John. On Faux News, it probably didnt play until the Financial Report came on.
Jas.. Please followup with any local contacts you have on airplanes and sabotage.. This same thing happened in Romulus a couple of months ago. Eye witnesses (one a teenage girl) who lived within a couple of blocks of the EQ plant said they "heard" a plane go pop followed by an explosion. More on this point; Why not suspect Terrorists.. My theory is that the government would have to spend money watching the skies and recognizing that they are vulnerable "EVERYWHERE" not on the subways where they can instill "FEAR" in the travelling public and harass the poor half to death with cavity searches and flights to foreign parts unknown. This is not going to come out if they can help it. They don't want to "inspire" anyone with their actual vulnerabilities. They want sheep in fear not government on the run.
afternoon of October 1 came to be known as the Pulse, a signal sent though every operating cell phone that turns its user into something...well, something less than human. Savage, murderous, unthinking-and on a wanton rampage. Terrorist act? Cyber prank gone haywire? It really doesn't matter, not to the people who avoided the technological attack. What matters to them is surviving the aftermath. Before long a band of them-"normies" is how they think of themselves-have gathered on the grounds of Gaiten Academy, where the headmaster and one remaining student have something awesome and terrifying to show them on the school's moonlit soccer field. Clearly there can be no escape. The only option is to take them on. CELL is classic Stephen King, a story of gory horror and white-knuckling suspense that makes the unimaginable entirely plausible and totally fascinating.
I guess it's a stocking stuffer..
jas said: "John, your either stupid or blind?"
nah....he's SELECTIVE ;)
6.8 2005/12/11 14:20:44 -6.570 152.180 10.0 NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
LOL...that IS kinda odd, T! Hope we can find that.
Does anybody know what time it is..
Does anybody care?
'Spooks' Out In Force This Holiday Season; Even Caught Harassing People At 'Friendly Confines' of Wrigley Field
Former federal Border Patrol Agent, Frank Tremmel, says his life is in danger over spreading the truth about 9/11 and the downing of Syrian Migs by Israel three days after the WTC tragedy
9 Dec 2005
By Greg Szymanski
The ‘spooks’ are out in force this holiday season and getting downright nasty with average Americans, getting ‘down and dirty’ with the common-folk working 9-to-5, paying their fair share and wanting nothing more than to express their views whenever they choose.
But, like ‘Scrooge’ at a holiday party, the list of those being silenced under the neo-con takeover is as long as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s arm.
In fact, one of the first to report ill-will during this season of joy was Dan Nelson, a small town Montana carpenter like Joseph, the father of Jesus, who recently reported being run-off the road and being attacked by microwave weaponry for simply trying to get at the truth behind 9/11.
And now comes Frank Tremmel of Chicago, a former badge and gun-carrying federal border patrol agent, who reports being ‘tailed and harassed’ by federal agents at a Chicago Cubs baseball game, a place made for hot dogs, beer and family fun, not CIA spying and undercover work.
But that’s exactly what happened to Tremmel, 35, who claims his advocacy and penchant for getting at the truth behind 9/11, as well as his harsh criticism of Israel, has led to “getting followed, photographed and harassed” even at the friendly confines of Wrigley Field.
How could an ‘average Joe’ like Tremel, who now drives a truck, be the target of sophisticated government harassment when obviously the first thought is ‘there must be bigger fish to fry?’
“I asked that myself,” said Tremmel in an extended telephone conversation this week from his Chicago home, adding the orchestrated attempt at silencing his first amendment rights goes much deeper than a bad experience at a Cubs game.
Although Tremmel had difficulty answering the question ‘why me,’ he said it relates to three different avenues of communication, including numerous 9/11 truth postings made on the highly popular Craig’s List web site, postings about 9/11 and Israeli connections on a Border Patrol (union) federal web site and an April 2005 letter sent to Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill), giving him a July 2005 deadline to re-open the 9/11 investigation.
“My harassment really started when I heard a radio report that Israel shot down a Syrian Mig on Sept 14, 2004. I checked out the Drudge Report and he had it in the old headline sections. There was a correction, though, it stated the date the planes were shot down was actually three days after 9/11,” said Tremmel.
“I posted this link and I wrote an editorial that Israel did this to try to get the U.S. to invade Syria first. I think Israel really want to go into Syria. And it is this story that made massive waves, but you won’t find it anywhere now.”
Although the story was difficult to find and not credited to AP, an article was found about Israel downing two Syrian Migs on World dated February 2005, the opening two paragraphs stating:
“Diplomatic sources said Israel Air Force F-16 multi-role fighters intercepted and downed two Syrian MiG-29 fighter-jets in 2001. The sources said the dogfight took place in September 2001 over the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
“This was the first engagement between Israeli and Syrian fighter-jets since the 1980s. The sources said the air battle took place when Israel Air Force fighter-jets buzzed the Syrian city of Latakia, a port used by Iran for the shipment of weapons to Hizbullah.”
Besides checking the Syrian Mig story, a check of Tremmel, showed him posting on the internet blog on May 11, 2005, the following message, indicating he felt he was the target of government harassment:
“My 9/11 posts are the cold hard facts. I am being followed and my life is on the line.
My name is Frank Tremmel. I live in Chicago and I am a former U.S. Border Patrol agent and if I am found dead, I did not commit suicide. I was murdered.”
In fact, Tremmel said harassment for his internet activity on the border patrol web site and other places led a death threat during a mysterious late-night phone call, as well as low-level helicopter and vehicle surveillance at his home and work.
“I was sleeping and I got a late-night call, saying that I wouldn’t make it alive to work the next morning,” recalled Tremmel. “That shook me up and when I left the house, I was constantly looking over my shoulder.
“And they have done a lot of other things besides that call. Just as recently as a few weeks ago, I was working in Gurnee and a helicopter flew at me at a very low level. It came down to about 100 feet off the ground in an open area in a residential neighborhood, hovering near my truck and facing me directly..
“Then there has been the constant tracking of my activities, like at the Cubs game and the trucks outside my house, checking my every move. It is ongoing as we speak, but they are not going to keep me quiet. We are losing our freedoms but what’s the sense of living if we can’t express ourselves or get at the truth about the corruption in our government?”
Besides his passionate internet activities on the federal web site calling attention to many government wrongs, Tremmel now feels the letter to Sen. Obama may have also triggered the spooky surveillance invading his privacy.
“I sent him the Pentagon strike flash video,” said Tremmel. “I also noticed part of the email I saved is missing. There is a portion missing where Obama stated that he looked at the video, closely and that he still believed the official 9/11 Commission. Somehow that is now missing from the email, which has sat in my inbox for months now.
“I thought Obama may be able to help since he was new to the Senate and decided to see, giving him a deadline of July 4, 2005 to reopen the investigation. The date passed but nothing happened but me being tailed all July 4th weekend.
“We are all very right about 9/11 being pre-planned. We have their backs against the wall and I have used craigslist to get the word out, as one method of helping spread the word.”
And a check with one of Obama’s office staff said they would research and verify Tremmel’s letter, but in the interim, Tremmel forwarded a copy of Obama’s response, saying:
“Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns that all available footage of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon may not have been released.
“I agree that the government should be as transparent as possible in releasing information about events that affect our country, but I recognize that in some instances the need for transparency is trumped by national security interests. I am sure you are familiar with the report issued by the 9/11 Commission. It provides the public with a strong compendium of information about the tragic events of 9/11.
“Again, Frank, thank you for writing. Please feel free to contact me in the future with issues of concern.”
Even though Tremmel said the harassment is ongoing, he plans to continue trying to influence people to open up their eyes about the truth behind 9/11, emphasizing:
“I am not afraid of these guys, not afraid of them one bit. But if something happens to me, you know why! It won’t be a suicide. It will be murder!”
Good Morning everyone,
Just tuning in, have to catch up a bunch, hands are like concrete. Great flow, good dialoguing and introspection!
Interesting event in place like Hempstead, don't you think?!
At least subjectively meaningful.
Of course you could be from no other town, eh Jasgrave333? How appropriate. :)
Have you ever heard of a band called the Dream Academy? They were big in the eighties and did an excellent song called "Hempstead Girl" that I enjoyed very much.
I'm curious how Goro at Entemenanki will correlate this event? As well, I saw some interesting symbologies on the "Victoria's Secret" Fashion Show the other night that may well tie in to the STR decoding that he is presenting.
Just some Sunday morning trivia.
God is great. The peon posers of this prismatic place will soon know who is really the maker of All and All.
The only One that IS, has many names we have tried, yet (HE) is beyond the words or our efforts at parables "about" (him).
The "wanna be" gods lording over humanity's process, are now known for their failure to fulfill in highest purity the role they were permitted to play, being given the levers of power, and I am sure they will reap well what they have sewn, for themselves.
Truth has a way of crashing in on falseness in a dramatic way.
Woe betide them, that falsified, denied, concealed and specifically obscured the pure Wisdom way.
Following the arrival of the little red horse named Sophie. I was considering this recent theme about Jesus in everyone's dialogue. A reply I made to SWORD previously about my having been fairly well read about Jesus brought me to this funny correlation: I also mentioned a book I had studied as well, called Pistis Sophia (by: Hurtak). It was essentially about the teachings Jesus gave after the resurrection. The key character amongst the disciples asking questions, is named Sophia.
I was shocked in a moment of synchrony to feel the relevence!
Wisdom is trickling in, in clear symbol sets now, for us to see in our various experiences. A bolder clarity than ever before.
WOW! I guess the hands are softening up!! SO before I become a run-on, I'll tend to some catch up reading. Peace ALL!
Here is a little video that'll rock you socks off!
All about the Pentagon Strike.
THings that makes one go Hmmm?
The passenger list on these flights looked like a whose who in the "hierarchy of mic" stars. The list changed when it became apparent that this was a bit over the top. The list changed again and now there is No list..
Thanks Adrenaline117 / Greg for that link, (fox news ohh ohh red flag time!)
Here's an excerpt about what great information should be forthcoming re; Mars
A NASA spacecraft is halfway toward Mars where it is expected to collect more data on the Red Planet than all previous Martian explorations combined.
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter successfully fired its six engines for 20 seconds last week to adjust its flight path in anticipation of a March arrival. It will fine-tune its trajectory two more times before it enters orbit around Mars, said Allen Halsell, deputy navigation chief at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
Once in orbit, the two-ton spacecraft will join a trio of probes currently flying around Mars. The orbiter is loaded with some of the most sophisticated science instruments ever flown into space, including a telescopic camera that can snap the sharpest pictures yet of the planet's rust-colored surface.
-hopefully we will continue to have bohemia to centralize the scoop for us. Hopefully we'll get ALL the info.
from NASA.
Hi iontruo2, The video makes me say, the truth is still unknown regarding the pentagon strike.
I'm going for a second viewing w/ my jaw still on the floor from the first. Thanks...(for making me
more angry than I already am?)
Time to pray hard for truths to be revealed, and I'm not talking about the xbox360 here, ah help us.
Jas, check ur e-mail for windsurfing (Jas keeps rubbing it in that he's becoming a pro while my quiver is
mothballing in my garage lol :( ... ahhhgggghhh!!!
Hi ion,
Thanks for posting that link, above. Good find.
I did not know the "757" had pierced so many of the Pentagon's walls, and that the final hole was still a small round opening ! Great video clip!
On that page, the link to the "Amazing Pentalawn" was really good too!
The Amazing Pentalawn is the first time I have seen ridicule used to expose the lie of 9-11.
I like it. I think humor can help more people be able to accept the obvious which they have not been able to see.
After all, how long has ridicule been used to marginalize ufo and paranormal experiencers?
Up until this the truth movement has not to my knowledge utilized such clever and artistic packaging of info.
Maybe someone from a Madison Avenue Ad Agency will come on board and provide a catchy ad campaign for truth and disclosure ? ;)
the amazing pentalawn;
Hi all,
Sunday AM irony...
Pope denounces materialism from balcony of marble, gold-domed building in midst of jewel-encrusted religious icons while wearing giant gold cross.
Good day!
Mornin' All, or rather, Aftanoon All, I saw this article and thought ya'll might like to read it. I hope the links show up. I just cut-n-paste the pertinant parts, didnt want to overpost!
More Research Urged on Nanoparticle Risk
By MICHELLE R. SMITH, Associated Press Writer
35 minutes ago
PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Those stain-resistant khakis you just picked up at the mall, the tennis ball that holds its bounce longer and sunscreen that's clear instead of white have something in common — nanotechnology.
Studies have shown that some of the most promising carbon nanoparticles — including long, hollow nanotubes and sphere-shaped buckyballs — can be toxic to animal cells. There are fears that exposure can cause breathing problems, as occurs with some other ultrafine particles, that nanoparticles could be inhaled through the nose, wreaking unknown havoc on brain cells, or that nanotubes placed on the skin could damage DNA.
The federal government currently spends about $1 billion a year on nanotechnology research under its National Nanotechnology Initiative.
These issues are being discussed openly," said Agnes Kane, a pathologist at Brown University, who is moving into nanotechnology after extensive work researching asbestos. She is one of several Brown professors sharing a $1.8 million, four-year grant to study the effects of nanoparticles on human and animal cells.
The NanoBusiness Alliance, a group of large and small businesses, is looking at working with other groups to conduct an economic analysis of the level of funding that is needed for environmental health and safety research in the coming year. The alliance consists primarily of nanotech startups but also includes major corporations such as Lockheed Martin and Motorola and research institutions including Northwestern and Purdue universities.
ETC Group:
Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies:
The Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology:
NanoBusiness Alliance:
"Reset Button" anyone?
Great Posts!
Interesting Krazyby4kids, I recently was at a sporting goods store
marveling at a carbon nanotech tennis racquet, seems ironic that
tennis rackets (racquet?) have it, but it's still too costly for cars to be made
out of the ultra light material. Real surprising that possibly damaging
products are already on the market... give me tha money!!! My same
concerns with bio-tech and genetically modified foods, the rush for
profits superceeds safety far too often. -Bryan
Crypt0 siad...
>I just don't think it makes the Annunaki "gods". It makes them a generation or two ahead of us, but I don't think it even makes them our masters. Call me a ghost-in-the-machine loonie, but the interpretation I have, is that they created, or improved a vehicle to move around on the planet in 3D - NOT the spark of divine that inhabits the vehicle. In fact, it's almost as if we are as superior to the Annunaki spiritually as they are superior to us technologically ... inverse proportion. Spiritually, we are their Gods and we serve them that way. (to serve man) It seems too much trouble to go to for "pets" that will worship them - I prefer to think (delude myself perhaps) that we're more.<
I hear ya, I'm not saying that thinking of the Annunaki as "Gods" is or should be the current concensus far from that actually but to a primitave being I can see where it is possible that technology could put the "fear of God" in their minds.
Gonna go catch up now.
you said:
Hi iontruo2, The video makes me say, the truth is still unknown regarding the pentagon strike.
I'm going for a second viewing w/ my jaw still on the floor from the first. Thanks...(for making me
more angry than I already am?)
Time to pray hard for truths to be revealed, and I'm not talking about the xbox360 here, ah help us.
IonTruO2-->Sorry Bryan, I did hesitate a moment to pass that find along.
That is not really my area of focus, but perhaps it does tend to hi-light that things are definately not what they are being made to appear, in all regards.
Oh, I know its hard not to be angry, but I have seen so much other material out there and in some personal experiences that it will get better and this somewhat rude awakening is part of that very process of a revealing and eventual dissolution of the "tainted ones". And rest assured, they are believing they are getting ahead. but thats the best part of the Big Lesson for the Evil ones! Their rude awakening! lol
SO please Accentuate the Positive(The Jungle Book!), for otherwise we are only feeding the entity of sorts that prefers the jagged half a loaf diet of anger and fear.
WE are illusion busting and pattern breaking here! A "Holy" liberating endeavour. :)
So the bullshitters bullshit and the wicked are (what do ya know!?!?) acting wickedly!
And the Pure will Purify and become Clear as white snow.
I know what I have to tend to! :)
Your passion is bonafide Bryan, that is sooo real...and...rare!
Keep on keep'in on!
Hi Unipax!
Thanks for your feedback.
I didn't see that Pentalawn link, so tks for serving it back to me. Better than nano-tech tennis rackets!! lol
I'll go and check it, I love satire and comedic ridicule!!
Howdy Crypt0.. the list
Sword said...
Sunking - check your mail... ...
Its complete...
Spider----> Is this the long anticipated Part 1 of 3 dealing with the Star of Crossing????
For the record..on the record
The History of Chemtrail Science"??
> > If you want "real evidence" that Chemtrails exist, please look
> at the National Academy of Sciences 1992 study called Policy
> Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the
> Science Base - Panel on Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming.
> >
> > This study was authorized and funded by Congress and sponsored by
> the National Academy of Sciences. Represented were senior researchers,
> faculty, theoreticians, atmospheric scientists, department heads and
> CEO's from a multitude of prestigious institutions. The Smithsonian,
> Harvard, General Motors, Cambridge, MIT, Yale, World Resources
> Institute, National Center for Atmospheric Research, the Secretary
> General of the United Nations, Oxford, Brookings Institution, Columbia
> University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Carnegie-Mellon University,
> Princeton University, Brown University, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory,
> and many more.
> >
> >
> >
> > Nothing more need be said at this point. This is what is happening.
> Here's your "real evidence". I'm producing it. Google the term
> "Geoengineering" and you'll find a whole host of evidence. Papers upon
> papers describing solutions, and all toss around the idea of aeosol
> spraying at high altitudes.
> >
> > Some excerpted sections of the report are as follows:
> >
> > Evaluating Geoengineering Options
> > "Several geoengineering options appear to have considerable
> potential for offsetting global warming and are much less expensive
> than other options being considered. Because these options have the
> potential to affect the radiative forcing of the planet, because some
> of them cause or alter a variety of chemical reactions in the
> atmosphere, and because the climate system is poorly understood, such
> options must be considered extremely carefully. These options might be
> needed if greenhouse warming occurs, climate sensitivity is at the
> high end of the range considered in this report, and other efforts to
> restrain greenhouse gas emissions fail."
> > "The first set of geoengineering options screens incoming solar
> radiation with dust or soot in orbit about the earth or in the
> atmosphere. The second set changes cloud abundance by increasing cloud
> condensation nuclei through carefully controlled emissions of
> particulate matter."
> >
> > "The stratospheric particle options should be pursued only under
> extreme conditions or if additional research and development removes
> the concern about these problems. The cloud stimulation option should
> be examined further and could be pursued if concerns about acid rain
> could be managed through the choice of materials for cloud
> condensation nuclei or by careful management of the system. The third
> class increases ocean absorption of CO2 through stimulating growth of
> biological organisms."
> >
> > Screening Out Some Sunlight
> > "Another option for mitigating a global warming would be to try to
> control the global radiation balance by limiting the amount of
> incoming radiation from the sun. This could be done by increasing the
> reflectivity of the earth, i.e., the albedo. Proposals for increasing
> the whiteness of roofs and surface features would have some effect,
> but only a fraction of incident solar radiation reaches the earth's
> surface and a purposeful change in albedo would have more impact if
> done high in the atmosphere. According to Ramanathan (1988), an
> increase in planetary albedo of just 0.5 percent is sufficient to
> halve the effect of a CO2 doubling. Placing a screen in the atmosphere
> or low earth orbit could take several forms: it could involve changing
> the quantity or character of cloud cover, it could take the form of a
> continuous sheet, or it could be divided into many ''mirrors" or a
> cloud of dust. Preliminary characterizations of some of the
> possibilities that might be considered are provided below."
> >
> > Stratospheric Dust
> > "Although the space dust option does not appear to be sensible,
> computations of the residence times of 0.2-µm dust above 20 to 40 km
> are of the order of 1 to 3 years (Hunten, 1975). It seems to be
> generally accepted that volcanic aerosols remain in the stratosphere
> for several years (Kellogg and Schneider, 1974; Ramaswamy and Kiehl,
> 1985). A screen could be created in the stratosphere by adding more
> dust to the natural stratospheric dust to increase its net reflection
> of sunlight."
> >
> > Mass Estimates
> > "Ramaswamy and Kiehl (1985) estimate that an aerosol dust loading of
> 0.2 g/m2 for dust with a radius of about 0.26 µm increases the
> planetary albedo by 12 percent, resulting in a 15 percent decrease of
> solar flux reaching the surface. Since an approximately 1 percent
> change in solar flux is required, and their Figures 13 and 15 suggest
> that, at these loadings, the dust effects may reasonably be
> extrapolated downward linearly, estimates will be made by using a dust
> loading of 0.02 g/m2 with a particle radius of 0.26 µm."
> >
> > "The dust in Ramaswamy and Kiehl's model is distributed between 10
> and 30 km in the stratosphere, uniformly over the globe. The actual
> effect on radiative forcing of a global distribution of additional
> dust would be somewhat greater at low than at high latitudes because
> more of the sunlight is effective there for geometric reasons. This
> would decrease slightly the equator-to-pole temperature gradients and
> might have some effect on weather intensity. Presumably, this effect
> can also be studied with global climate models."
> >
> > Delivery Scenarios
> > "Aircraft Exhaust Penner et al. (1984) suggested that emissions of 1
> percent of the fuel mass of the commercial aviation fleet as
> particulates, between 40,000- and 100,000-foot (12- to 30-km) altitude
> for a 10-year period, would change the planetary albedo sufficiently
> to neutralize the effects of an equivalent doubling of CO2. They
> proposed that retuning the engine combustion systems to burn rich
> during the high-altitude portion of commercial flights could be done
> with negligible efficiency loss. Using Reck's estimates of extinction
> coefficients for particulates (Reck, 1979a, 1984), they estimated a
> requirement of about 1.168 ¥ 1010 kg of particulates, compared with
> the panel's estimate of 1010 kg, based upon Ramaswamy and Kiehl (1985)
> . They then estimated that if 1 percent of the fuel of aircraft flying
> above 30,000 feet is emitted as soot, over a 10-year period the
> required mass of particulate material would be emitted.
> > However, current commercial aircraft fleets seldom operate above 40,
> 000 feet (12 km), and the lifetimes of particles at the operating
> altitudes will be much shorter than 10 years."
> >
> > "An alternate possibility is simply to lease commercial aircraft to
> carry dust to their maximum flight altitude, where they would
> distribute it. To make a cost estimate, a simple assumption is made
> that the same amount of dust assumed above for the stratosphere would
> work for the tropopause (the boundary between the troposphere and the
> stratosphere). The results can be scaled for other amounts. The
> comments made above about the possible effect of dust on stratospheric
> ozone apply as well to ozone in the low stratosphere, but not in the
> troposphere. The altitude of the tropopause varies with latitude and
> season of the year."
> >
> > "In 1987, domestic airlines flew 4,339 million ton-miles of freight
> and express, for a total express and freight operating revenue of $4,
> 904 million (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1988). This gives a cost of
> slightly more than $1 per ton-mile for freight. If a dust distribution
> mission requires the equivalent of a 500-mile flight (about 1.5 hours)
> , the delivery cost for dust is $500/t, and ignoring the difference
> between English and metric tons, a cost of $0.50/kg of dust. If 1010
> kg must be delivered each 83 days, (provided dust falls out at the
> same rate as soot), 5 times more than the 1987 total ton-miles will be
> required."
> >
> > "The question of whether dedicated aircraft could fly longer
> distances at the same effective rate should be investigated."
> >
> > Changing Cloud Abundance - The Approach
> > "Independent studies estimated that an approximately 4 percent
> increase in the coverage of marine stratocumulus clouds would be
> sufficient to offset CO2 doubling (Reck, 1978; Randall et al., 1984).
> Albrecht (1989) suggests that the average low-cloud reflectivity could
> be increased if the abundance of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN)
> increased due to emissions of SO2. It is proposed that CCN emissions
> should be released over the oceans, that the release should produce an
> increase in the stratocumulus cloud albedo only, and that the clouds
> should remain at the same latitudes over the ocean where the surface
> albedo is relatively constant and small."
> >
> > "Albrecht (1989) estimates that a roughly 30 percent increase in CCN
> would be necessary to increase the fractional cloudiness or albedo of
> marine stratocumulus clouds by 4 percent. Albrecht's idealized
> stratocumulus cloud, which he argues is typical, has a thickness of
> 375 m, a drizzle rate of 1 mm per day, and a mean droplet radius of
> 100 mm, and he assumes that each droplet is formed by the coalescence
> of 1000 smaller droplets. The rate at which the CCN are depleted by
> his model is 1000/cm3 per day. Consequently, about 300/cm3 per day (30
> percent of 1000) of additional CCN would have to be discharged per day
> at the base of the cloud to maintain a 4 percent increase in
> cloudiness. This assumes that the perturbed atmosphere would also
> remain sufficiently close to saturation in the vicinity of the CCN
> that additional cloud cover would be formed every time the number of
> CCN increased."
> >
> > Mass Estimates of Cloud Condensation Nuclei
> > "With Albrecht's assumption in mind that cloudiness in a typical
> ocean region is limited by the small number of CCN, we now extrapolate
> to the entire globe. On the average, 31.2 percent of the globe is
> covered by marine stratiform clouds (Charlson et al., 1987). If no
> high-level clouds are present, the number n of CCN that need to be
> added per day is 1.8 ¥ 1025 CCN/day. The mass of a CCN is equal to 4/
> 3pr3 ¥ density, and it is assumed that the mean radius r is equal to
> 0.07 ¥ 10-4 cm (Charlson et al., 1987). Because the density of
> sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is 1.841 g/cm3, the CCN mass is 2.7 ¥ 10-15 g.
> The total weight of H2SO4 to be added per day is 31 ¥ 103 t per day
> SO2 if all SO2 is converted to H2SO4 CCN.
> > To put this number in perspective, a medium-sized coal-fired U.S.
> power plant emits about this much SO2 in a year. Consequently, the
> equivalent emissions of 365 U.S. coal-burning power plants,
> distributed homogeneously, would be needed to produce sufficient CCN."
> >
> > "Cloud stimulation by provision of cloud condensation nuclei appears
> to be a feasible and low-cost option capable of being used to mitigate
> any quantity of CO2 equivalent per year. Details of the cloud physics,
> verification of the amount of CCN to be added for a particular degree
> of mitigation, and the possible acid rain or other effects of adding
> CCN over the oceans need to be investigated before such system is put
> to use. Once a decision has been made, the system could be mobilized
> and begin to operate in a year or so, and mitigation effects would be
> immediate. If the system were stopped, the mitigation effect would
> presumably cease very rapidly, within days or weeks, as extra CCN were
> removed by rain and drizzle."
> >
> > "Several schemes depend on the effect of additional dust compounds
> in the stratosphere or very low stratosphere screening out sunlight.
> Such dust might be delivered to the stratosphere by various means,
> including being fired with large rifles or rockets or being lifted by
> hydrogen or hot-air balloons. These possibilities appear feasible,
> economical, and capable of mitigating the effect of as much CO2
> equivalent per year as we care to pay for. (Lifting dust, or soot, to
> the tropopause or the low stratosphere with aircraft may be limited,
> at low cost, to the mitigation of 8 to 80 Gt CO2 equivalent per year.)
> Such systems could probably be put into full effect within a year or
> two of a decision to do so, and mitigation effects would begin
> immediately. Because dust falls out naturally, if the delivery of dust
> were stopped, mitigation effects would cease within about 6 months for
> dust (or soot) delivered to the tropopause and within a couple of
> years for dust delivered to the midstratosphere."
> >
> > "Sunlight screening systems would not have to be put into practice
> until shortly before they were needed for mitigation, although
> research to understand their effects, as well as design and
> engineering work, should be done now so that it will be known whether
> these technologies are available if wanted."
> >
> > "Perhaps one of the surprises of this analysis is the relatively low
> costs at which some of the geoengineering options might be
> implemented."
> > (end of excerpts)
> >
> > More evidence for you:
> >
> > Jay Michaelson 1998 Geoengineering: A climate change Manhattan
> Project - Stanford Environmental Law Journal January
> >
> > Edward Teller (director emeritus, Lawrence Livermore National
> Laboratory), "The Planet Needs a Sunscreen" Wall Street Journal
> October 17, 1997.
> >
> > Climate Change 2001: Working Group III: Mitigation - by the
> Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
> >
> > Ramanathan, V. 1988. The greenhouse theory of climate change: A test
> by an inadvertent experiment. Science 243:293Â299
> >
> > Schimel, D., D. Alves, I. Enting, M. Heimann, F. Joos, D. Raynaud,
> T., Wigley, M. Prather, R. Derwent, D. Ehhalt, P. Fraser, E. Sanheuza,
> X., Zhou, P. Jonas, R. Charlson, H. Rodhe, S., Sadasivan, K. P. Shine,
> Y. Fouquart, V. Ramaswamy, S. Solomon, J., Srinivasan, D. Albritton,
> I. Isaksen, M. Lal, and D. Wuebbles, 1996: Radiative forcing of
> climate change. In Climate Change 1995: The Science of Climate Change,
> Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 69-131.
> >
> > Ramaswamy, V., R. J. Charlson, J. A. Coakley, J. L. Gras,
> Harshvardhan, G. Kukla, M. P. McCormick, D. Moller, E. Roeckner, L. L.
> Stowe, and J. Taylor, 1995: Group report: what are the observed and
> anticipated meteorological and climatic responses to aerosol forcing?
> In Aerosol Forcing of Climate, Vol. 20. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 386-
> 399.
> >
> > Ramaswamy, V., 1988: Aerosol radiative forcing and model responses.
> In Aerosols and Climate, A. Deepak Publishing, 349-372
> > Ramaswamy, V., and J. T. Kiehl. 1985. Sensitivities of the radiative
> forcing due to large loadings of smoke and dust aerosols. Journal of
> Geophysical Research 90(D3):5597Â5613
end of report.
Is it just me, or does anyone else see the resemblance of the track of TS/Hurricane/Ts/Hurricane/Ts Epsilon to the zodialogical symbol for LEO (the Lion.)?
The symbol is lika upsidedown letter "U", with a loop at the bottom of the left leg.
The track of epsilon starts with a loop to the south then back to the north, then an arching path north, east, and then south and slightly southwest.
Leo/Lion/lion-heart/Regulus/The Face on Mars/half-lion and half-man/Richard the Lion-Hearted/RCH (where is he?) Amen
Last night on Coast a caller called up and asked
"what are these chemtrails I hear people talking about"
Ian punkkid/pundit explained briefly, citing that it was questionable,
he also went on to say his pilot friends didnt think it was happening.
The caller also shed doubt on the subject during his very brief call.
The way he asked about the chemtrails was disingenous, it sounded like
a planted phone call. Those who question C2C of late and mention
clearchannel, appear to me to be on the right trail. Ian pundit chimed
in at the end that he's more worried about melting chunks of ice falling
into the ocean than any possible chemtrails. The whole exchange seemed
planned, or at the very least strongly discouraged the possibility, then
ending with an oh well if it is happening it's not anything to worry
about. C2C needs close monitoring for what's going on there. I'm
pretty concerned w/ the direction of the program that's for sure.
Nice post ericswan, Thanks. -Bryan
Hey, I just received an email containing some pictures taken of the airplane still in crash position from Midway Airport along with the story of how the private pilot got permission to take them. If anyone is interested I can either email them to you or put them on my blog site. I havent ever done anything with the site and could try to do it tonight if you guys are interested.
looks like jas is seeing only what he wants to see.mebbe it oughta be pointed out that the oil plant in britain is the 6th largest there? makes it kinda hard for them to only have 5???
Good pictures here
This website has lots of pictures including sundogs from chemtrails
Hi, crew,
Still not caught up reading all the comments on this blog. I did look at the Pentalawn video. It sure raises a lot of questions.
BTW, Epsilon is the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet, and Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac-ac-ac.
The Haarpicanists making a giant etch-a-sketch.
Or maybe it's just a coincidence.
Hi all...
I now retract what I said about the oil depot blasts not being covered. I just started up AOL, and on the welcome screen was this as the top story...
No, I didn't know that Epsilon's track resembled Leo. That's cool...
One thing of interest, Jas. On the AOL headline about the blasts, it said something along the lines of " was like Doomsday...", so I guess you were partly right about Dec. 10...
Also, I'm not selective about the news. I go through Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, CNN Headline News, and even The Weather Channel. I just happen to stay on Fox the longest, because they're fair and balanced...
this looks strange to me (it is a current radar image so it won't be relevant for long )
especially near the u.s mexico border and also extending into the desert, strange long lines
and 2 that are parallel.
Anyone else see this as odd?
Well already they've changed, sort of broken up, but new ones just north
of San Diego. Thin lines of rain, seems odd
Track of Epsilon
I checked out that radar link.
How 'bout that little "cloud" zipping acros the golf of california?
I meant "gulf"
Check out the top story on WMR;
Christian Right and Arms Dealing, Uh-OH!
Man, if this could make the mainstream the proverbial poo-poo would hit the fan. Could it happen??
Strange line here (current radar, that shouldn't be relevant for long again)
This is close to 33 degrees, the rest of the radar, not counting the long line
is what I'm used to seeing. what is that long line at 8:02 PST
For those of you interested in what classic C2C sounded like. Tonight is a classic C2C originally recorded on April 18, 1995, Art Bell talks to Mad Man Markham about a time machine followed by discussion of time travel.
Re. Annunaki -
It is definitely apparent that there are divergent views regarding the Annunaki. More study is required on my part as the comments made from Crypt0, sunking and zebowho only seem to raise more questions in my mind. Something tells me that we don't have the whole story.
bubba hyde,
I don't think we've have the full story on anything. We are always struggling for information. Whatever the truth is and when it comes to the masses, I wonder what that will be and feel like. In the meantime, I will keep on seeking. I do like the points of view that are being tossed around. Good dialog, staying tuned.
Bryansail: I checked out both links of radar at just past 11:20 est. I can see the lines also. Very reminiscent of the Harpicanes. I also noticed that the lines are moving in a different direction than the rest of the normal weather. Very strange indeed. It will be interesting to see what 'develops' there. Are you able to save the images for reference later?
I posted my first ever blog. It contains 2 pictures of the site the day after the Midway plane crash as well as the photographers account of his trip. His pictures have his website name on them if anyone is interested. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Oh, I gave the MEG plans to a friend of mine that is in that line of work. Boy was he excited. We'll see what he comes up with.
Sorry mates,
Here is the correct url for 'Pentalawn'
Its good. Sarcasm goes a long way sometimes.
Unipax, Thanks for the great laugh. That add for Pentalawn is just great. I sure wish we could have gotten our hand on some of those spools of cable too. When we were authorized satellite dealers, we went through lots of the stuff, but sometimes it gets cut by homeowners and lawn care services and on occasion by those hungry squirrels and chipmunks. That Pentanium Cable would have saved us quite a few hours of service calls! Oh well, we're out of the biz now, but it sure is good to know that our government has the best indestructible cable that can be made. Hmmm I wonder who makes it? Lockheed? Hmmmmmmmmm
wv: bedswiml Maybe this has to do with the 'lines' on the radar in SOCAL? :)
SSL4000G said...
bubba hyde,
I don't think we've have the full story on anything. We are always struggling for information. Whatever the truth is and when it comes to the masses, I wonder what that will be and feel like. In the meantime, I will keep on seeking. I do like the points of view that are being tossed around. Good dialog, staying tuned.
12/11/2005 11:29:33 PM
Always struggling yes. The biggest problem for me is finding authoritative sources that are not surrounded in controversy regarding their work. Even Hoagland isn't immune. When the issues are debated people seem to fall into camps regarding who is right sometimes in spite of the evidence(or lack thereof) presented. That is what chaps my butt. Subjective truth seems to trump objective truth. People base their view of reality based on their experiences, religion, politics and what in their own minds they are willing to accept. Very rarely will you see people willing to step outside of the box and view evidence without any filter. It's what makes weeding thru the crap so hard to do. Contrarion opinions are often met with frothing responses which do nothing to stimulate the debate rather only serve to shut the person up. The dialog regarding the Annunaki has definitely been stimulating and is a definite example of good open debate. I have appreciated it immensely.
The truth, if it is ever revealed fully, will be met IMO with outrage from some, welcomed by a few and rejected by the rest.
Crypto, I have almost always found a virus or hijacker, or something equally sinister when my computers do this. Especially on the teenagers puter....when will they learn to clean up after themselves? Anyway, run your sweeps and see if that helps. It honestly sounds like a nasty little program like 180ax. Good Luck
Crypto said...
What are the Annunaki and What were the Annunaki to our ancestors ? If they used stage magic to give the illusion that they were Gods last time - they're in for quite a surprise their next trip back to Earth ! I don't think we'll be fooled as easily this time around ...
Who is 'we'? I wouldn't be so surprised if most of 'we' (present company excluded, of course) fall for whatever TV says is true.
So glad you enjoyed the Pentalawn (thanks to iontru02).
We need more clever sarcasm to debunk the nonsense that came from the 9-11 Commission Official Report.
Hey Sword,
What's your take on that?
OK, OK, if you can't comment.
Crypt0 & krazyby4kids,
Good ol Linux, no spyware or nasty critters to worry about. Desktop versions exist that are quite nice and easy to use. Occasionally, you have to use the command line or a shell but most usually it takes care of everything. A good desktop linux version is available at
ms. t
That appears to be ground clutter IMO.
Isn't it odd that SOHO's STILL got that CCD bakeout thing going on, and that it's ONLY on the instuments that show the Sun in good detail?
KrazyBy4Kids said...
Bryansail: I checked out both links of radar at just past 11:20 est. I can see the lines also. Very reminiscent of the Harpicanes. I also noticed that the lines are moving in a different direction than the rest of the normal weather. Very strange indeed. It will be interesting to see what 'develops' there. Are you able to save the images for reference later? I posted my first ever blog. It contains 2 pictures of the site the day after the Midway plane crash as well as the photographers account of his trip. His pictures have his website name on them if anyone is interested. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Oh, I gave the MEG plans to a friend of mine that is in that line of work. Boy was he excited. We'll see what he comes up with.
--I did manage to save 2 loops of those lines. They did move some, which clutter wouldn't do. I also have 2 different satellites/sources. Kinda strange looking. One of the lines is still there but has moved a little bit. The location is just north of 33 degrees. I'll take a look at that site krazyby4kids. Hope your friend goes for
it with the MEG, I'm really curious if it will work as claimed. Over unity, COP>1, energy from the aether,
that's what will begin the change I want off the grid of evil as soon as possible. -Bryan
Do the oil states think our military is there to protect them or protect oil?
Fact: If the world bids up the price of gold, all deals will be off! It would be every nation for themselves. Oil would explode in price!
The Preacher
Silver 9.16
Gold 539
Platinum 1008
got gold?
Date: Sat Nov 22 1997 23:32
One new day gold will begin a rise that will end it's use as a trading medium. This reevaluation will end a tradition in London. No gold house will make a market that has no sellers, official world gold trade will end for many years! And with it will go the last true value to trade for oil. Oil will skyrocket in all currencies. Those who have metal will learn it's value in oil. All things in life change, the world will not be the same.
I bought some gold from my dealer this weekend and he said buying is increasing and the ARE NO SELLERS. That's how it is in Atlanta, GA.
The Preacher (not me!)
Listening to Art..first time listener..ummm..well...Has the show always been on when most of the kids have gone to bed?
Thanks for a bit of the background on AB. Your comments very interesting - got me curious as to the darker happenings. Re: Ed Dames, I know Art has had him on - at least since I started watching in 95; but when Ed had that kerfuffel with his first org. I thought he also had a falling out of sorts with Art? Then I didn't listen to C2C for a while, when I started listening again, things seemed to have been patched between them. ED seems pretty closed/protective re: gov't ops and usually he preceives them as for the good of the people - red flags really started flying when he said no coverup on 9/11. He has quite an ego. Perhaps this isn't the place to drag on about it - but had the show not changed courses, I agree with you...was heading to the moon. Hope your right about GN. Curious comment: "so it will be there when we need it" - I think now is when we need Truth - Disclosure - Awakeningl I sense a wave of activity happening, not good, and that perhaps we are too late to stop it. Don't know.
And .. I wonder .. but once again, this is too open a forum to put everything in writing..
You can't handle the truth
If your willing to share more: email:
7 heads and 10 Diadems - Revelation.
710 - OIL
11 Dec 2005 OIL Depoot in UK goes up in smoke;
Article from STA
Remember on 7/7/05 London bombings, the terrorist organization al-Qaeda claimed responsibility(whoever they really are).
The 11/12/05 oil storage explosion and resultant black smoke over London, looks very much like a 'Smoke Signal Message to the World'-to start something in motion.
'It is like a vision of doomsday'
"A huge cloud of black smoke was hanging over south-east England last night after a series of explosions at an oil depot started the biggest fire of its type in Europe since 1945."
From the bombings on the 7th July, 2005 to England's Explosion-'Smoke Signal', 11th Dec, 2005 is 5 months & 4 days.
12/12/05 from 7th July, 2005, is 5 months & 5 days. An example of a 55 type number in numerology, is from 11th Sept-2001 to the start of the Iraq war on the 20th March-2003, it was exactly 555 days.
"On Dec. 7, an Islamic website ran an excerpt of an earlier videotape in which bin Laden�s No. 2, Ayman Zawahiri called on �holy warriors� to concentrate their attacks on oil targets.
The Hertfordshire police ruled out external causes although they are keeping an open mind until the big, -destroyed fuel depot cools enough for an investigation. Many witnesses reported hearing an aircraft in the area at the time of the blasts. Some also reported heavy rumbles before the explosion."
Clear Channel has ruined radio period. Everything they touch goes to crap. Cheap Channel believes in quantity over quality. It has happened in every market that they have shown up in. CC and others like them will grab as many stations in a market as they possibly can, then gut the talent leaving each station sounding like junk. They make money because if someone wants to advertise the field of players has been thinned to the point that you have to do business with them or you don't get on.
CC has done the same thing with their national talk shows too. C2C, heck even Rush has been changed to the point where they are practically not enjoyable to listen to. Plus CC owns so many stations that they insure success for their shows while pinching out others trying to break through. So expect it to only get worse.
[i]We're lucky to have an informed opinion on the old Art Bell for comparison with the new Art Bell ![/i]
I have listened to Art since sometime in I think 93 (first on a Barfalo NY station. Then a local Hamilton Ontario station for a bit. But now a big Tronto station for probably a decade at least)
I don't even know my own motivations - I know that people are sometimes bad.
(go Bulldogs)
why a big time show like Coast had its host reading human growth hormone ads & selling matresses.
Tacky crass materialism and it stinks !
On Canadian stations they play music or run OTHER ads than those !!
bubba hyde said;
Always struggling yes. The biggest problem for me is finding authoritative sources that are not surrounded in controversy regarding their work. Even Hoagland isn't immune. When the issues are debated people seem to fall into camps regarding who is right sometimes in spite of the evidence(or lack thereof) presented. That is what chaps my butt. Subjective truth seems to trump objective truth. People base their view of reality based on their experiences, religion, politics and what in their own minds they are willing to accept. Very rarely will you see people willing to step outside of the box and view evidence without any filter. It's what makes weeding thru the crap so hard to do. Contrarion opinions are often met with frothing responses which do nothing to stimulate the debate rather only serve to shut the person up. The dialog regarding the Annunaki has definitely been stimulating and is a definite example of good open debate. I have appreciated it immensely.
The truth, if it is ever revealed fully, will be met IMO with outrage from some, welcomed by a few and rejected by the rest.
12/12/2005 12:05:50 AM
I am in total agreement with you on all the above.I struggle to turn the filter off and keep the mind open. The most difficult work I've done. I do think though the truth will have to come out. You can only hold the lid on a boiling pot so long before the pressure forces the lid off and the contents go everywhere. I too, have appreciated the dialog. :)
ms t said;
Hey Crew, I just went outside and there is a HUGE ring around the moon. Never seen one like this. I looked at the radars for my area and there is a big circle over Ft. Polk. Anyone care to look?
12/12/2005 12:37:05 AM
I saw some haze around the moon too. Even though the sky was "clear". Was that Mars right next to the moon? I got to see the moon a lot last night. The dog decided to slip his collar and go on a "cruise" around the neighborhood last night. That really sucked, got no sleep at all. :(
What I find interesting is that your take on the Annunaki and Sumerians is significantly different than anything I have read (Sitchen,Pye and I am open for other suggestions). Can you cite some sources? I am interested in this subject and any new info would be appreciated.
sword said;
"There never coming back crypt0 – ever… …
They knew what this system is going to go through in the next hundred years (thousands if we don’t get to it right after OUR big event)… …"
Which is something that I wish we knew more about. It seems that to solve this huge problem would take a lot of effort. And what are you saying about "going through in the next hundred years and thousands if we don't get to it right after our big event"? I know we have an asteroid issue coming to a head. What are you refering to after that bro? Oh, will you be contributing an article for the blog? If you are, I look forward to the discussion.
john said;
Isn't it odd that SOHO's STILL got that CCD bakeout thing going on, and that it's ONLY on the instuments that show the Sun in good detail?
12/12/2005 12:55:28 AM
You've been saying that for a few days now. That does seem odd, if it's a real problem. If it's not, I wonder what they are hiding? Man, this bs never ends does it?
You never cease to amaze me with you points presented for discussion. You have to promise that when you get your stuff published (book form) you let me know. I believe it is something I need to read. :)
What ever happened to the Anti-Trust suits that broke up the monopolies right around the beginning of the 20th century? Seems that today, monopolies are aok, eh?
Hi guys/gals...
Bubba hyde, I find Rush VERY enjoyable to listen to...
Finally!! Someone other than here and the internet mentioned the oil depot blasts!! I just heard it on Paul Harvey...
Jas, I thought the blasts happened on Dec. 10, not Dec. 11...
Ssl4000g, did you get any snow last week from the second storm? I hear that later this week, we're gonna get more snow/ice...
Dec 9/10/11
apparently John has not heard of Time zones either.
2:03 in the morning my time John, on the 11th Dec.
6:03 GMT
10:03 PM PST 10th Dec...
I've been trying to figure out why SOHO's still got that CCD bakeout ONLY on the instruments that show the Sun in good detail, so I tried looking at the latest data from the C2 and C3 cameras. I'm not sure if there's anything odd in them...
...But, I think there's some freaky stuff going on here...
My bad, Jas. And I HAVE heard of time zones
Did anyone hear C2C this morning with the time travel guy? That was neat...
Oh, Unipax, I sent you an email...
I have found the whole antitrust/monopoly situation fascinating. As a teenager during the breakup of the Bells in the 80's, I had a unique perspective - my mother worked for them. She started off at Ohio Bell the only provider of phone services. Then AT&T swooped in once the anti-trust laws went into effect. The only thing that happened was the Ohio Bell took local service and AT&T took the long distance. Strange tho' AT&T also took the operators and 411. All the employees had the choice of which company to work for and which office to work out of. Then about 5 yrs later, everyone got to choose again. This was right before other companies started moving in. Now I get to watch as all the 'little' guys that broke through are merging back into one big company. What a joke. Another great example is Cable TV/Satellite TV. All kinds of stupid sh** going on there. I wonder now that the FCC has opened up the ability to TAX the airwaves, how they are going to get into the AM/FM business. From what I have been hearing, the bandwidth saved for shortwave radios is going to be taken away in the next ten years. Hopefully it is just a rumor, but I feel most rumors are started by the gov't to see if there is a big enough uproar. When there isn't they just make their changes and screw the public. What a shame that we live in a country that lies about its freedoms. What is even worse is that the sheep dont see what is going on in front of their eyes, or even care that it is happening.
I'm sure you all knew this stuff anyway, I just needed to ramble. Thanks
wdust w=world?
the trial balloon full of hot air
You inspired a thought with your comments about C2C and RCH now being "science Advisor':
Was RCH's Blog experiment an attempt to see the numbers he drew to the blog based on his 'name recognition'? Remember how 'noteworthy' it was that he had had over a 'million unique hits' in the blog?
We've only had these totals...stats since Thanksgiving Day(US)...and we're nowhere near that 'milliom' mark.
Per Month This Year
Hits 270.83 1625
Page Views 386.67 2320
Unique Visitors 104.17 625
So was RCH trying to prove that he could be a radio 'draw' to GN? And once that was 'Mission Accomplished', then he goes *POOF*? Was the message from the advert postings at TEM "Show Me Da Money!"?????
the UK oil blast story has been Headline news on all TV news outlets since it occurred. ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/Billy Bob's.....they are all running stories with video about it. Not to mention papers and radio. If you ain't seeing it, you just ain't looking.
Be patient, now. Soon.
re: Annunanki
Given the Sitchin account of the evolved hominid DNA being 'upgraded' with the Annunanki DNA...does this imply that 'life' on other worlds took a similar DNA path as ours? Or could their DNA be dissimilar, yet work when tacked on to 'ours'?
My guess is that the stats for this blog shows only the remnant that was left. Those that would actually wait for the blog to load. Most of those that read and posted over on the Captain's blog probably don't even know we've moved. Couple that with the fact that he stopped posting and viewers seeing that he was no longer available to respond to questions probably went their merry way.
John said....
Finally!! Someone other than here and the internet mentioned the oil depot blasts!! I just heard it on Paul Harvey...
John said...20 minutes to go
John said....1 minute to go..
Jas said 6:03 London time
is 10:03 PM PT December 10, 2005
Would anyone care to comment on why it is so many of us "posted" comments about the rum shack we were thinking about visiting just prior to the Hempstead fire?
Sunking said''
Per Month This Year
Hits 270.83 1625
Page Views 386.67 2320
Unique Visitors 104.17 625
Could you translate that for me?
Jas..visited your blog..left a comment ..for da man of "numbers" it is a disappointment that your date stamp has not "date".
ericswan said...
Mrs. T. I wonder if anyone else noticed how many posts in the last bit talk about hooking up on Jas' island. I did some astral travel last night and found myself high up over an island with waves crashing and huge pleasure craft leaving shore and several intervals and heading out to sea. This was a real neat vision from altitude and it woke me up because I thought it was real.. go figure...
12/09/2005 07:45:35 PM
kb4k said;
"What a shame that we live in a country that lies about its freedoms. What is even worse is that the sheep dont see what is going on in front of their eyes, or even care that it is happening."
The ongoing, always frustrating, never ending topic of many of our discussions. Hte fact that they don't care what is happening is that they are too busy with life issues. Now, I wonder how things got that way? Hmmmm.
We got about 2" and everything turned into slush. what a mess. We'll see wha the next "strom" brings. Most likely more bs and inconvenience. :(
sunking said;
So was RCH trying to prove that he could be a radio 'draw' to GN? And once that was 'Mission Accomplished', then he goes *POOF*? Was the message from the advert postings at TEM "Show Me Da Money!"?????
12/12/2005 09:21:30 AM
If it was, it was a creative way to finance whatever he has on his agenda. Basic fact of life, we can't do things without the Benjamins. Nice OTB thinking sunking, caught you sneaking that in over the flap. ;)
sunking again;
re: Annunanki
Given the Sitchin account of the evolved hominid DNA being 'upgraded' with the Annunanki DNA...does this imply that 'life' on other worlds took a similar DNA path as ours? Or could their DNA be dissimilar, yet work when tacked on to 'ours'?
12/12/2005 09:28:48 AM
If I could chime in here, I'm really diggin this topic. In reading sitchen, he stated that it took quite a number of tries to get the whole thing correct. Evidently, there was some serious FU's that created some very "broken" creatures as a result. His story was quite interesting as a read. I don't know how that may correllate into todays genetic defects (that's what I meant by broken :).
ericswan said...
Sunking said''
Per Month This Year
Hits 270.83 1625
Page Views 386.67 2320
Unique Visitors 104.17 625
Could you translate that for me?
Sure! Into what language? YUKYUKYUK!
Hits - when somone clicks a link to go to the blog page.
Page Views - after your 'hit', then when you reload the page.
Unique Visitor - does not include multiple hits of a 24 hour period, who came to this site...counts only once.
but if you come here once a day for 30 days, then you are a unique visitor 30 times, you may have more than one 'hit' during a day' and will definitely hat multiple views throughtout the day.
So, I doubt we have a large audience of lurkers...I think our group is rather self-contained.
But then this is not even 30 days worth of data...
WHen I read that about the genetic "defectives' created by the A., I could not help but correlate that to the defectives that are 'implied' in the Bible story of the Nefilim. Was that another reason God was angry? because they had fouled up the gene pool with God knows what? There seemed to be a lot of emphasis on 'the blood'. Was it more than just enthic prejudice? Was it about protecting some other 'secret' that was in the blood?
Crypt0 I found another list that includes "everyone" that died as a result of 911. If 911 was a hoax, if the dead are actually "disappeared" I would say that this list would be a smoking gun.. Let's put it another way; If this is a conspiracy moving toward "population reduction" (worst case scenario) then the victims may have been volunteers to be "disappeared" into one of the several underground fortresses that we all seminally know is "down" there. What we see as far as conspiracies go these days as in "CHEMTRAILS" being the most obvious, is that "everyone" is in on it except the sheeples. We know pilots, press, government and on and on and on, are obviously aware of this taking place. My post above of the list in Rense is different from the post which follows. This is more inclusive but then it may be different in more ways than that.
If I were looking to populate an underground city, and take them along through ARMAGEDDEN this would be a great place to start. I'm not going to apologise to you Sword or Anon for being so "conspiritorial". Evil is afoot. The die is cast. Qui Sera Sera.
ethnic....not enthic
oh, Ericswan....great post yesterday about chemtrails ideology and research. Most 'illunminating'!
There is speculation that Flt 77 was a missile the passenger list may have been a fabrication to cover up the disappeared..
here is the list for that flight..Are these people part of a conspiracy? Would they be valuable assets to an underground community? I'm just asking..
Ambrose, Paul, 32, Washington, D.C., senior clinical adviser, Office of the Surgeon General, Reported dead; Betru, Yeneneh, 35, Burbank, Calif., director of medical affairs, IPC, Reported dead; Booth, M.J., Reported dead; Brown, Bernard Curtis II, 11, Washington, D.C., student, Leckie Elementary School (Washington), Reported dead; Burlingame, Charles, 51, Herndon, Va., captain, American Airlines, Reported dead; Calley, Suzanne, 42, San Martin, Calif., Cisco Systems Inc., Reported dead; Caswell, William E., 54, Silver Spring, Md., physicist, U.S. Navy, Reported dead; Charlebois, David M., 39, Washington, D.C., first officer, American Airlines, Reported dead; Clark, Sarah, 65, Columbia, Md., sixth-grade teacher, Backus Middle School (Washington), Reported dead; Cooper, Zandra, Annandale, Va., Reported dead; Cottom, Asia, 11, Washington, D.C., student, Backus Middle School (Washington), Reported dead; Debeuneure, James, 58, Upper Marlboro, Md., fifth-grade teacher, Ketcham Elementary School (Washington), Reported dead; Dickens, Rodney, 11, Washington, D.C., student, Ketcham Elementary School (Washington), Reported dead; Dillard, Eddie, Alexandria, Va., retired marketing manager, Philip Morris, Reported dead; Droz, Charles, 52, Springfield, Va., vice president for software development, EM Solutions Inc., Reported dead; Edwards, Barbara G., 58, Las Vegas, Nev., teacher, Palo Verde High School, Reported dead; Falkenberg, Charles S., 45, University Park, Md., research director, ECOlogic Corp., Reported dead; Falkenberg, Dana, 3, University Park, Md., Reported dead; Falkenberg, Zoe, 8, University Park, Md., Reported dead; Ferguson, James Joe, 39, Washington, D.C., educational outreach director, National Geographic Society, Reported dead; Flagg, Darlene, 63, Millwood, Va., Reported dead; Flagg, Wilson, 63, Millwood, Va., retired Navy Admiral and pilot, American Airlines, Reported dead; Gabriel, Richard P. Sr., 54, Great Falls, Va., managing partner, Stratin Consulting, Reported dead; Gray, Ian J., 55, Columbia, Md., president, McBee Associates, Reported dead; Hall, Stanley, 68, Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., director of program management, Raytheon Co., Reported dead; Heidenberger, Michele, 57, Chevy Chase, Md., flight attendant, American Airlines, Reported dead; Jack, Bryan, 48, Alexandria, Va., budget analyst/director of the programming and fiscal economics division, Defense Department, Reported dead; Jacoby, Steven D., 43, Alexandria, Va., chief operating officer, Metrocall Inc., Reported dead; Judge, Ann, 49, Great Falls, Va., travel officer manager, National Geographic Society, Reported dead; Keller, Chandler, 29, El Segundo, Calif., propulsion engineer, Boeing Co., Reported dead; Kennedy, Yvonne, 62, Sydney, Australia, retired, Australian Red Cross, Reported dead; Khan, Norma, 45, Reston, Va., manager of member services, Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors-National Association, Reported dead; Kincaid, Karen A., 40, Washington, D.C., lawyer, Wiley Rein & Fielding (Washington), Reported dead; Lee, Dong, 48, Leesburg, Va., engineer, Boeing Co., Reported dead; Lewis, Jennifer, 38, Culpeper, Va., flight attendant, American Airlines, Reported dead; Lewis, Kenneth, 49, Culpeper, Va., flight attendant, American Airlines, Reported dead; May, Renee A., 39, Baltimore, Md., flight attendant, American Airlines, Reported dead; Menchaca, Dora, 45, Santa Monica, Calif., associate director of clinical research, Amgen Inc., Reported dead; Newton, Christopher, 38, Ashburn, Va., executive, WorkLife Benefits, Reported dead; Olson, Barbara, 45, Great Falls, Va., TV commentator, author and lawyer, , Reported dead; Ornedo, Ruben, 39, Los Angeles, Calif., propulsion engineer, Boeing Co., Reported dead; Penniger, Robert, 63, Poway, Calif., electrical engineer, BAE Systems, Reported dead; Ploger, Robert R. III, 59, Annandale, Va., software architect, Lockheed Martin Corp., Reported dead; Raines, Lisa J., 42, Great Falls, Va., senior vice president, Genzyme Corp., Reported dead; Reuben, Todd, 40, Potomac, Md., tax and business lawyer, Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti, Reported dead; Sammartino, John, 37, Annandale, Va., technical manager, XonTech Inc., Reported dead; Simmons, Diane, Great Falls, Va., Reported dead; Simmons, George, Great Falls, Va., Reported dead; Sopper, Mari-Rae, 35, Santa Barbara, Calif., women's gymnastics coach, UC Santa Barbara, Reported dead; Speisman, Robert, 47, Irvington, N.Y., executive vice president, Lazar Kaplan International, Reported dead; Steuerle, Norma Lang, 54, Alexandria, Va., Reported dead; Taylor, Hilda E., 62, Forestville, Md., sixth-grade teacher, Leckie Elementary School (Washington), Reported dead; Taylor, Leonard, 44, Reston, Va., technical group manager, XonTech Inc., Reported dead; Teague, Sandra, 31, Fairfax, Va., physical therapist, Georgetown University Hospital, Reported dead; Whittington, Leslie A., 45, University Park, Md., professor, Georgetown University, Reported dead; Yamnicky, John D. Sr., 71, Waldorf, Md., Veridian Corp., Reported dead; Yancey, Vicki C., 43, Springfield, Va., defense contractor, Vredenburg Co., Reported dead; Yang, Shuyin, 61, Beijing, China, retired pediatrician, Reported dead; Zheng, Yuguang, 65, Beijing, China, retired chemist, Reported dead.
NightStar, not sure really, just musing it all over.
I can't believe that mi home town, Hemel Hempstead, was headline news here on West Indian News.
If you were a betting person, how much would you lay, on a man in St Kitt's, from the UK, the very place that on the Dec 9/10/11, had an "Apocolyptic fire" (BBC World Service), just a few hours into the aforementioned person said something 'big' would happen.
I mean a few times this last month I've banged on about OIL.
And look at that.
And 10:03 PST is also 10/03 mi birthdate...
If you was a betting man, would you have bet money on that?
It's all just too 'coincidental'.
Like I said, the 10/12, was the end of Five months of torment and da start of da Apocolypse.
Oil for energy, in a cold winter, suddenly in shorter supply in the UK, with an allready tippy oil situation in the USA and Europe, since RITRINAK made their windy ways through much of the OIL infrastructure this summer.
It looks like things ARE falling into place.
Sorry guys,
It was unfair of me to unload like I did in the last blog. Faith itself is a gift from God and neither I nor anyone else can control it. Sunking, you are doing a great job, not just reruns. I think that I may be getting crotchety as I get older, but I really didn't mean to blow-up at you guys. Things build up and sometimes I don't realize it until critical mass is reached.
FYI, WRT the following article, I and many other Christians do not support Pat Robertson for reasons which should become clear below and are already clear to most of you. Pat Robertson is a neo-con stooge who is doing great damage to people like me and what we believe. I am convinced that there is a coordinated effort to deliberately de-base the traditional institutions of faith such as Christian, Judaic and Islam, so as to set them up as goats and bad guys. This step of eliminating moral order on the playing field is essential to the advancement of a New World "Order". The most insidious thing about it is that it is being orchestrated as a "fifth column" movement so that the blame goes on the truly faithful rather than on the neocon,
illuminist decievers that are at work on the inside.
"December 11, 2005 -- SPECIAL REPORT. Additional ties between southern Christian fundamentalists, Texas oil interests, and Russian-Israeli mobsters and weapons smugglers uncovered. According to informed Washington insiders, there is increasing evidence of financial links between key "Christian Right" GOP notables and an international ring of Russian-Ukrainian-Israeli mobsters tied to notorious Russian weapons smuggler Viktor Vasilevich (aka Anatoliyevich) Bout. "
Full story here:
Re 12/10. Don't discount the significance of the White House's "dry run" regarding the state of the Feds ability to respond to a major flu pandemic. Why is the Governmental agency in charge of these types of things called the CDC, Center for Disease Control, instead of the CDE, The Center for Disease Eradication? It sure makes me wonder!
Nothing to forgive, nothing to forget! :)
those were the counts, not a timestamp. 1624 hits, 2000+ reloads, 620+ Unique visitors.
And Yes, the Flood IS related to all that. I was well into my years before I sat stunned, on day....realizing that Noah was like a 2nd Adam, truly a father to us all. IF there's any truth to the tale...... ;)
sunking said;
WHen I read that about the genetic "defectives' created by the A., I could not help but correlate that to the defectives that are 'implied' in the Bible story of the Nefilim. Was that another reason God was angry? because they had fouled up the gene pool with God knows what? There seemed to be a lot of emphasis on 'the blood'. Was it more than just enthic prejudice? Was it about protecting some other 'secret' that was in the blood?
12/12/2005 10:09:19 AM
The clay, was what Sitchen translated as blood. I believe he spoke of the blood of the Annunaki being mixed with the blood, which I think was called "essence" but I am not certain, of the "local" hominid. As Enki was quoted by Sitchen to some effect, "But the lifeform is already here". That is definitely a paraphrased quote but you get the idea. When they finally got it right, the 'hybris' could not reproduce so they used "birth goddesses", 7 to produce females, and 7 to produce males. Whan they realized that that was an inefficient way to go, they then gave them the ability to procreate. And I guess that is when the problems started. Check the Bible re; Sonsof God mating with the daughters of man....
Sitchen definitely says that Enki and Ninhursag created the hybrid from the local population and from Annunaki genes by using blood from each as a source of genetic material, at least that is how I read it. Ther is of course contemporary mans find of 223 genes that seem to be "spare parts" or something. They are not sure what they are for, I am thinking they have not been able to offer an evolutionary cause or correllation for these extra genes.
The prejudice I am not sure how that ties in. But you see the blood link. Blood is also important in the Grail story and Mary Magdalen coming to the shore of Southern France with the child of her and Jesus' union. There is a lot of grey areas here. And as bubba hyde pointed out earlier, the greatest difficulty is sifting through all the info and dis-info to start putting together the truth. The bit I just threw out I would undoubtedly expect to be met with criticism from staunch the fundamentalist/conservative right, right?
We have a geat challenge to ge to the truth. Sitchen is but one "scholar" to ponder and digest. Take what we can or need and leave the rest.
With regard to the Nefilim, the correlation may be valid. Because, as we have seen, the genesis story has its origins in Sumerian writings. And that my friend is an undeniable fact. Wow, a real and provable fact! And it was proven over 100 years agon when the first digs in Mesopotamia were done. Hope i didn't babble incoherently.
eric swan,
Those people disappeared I guess. A guy from my town was a first off on the pentalawn flight. Did work for his wife who set up a foundation in his name. Conspiracy? Oh man, that is a heartless and vile thing to do to familes. The christian right sucks, did you check out my link above? The seven deadly sins abound in their court.
nighstar said;
"now *there* is something to ponder.... and maybe the whole Noah's Ark event related to that as well ... trying to get a fresh start?"
Sitchen claimed that what Noah really took on the ark was the "seed", DNA of all things living, male and female. How could a wooden ship of any kind possibly carry 2 of every living thing? Does that not seem more doable? And he most likely received the samples from Enki, who told him when, where and how to build the "ark". And, it was a submersible.
So then gentlemen we are certain of only 2 facts. 1) Homo Sapiens appeared roughly 165,000 years ago. 2) We exist today.
Everything else is a matter of question and up for study and debate.
An interesting read concerning the flood is the Book of Enoch. Much more info concerning "The Watchers", Noah and the cleansing...
The Book of Enoch
I read it years ago and believe I may reread. Especially after recently having read some of Sitchin's books.
Yeah....dat's what I was saying.
the 'prejudice' thing...I meant how Gawd told he Hebrews not to marry ouside their 'race'(?). There is something that was more important that culture behind that command by God. WHAT was so important about the blood.
I find this stuff very interesting, that a Flood myth, too.
(Oh...along with the 'blood' thang, I cannot figure out why God would be SO damned against homosexuality. You can get forgiveness for almost any damned thing, except for a little buggery? Naw.....there's gotta be something a little 'deeper' (hehe) to it than!) (hmmm possible porns, nothing more gross than watching 2 guys going at just ain't a pretty sight. Now, if when we die and go for 'judgement', there is a complete replay of our life, maybe God just gets tired of watching the 'gross' stuff, and knows that if there was no injunction against buggery that we'd all be going at it like rabbits and then He'd be stuck watching all those lurid scenes for eternity. EH? ) (That theory is only valid if God is Male...if God is Female....well, I'm a goner! Better get Nomex work gloves.)
I should clarify, I've seen the oil blast story on the internet, heard it on the radio, but I haven't seen it on TV yet. I would think that since this is a BIG story, that all the news channels on TV would be covering this thing, so that even if I were to breifly look at the tv, I'd see SOMETHING about it. This has not yet happened...
Btw, did anyone look at the SOHO links I posted 2 posts ago (I think)?
nightstar said,
Gotta be a good best guess is the number of physical bodies needed for the reincarnation process which is necessary for soul development since no one could ever make it in just ONE lifetime imho :-))
Then why all of the prophecy about the end of the world? Who created the reincarnation process, God or the Annunaki, meaning who gave us a soul/spirit?
SunKing said...
Yeah....dat's what I was saying.
the 'prejudice' thing...I meant how Gawd told he Hebrews not to marry ouside their 'race'(?). There is something that was more important that culture behind that command by God. WHAT was so important about the blood.
There are different strands converging here. On one level, God was producing a "bloodline" connecting the priestly line of Hebrews to Christ. Remmember though, that Ruth, a Moabitess, was also in the line of Christ. There are such racial "impurities" inserted here and there, just to make sure the reader would understand that it was not primarily a racial thing. The primary thing was adherence not only to tthe letter, but the spirit of the Law. Intermarriage with the Canaanites and other peoples in the region would (and did) introduce undesirable behaviors, such as errr, child sacrifice.
There is a distinction between Soul & Spirit. Most "New Agers" miss that point. In any ontological discussion, one must start with the realization that when one is dealing with a First Cause (God/Spirit), there will be an element of the unknown. There are some questions that just can't be answered. One has to accept that fact before they can even begin to find the "Truth".
bubba hyde said...
nightstar said,
Gotta be a good best guess is the number of physical bodies needed for the reincarnation process which is necessary for soul development since no one could ever make it in just ONE lifetime imho :-))
Then why all of the prophecy about the end of the world? Who created the reincarnation process, God or the Annunaki, meaning who gave us a soul/spirit?
Spider---> My opinion (I know, nobody asked :))....I do believe in reincarnation, but I don't believe we are given unlimited attempts to get it right. You can gamble on getting another chance (next lifetime), but at some point, the buzzer sounds and it's all more chances. It is God's process. The Annunaki may have messed with us genetically, but they are not God. Think about it...who created the Annunaki?
Now for something completely safe...
ericswan said...
Now for something completely safe...
You're WRONG! It's NOT safe!
That "Brain Moods" thing can keep you there almost against your will! Have to get the colors outta my eyes now :).
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