A Future Lost

"Countless individuals have noted that the President's death affected them even more deeply than the death of their own parents. The reason, I believe, is that the latter situation most often represented a loss of the past - while the assassination of President Kennedy represented an incalculable loss of the future." - Ted Sorenson
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States was assassinated 42 years ago today, on November 22, 1963. That day was a turning point on several levels: in my life, in the soul of the United States, and in the impact on world events, extending to even today.
I was 9 years old, attending Westmoreland Elementary School in Westmoreland, WV, near Huntington. I remember it was a cloudy, cold day. We had come in from lunch and recess, into the little portable classroom. The announcement that the President had been shot and killed in Dallas came over the loudspeaker and we were told classes were over for the day. We were all shocked beyond words and deeply saddened. I sat in the back of the class on the far left; on a blackboard on the far wall, directly facing me, was the picture you see above you. It was spooky, because it felt like the eyes of our President were looking into my soul. On the way home my friends and I, even at our tender age, were discussing the possibility of a nuclear attack from either Russia or Cuba...we vividly recalled the Cuba missile Crisis and instinctively knew that our leaderless country was vulnerable.
The rest of the weekend was dreamlike. It stayed cold and rainy, like the skies were weeping, too. Driving to Huntington, there was a florist shop on the right side of the street. In their window they had a large painting, of the picture above no less, in the window...illuminated and surrounded by black bunting. It is burned in my memory. On the night of the 23rd, I saw a blurry ghostlike image of the President's face in the corner by the ceiling...Although I was sure it was just a reflection from vehicles moving down the street, I wasn't so sure. I remember the extended family gathered at my Grandma's house for Sunday dinner...we were getting ready to eat and the TV had some horribly out of tune small-church choir rendering some baleful dirge. Grandma said "Let me get this junk off the TV" and she turned the channel...just in time for us all to witness the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, right before our eyes! To this day, I recall the cadence played by the drums during the funeral procession.
America just wasn't the same after that. There were good things, but the spirit of America changed. War in Vietnam, riots, the Manson Murders, the Speck Killings in Chicago...the 60's...what I think Heinlein often meant when he wrote about 'the Crazy Years'. The Golden Age of Camelot was never realized, the dream would not become a reality, because a man who dared to stand up to a growing power was sacrificed on the altar of greed and power, an example for those of like mind to heed.
That power has matured and become sophisticated in it's techniques, with resources human and fiscal to an extent beyond imagination, with confidence arrogant and bold. That same system is alive and well today. You will not see the real power on TV or hear them on radio...only their minions, but those minions have strolled the halls of power and steered the ships of greed for all the generations of this, my life. I have known of them and felt them, for many years...through my personal investigation about the assassination of the man pictured above. It was only in early 2003, that my eyes were fully opened and I finally understood that America was now firmly in the grip of the forces that seized power that fateful day in 1963, the day a much brighter future was lost.
Can we ever regain that future?
My deepest apologies for cutting your top spot short, but this one was not copy/paste, but from my heart and is no reflection on the fine job you did with your guest blog. I sincerely hope you understand.
I was in sixth grade and had the day off for teacher workshops.
Sevral of us were at a friend's, doing homework, reading comix, and listening to top 40 radio. Then we heard the news and switched to TV (CBS Dan Rather/Walter Cronkite).
It was a friday. Since we were in a Catholic school and were altar boys, we went to see the priest and make sure there would be enough of us for Masses on saturday morning. I was in church on sunday morning when the priest announced that Oswald had been shot.
But yes, no president since JFK has done anything beyond what *they* will allow him to do.
So sad, indeed.
please see my comment at the end of the last (darkWood's) blog.
SunKing said:
Can we ever regain that future?
I *hope* so.
When enuff of us awaken and re-member.
A favorite president to be sure amoung the tops.
He sent brave men in search of the truth - and they found it.
While this post isn't about JFK, it IS about a very memorable event...
I got up one day, and came downstairs. Mom was still asleep, Dad had taken my sister to school and then went to work. I was homeschooled (this was before I did 11th and 12th grade online, so I had actual books), and always started the day around 9am. I was eating breakfast (I think it was spaghetti), and listening to 630AM WMAL on the radio. I was still eating at around 8:45, when I heard on the radio, "...and this just in, a plane has crashed into the World Trade Center..." I don't remember anything else that they said, except that they sounded both confused and surprised. I turned off the radio, and turned on ABC 7. When I saw the WTC North Tower smoking, my first thought, after the initial surprise, was to pop a tape into the VCR, because I thought Mom would like to see it later, and start taping. The helicopter was positioned so that the North tower blocked the view of the South Tower, so I switched to different channels. CNN, CNN Headline News, Fox News Channel. I stayed on Fox News, because they had the best picture. John Scott was talking to someone about what was going on. As he was talking, I saw a plane in the lower right hand corner. I thought that it was normal air traffic, because JFK airport was nearby. When it disappeared near the towers, I thought it'd emerge on the other side and be gone. I was partially right, it DID emerge on the other side, but in a ball of fire. At that point, time seemed to slow down. I couldn't take my eyes of what I'd just seen. I had just sat there and witnessed a plane hitting a building. I think my first thought was that it was another accident. I soon learned that wasn't the case. Later, I heard the Pentagon had been hit. Fox News put up a split screen with the WTC towers in the smaller window, and the Pentagon in the bigger one. I was watching them put out the fires in the Pentagon when I suddenly thought of the movie "Independence Day", where the aliens blow up the skyscrapers with their main weapon. I didn't know why I had thought that, until Fox News switched back to New York. My first thought was "what am I looking at?" There was what appeared to be a thick fog covering Manhattan, and I wondered where it had come from. Then I saw that the North Tower was standing, but I couldn't see the South Tower. I slowly came to grasp what had happened, the South Tower had collapsed. I must have caught it in the corner of my eye while I was watching the Pentagon, hence the "Independence Day" thought. Later, when my Mom came down (She had been awake for a while, and I was keeping her updated while she was upstairs), she saw what was happening, and was shocked. She was on the phone with a friend, when I hollared, "The other tower's falling!!!" We watched the North Tower fall, and that's when I couldn't watch anymore. I went on the computer, because I had to get away from all that. Mom was crying when she heard that there was a plane headed for Washington (Flight 93, which was brought down by the heroic passengers). The rest of the day I don't remember that well...
I just thought I'd share that with you, because some of you were remembering where you were when JFK was assassinated...
Scarletm, what did you mean by "Is that a crack I see? Keep going John." in the last blog?...
Boy, that was a gloomy last post.
Hay john,
Paragraphs are fun,
you should try them... ...
You should listen to these songs:
Sgt Barry Sadlet - Ballad of the Green Beret
Misfits - where egales dare
Social Distortion - Reach for thr sky
THEN - Report for un-programing
What do you mean by "un-programming" sword?
I guess I should try to break up my longer posts into paragraphs. My bad...
You need to run with a diff'ant crew yuung matey...
Yarrrrrr! Nothing but a young welp!
Draawd some blooood you must before YArrrr can say youd be a marn I'd say!
Broadside an filthy protesant ship you must an' bavth yea selv' in dar blood of thinw enemy!
Den yer self can cal yer self a marn worthy of airres...
Excellent blog today. Actually it compliments what darkwood posted. It demonstrates clearly where we are now and where we were then. I wasn't born until 1965 so I missed out on parts of the world you grew up in but kids today have no concept of what they have been cheated of.
Will we ever get it back? I hope so but the feeling I have in my belly is that the road back will be extremely bumpy. We've allowed things to drift so far away from that world children born in the fifties and sixties were able to experience. That day in Dealy Plaza did signify a change, a sad change.
Anonymous said...
You need to run with a diff'ant crew yuung matey...
Yarrrrrr! Nothing but a young welp!
Draawd some blooood you must before YArrrr can say youd be a marn I'd say!
Broadside an filthy protesant ship you must an' bavth yea selv' in dar blood of thinw enemy!
Den yer self can cal yer self a marn worthy of airres...
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about...
Are you saying you want me gone?
No... ...
Jus' speakin' dsar truth... ...
No worries, sir. I've got me word out and if it sparks some kind of action, then I'll be happy. I certainly can understand the need to get out your own thoughts re President Kennedy and certainly is a pertinent topic.
Considering I wasn't born until 1973, I have no idea what it must have been like living through that sad, sad incident at the time. Certainly, I think it represented a major coming of age for much of America and definitely a sense of innocence lost, especially when compared to the ensuing turbulence.
While I have no doubt that President Kennedy had his own issues and dark side, nobody's perfect, right? However, he DID have a major impact in provoking the imagination and pioneering spirit of the American public, particularly in regards to space exploration. I think the saddest aspect of the assassination would be the apparent fact that the message of the Dark Overlords was received loud and clear as no leader since has dared to adopt the model of President Kennedy in regards to inspiring the hopes and dreams of the public in the way that he did.
Our so-called leaders may be bought heart and soul these days, but I still have faith and sincere hope that us 'common folk' still have some spark, however dormant, of the old American Dream. I suppose only time will tell.
thanks for nicely written post. I was there too.
Well, unipax, I finished that article. I admit, there are some incredible things there. IF, and this is a big IF, there were sqibs in the WTC towers, I've got a somewhat crazy hypothesis for why they would be there.
I think that the alleged squibs MIGHT have been part of an emergency system to prevent even more catastrophic damage that might have happened if the towers had toppled over like dominoes. IF the system existed, and IF it was either remotely controlled or computer controlled, and IF it detected the possibility that the towers were going to topple over on one side, the alleged system MIGHT have detonated the squibs to be sure that the towers would fall into their own footprints. Ultimately, the system MIGHT have prevented even more loss of life, because if the towers had toppled over (and they were like 1100 feet tall, I think), they would have damaged even more buildings, and killed even more people...
Near the end, he mentioned a theory questioning whether jets really HAD hit the towers. I was watching LIVE, as the second plane hit the South Tower. There's no doubt in my mind (and there never will be) that jets hit the towers. As for the first plane, I saw it hit the North Tower when they showed the documentary "9/11", which was basically the story of these 2 brothers in the FDNY...
john said...
->I was watching LIVE, as the second plane hit the South Tower.<-
So...since it was on TV, it MUST be true? While I have no doubts that planes did in fact hit the buildings (lots of eyewitnesses attesting to the fact), saying you believe something solely because you saw it on the telly, read it in a newspaper, etc., is a VERY dangerous line of reasoning, friend. Just something to consider.
Dr John,
re how things might have been different or not had JFK lived;
I agree with Gort: " that America was now firmly in the grip of the forces that seized power that fateful day in 1963, the day a much brighter future was lost."
Despite his flaws, JFK was nothing like what we have today. I think his brother RFK, a devout person, was JFK's moral compass and guide. After JFK, RFK became my ( in hindsight )last hope. After MLK (Martin Luther King), things got even darker.
It's saddens me to dwell on the reality of Gort's profound post.
John said...
Well, unipax, I finished that article. I admit, there are some incredible things there. IF, and this is a big IF, there were sqibs in the WTC towers, I've got a somewhat crazy hypothesis for why they would be there.
I think that the alleged squibs MIGHT have been part of an emergency system to prevent even more catastrophic damage that might have happened if the towers had toppled over like dominoes. IF the system existed, and IF it was either remotely controlled or computer controlled, and IF it detected the possibility that the towers were going to topple over on one side, the alleged system MIGHT have detonated the squibs to be sure that the towers would fall into their own footprints. Ultimately, the system MIGHT have prevented even more loss of life, because if the towers had toppled over (and they were like 1100 feet tall, I think), they would have damaged even more buildings, and killed even more people...<
Good, keep on thinking outside the box.
GOOD POST SWORD. Indeed in speeches and in specific actions, JFK showed strength and a willingness to stand for what he believed in the face of dissension. He was a leader who seemed to think non-politically, something we desperately need again.
Briefly during the presidential race, Kerry unveiled a plan to make america the leader in the world in
eco/earth friendly technologies as a way to create jobs and pump up the economy. This push lasted a very short time as he completely dropped the subject as election day neared. Perhaps it didn't seem to improve the polling numbers, perhaps elites silenced him, perhaps he forgot about it, whatever. It really doesn't matter. The truth became all too apparent to me that he lacked vision and strength needed to be a leader (it does pain me, cuse he was a fellow windsurfer, albeit not particularly skilled) Sadly it didn't matter to me who won the
presidential race as clearly both Bush and Kerry were mid-level management types, non-driven, puppet-like
weaklings with out vision. Change the system, one term only, a drafting system
of capable sharp minded, successful people from wide variety of backgrounds (yeah most of them won't
touch it-would u?) Emphasis placed on lateral thinking ability etc. add in perks that appeal to non-political
minded people. To excel as president with extreme pressures from the polistitutes and corporations will be an AMAZING achievement, we better start praying now, and continue planning the uprising/revolution.
John, I think your mentioning where u were during 911 is cool as it was your JFK event. I wasn't around
during JFK assasination either. I am looking at 911 byu website as well and it does seem very plausible charges/explosions in all 3 buildings were used to bring them down. Although the gravity theory, speed
of buildings being dropped, structural integrity are not areas I am versed in it may be time to learn more.
Seems that experts could figure it out by studying evidence. Now I'm in the uncomfortable spot of reading
opposing viewpoints and not grasping the physics and material traits well enough on my own. I don't think
the masses can stomach looking at the subject though, lol it's just too technical as well as way too
disturbing. Another example of our successfully being drugged/manipulated by media maybe.
Perhaps an emergency session for the senate, congress, supreme court, cabinet members and president where all
would be dosed with hallucinagens and not be allowed to leave their campground
(yeah we'd send them out to Alaska, or some other still pristine setting, let them eat salmon and wild
blueberries) until they tackled some of the pressing problems facing the planet. Dissenters would be
rounded up and turned into stuttering drooling fools by haarp pulses while eating pesticide peanut butter
and swine DNA injected strawberry jelly. The non-compliant would also be given a round of vaccines
containing mostly heavy metals and contaminents. (yah just kidding all this makes me ...well just
like them, not a good goal) ... I really do think the hallucinagens would facilitate more
rounded decision making tho. -Bryan
dr. john said...
->Wow ruthless!<-
Frankly, I don't think so. Fact is, if you go back and read earlier exchanges and prior posts across past blog topics, I don't think it would be out of the way for me to state that I have made concerted effort to be milder and more tolerant than most. However, one exchange in particular which I chose to not continue responding to, led me to suspect that perhaps I need to be more blunt and not so pleasantly polite. Allow me to recap:
I stated...
->Various church and religious groups seem to have all sorts of time to rail against, picket and otherwise distract by denouncing the 'evil' of Harry frickin' Potter and yet I have been completely unable to get so much as a peep out of 'em in regards to mah current blog topic.
In my mind, this is pretty much case closed re the true evil that is Religious Institution.<-
john responds...
->Darkwood, I LOVE the Harry Potter books/movies (I see the movies before I read the books). I'm not Catholic, so I don't really pay attention to what they're up to (except when the Pope died). But, I've heard of them denouncing Harry Potter...<-
Now, and perhaps I'm just being oversensitive, but I had the distinct feeling that either john just "didn't get it" or he was being deliberately evasive to the real point I was making as he obviously failed to grasp what I was really getting at as I was using the Harry Potter example (I happen to greatly enjoy both books and movies, meself) to demonstrate how many religious leaders (and this is NOT confined to the Catholic Church) seem to latch onto very petty gripes which has the effect, intended or not, of distracting their followers from more serious and important issues (like testing pesticides on mentally deficient children, for instance).
Now, I truly believe that my point was not so obscure but as YOU pointed out: "YOU know what YOUR saying but its not always clear in what you have written." So, in the hopes of making sure my point is crystal clear this time around, I chose to be a little more direct and less prone to metaphor and example and now I get flamed for it.
So apparently it's damned if I do and damned if I don't. Well, forgive me or not, you'll just have to deal with the fact that I am only willing to treat folks with kid gloves for so long before, after clear demonstration that my arguments are misconstrued either deliberately or through simple thick-headedness, I tend to forego pleasantries and start shooting a little more from the hip.
To be fair, I really was not meaning to sound as harsh as apparently I did and I was not trying to be mean but merely point out that perhaps a little more thought should be applied to prevent making sweeping generalizations that make one sound either sadly ignorant or deliberately disingenuous.
Perhaps it is high time that we dispense with the Political Correctness crap as sometimes forthrightness does not allow for being all nicey-nice. Perhaps it is time we just stop wearing our hearts and emotions on our sleeves, here. At no point do I EVER maliciously intend to step on toes or hurt feelings, but I accept that I may unintentionally do so. All's I can say is I'm sorry if I have hurt you and assure you I do not intend for this to happen, but understand that I AM as tactful as I feel I can be until such time as it becomes apparent that my tactfulness is being either misconstrued or outright abused.
john said...
->I think that the alleged squibs MIGHT have been part of an emergency system to prevent even more catastrophic damage that might have happened if the towers had toppled over like dominoes. IF the system existed, and IF it was either remotely controlled or computer controlled, and IF it detected the possibility that the towers were going to topple over on one side, the alleged system MIGHT have detonated the squibs to be sure that the towers would fall into their own footprints. Ultimately, the system MIGHT have prevented even more loss of life, because if the towers had toppled over (and they were like 1100 feet tall, I think), they would have damaged even more buildings, and killed even more people...<-
To be perfectly fair, I DO think this is an excellent point and one worth considering. If this is closer to where the truth lies, however, the question remains why can the government not be HONEST and FORTHCOMING about it as it would go a very long way to curbing some of the more sinister allegations being tossed out to account for the obvious discrepancies.
bryansail said...
->clearly both Bush and Kerry were mid-level management types, non-driven, puppet-like
weaklings with out vision. Change the system, one term only, a drafting system
of capable sharp minded, successful people from wide variety of backgrounds (yeah most of them won't
touch it-would u?)<-
I suspect you've just touched on the real dilemma regarding leadership (and I would posit this applies to ANY country, not just the USA) which is that those who demonstrate the moral and intellectual quality to DO the job right WON'T even consider going for it most likely due to the stigma of stain and corruption that seems to be part and parcel of political involvement. Meanwhile, the folks putting themselves out there for leadership positions demonstrate increasing levels of incompetence and degeneracy further adding to the aforementioned stigma.
I feel this is a SERIOUS problem for which there are no easy answers. At least, I'm not able to think of any.
DarkWood said...
john said...
->I think that the alleged squibs MIGHT have been part of an emergency system to prevent even more catastrophic damage that might have happened if the towers had toppled over like dominoes.
Good thinking. Built-in emergency demolition systems. However it raises questions;
Why wouldn't the fire engineers and the Bush Investigation disclose that such a system existsed?
Is it a common practice in high-rise construction?
What about building 7 ? It only had randome fires and no steel building ever collapsed from fire.
Why did the Bush Investigation not investigate / report the collapse beyond the fire?
Dr. John said:
“He admitted to ADD. That explains alot in how he acts, though that is no excuse and should be something for him to strive to overcome not use to dismiss things. Some of the other things he says also should clue you into what you may be dealing with.”
tacodog says: I think you hit it on the nose.
Dr. John,
On balance and writing style, point taken. :-) I really do try to moderate myself to a great degree, however I do have my faults and weaknesses. A debate instructor I once had graded me down constantly in class due to his opinion that I maintained 'too cavalier' an attitude when I argue. I held then, and still do, that what he erroneously construed as cockiness was nothing more than confidence. I will admit to being overconfident, particularly when I sense I'm being played silly buggers with, but I do think I try very hard to be fair. Of course I do make mistakes and I also try to honestly admit as much when I feel I have made them or when someone points out my errors.
Interestingly enough, before I got fed up with the system and dropped out of college, I found myself being constantly berated over my writing style being too 'casual' and 'conversational'. And boy did the fireworks ensue when I would try and explain my reasoning for it. Fact is, and this is entirely my opinion for I have no hard data to support, I feel that a conversational tone in writing engages the reader in such a fashion as to help maintain attention. I think about the textbooks I was subjected to at various stages of my educational career and recall how dry and boring most of them were and how I thought I would get much more out of them if I felt the author were talking TO me rather than AT or OVER me. Intellectual elitism has never particularly impressed me much and I fear my willingness to admit this and my refusal to engage in same put me at somewhat of a disadvantage in the Halls of Higher Education leading to my eventual disgust of the whole system and decision to put it all behind me and find my own way.
As to "Why not me?" on the whole political leadership thing, I suppose for my part it has a LOT to do with the corruptive quagmire that IS politics. I am NOT one for popularity contests and I imagine my ideas that a LOT of our laws need to be scrapped out of hand and what's left revised into something useful would likewise not be well received, either.
I can only invite you to review what is probably my most self revealing blog article and you tell me if you honestly think the public would have someone like me for a leader.
The Corruptive quagmire of the Blogitics.
I resent the tone of that.
"I am Blogger; Hear me roar"
So Sayeth Snoop Dogg
Deep SunKing, born in 1971, the biggest event that I can remember was Elvis dying...
I have completed a LOT of research as most here into JFK and the conspiracies the fact that he represented something different...
The FACT THAT HE WAS NOT A FREEMASON or a 33rd degree one, is indicative of the fact that Lincoln also copped it, and also was not a FREEMASON...
The ONLY two Americans to be assasinated and they are bot NOT MASONS... the only two...
Need me to point any more fingers?
Dr John, the blog debate for John and the idea that it could people off;
Here's my humble take, would the eejit keep coming back if he wasn't enjoying it?
Heck I'm enjoying it, it hones my debating skills and it's fun to watch others teach, it only draws crowds IMHO.
Sometimes it makes the hazy rum windsurfing days here, a little more humorous and light hearted...
Bryan, Kerry did have that windsurfing thing, but he looks like one of the old school tally ho low wind big expensive kit kind of day sailors...
Still when you compare him to the dark mouldy shrubbery called President Bush, he looks like a saint...
Darkwood, liked the way you stated it, keep ya cavalier single unique writing ability, I mean look at mine, it's unique if nothing else...
Very unique >:)
TS Delta is in the making in the Caribbean (apparently)...
JFK and 9/11
they are linked and related, the same 'crew' who killed JFK, also had a hand in 9/11
something that was sent me a while ago:
"Please note that yes the Washington Memorial is 555 feet high.
But 20 percent is underground for stability or 111 feet
555 + 111 = 666
Ron aka Coffeelover,,,,,,,,,, your link is posted on a thread at
Good Post Sunking, couldn't let the day end without a moment of recognition to that.
11 22 05
That was a day of Goro-Entemenki like significance. A turning point, yet not absolute.
Assassination- ass.ass.i.nation
A nation of two asses, with twice as much purifying to do! (humour)
and so now we look outward and away at a label called Terrorism. A product branded and now trademarked in some cliche' appearance.
A distraction from seeing the real terrorism that was before us that fateful day in 1963, and is still the MO of today.
P.S. enough with the age posturing.
Turn the analysis back to the real topics and spare the psycho effort about a lad named "John".
He is here, and he is trying and he is polite.
No sacraficial lambs, like as in John FK.
Hi all...
unipax said...
DarkWood said...
john said...
->I think that the alleged squibs MIGHT have been part of an emergency system to prevent even more catastrophic damage that might have happened if the towers had toppled over like dominoes.
Good thinking. Built-in emergency demolition systems. However it raises questions;
Why wouldn't the fire engineers and the Bush Investigation disclose that such a system existsed?
Is it a common practice in high-rise construction?
What about building 7 ? It only had randome fires and no steel building ever collapsed from fire.
Why did the Bush Investigation not investigate / report the collapse beyond the fire?
Those are very good questions, unipax, and I was thinking about some of them as I read the article. I'll try to answer, or at least speculate an answer.
"Why wouldn't the fire engineers and the Bush Investigation disclose that such a system existsed?" First off, it's very possible that the alleged system was designed for complete and total destruction, not only of the building, but of itself as well. It's also possible that if the alleged system was disclosed, the terrorists would probably start looking for similar systems in other skyscrapers. Also, how would the public react to the knowledge that everyone who was ever inside the WTC towers was inside a pair of buildings that, with a single flip of a switch, could be reduced to rubble?...
"Is it a common practice in high-rise construction?" It makes sense if it is, because of the same reasons, to minimize collateral damage, both to property and people...
"What about building 7 ? It only had randome fires and no steel building ever collapsed from fire." Well, I read in the article something about a secret CIA facility there, one the public might not know about. If that's true, then the collapse of building 7 by the alleged system could have been to protect the CIA from unwanted questions...
"Why did the Bush Investigation not investigate / report the collapse beyond the fire?" That I don't even have a guess as to why...
Jas, what's an "eejit"? I tried looking it up, but couldn't find anything. And I think you're right, I am sort of enjoying these debates...
Ssl4000g, I've got natural clouds here, how about you?...
Thanks for the positive response to my JFK blog, and I find it encouraging that many of you see the relevance to current events.
I see how personally life changing 9/11 was to you, as the JFK assassination/coup d' etat was to me. I do however believe that the assassination of JFK had a more profound impact of future events, and it angers me that the same power that benefitted from killing JFK also benefitted from 9/11. The true 'visible' arm of this power is the military/industrial complex and our intel arms. The operators of these machinations are the current administration. Who the true powers are, we will never know. But they are there.
I have felt for a long time that the building came down are a result of detonation of pre-placed explosives...just not sure who put them there...black ops types, or the City of New York. I personally think that after the attempt to detonate a bomb in the WTC in the 90's, that a decision was made to anticipate this threat. If so, a human or a committee of humans had to give the order to place the charges and then, on 9/11, to detonate them. Who did this, on what authority and who knew about it? I coudl go on. DISCLOSURE!!! There's that word again.
Someone mentioned the word 'evidence' with regards to determining the story of the structure of the WTC. Remember, all that stuff was sold and transported to China as industrial waste AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Like the body of Kennedy being whisked away, so was the 'body' of the WTC taken away.
Dr. John,
You speak truth about how what is is a major problem with the written word. While one can wax eloquent, one can more easily be mis-interpreted.
With young John and others, we can all practice a greater degree of tolerance, myself included (except, of course, to obvious 'ani' (is that a word?).) John, you must understand that some of us are over twice your age with concomitant wisdom (?) and experience. We want you to hang with us, but as a learning and growing experience, think about what you say when you write...good practice for your college courses!
Thanks, sunking. My dad says similar things like "Engage brain before opening mouth" to me a lot.
Ok, this is weird...
I count 2 big CMEs, one creepy thing near the end, and a bunch of ships. And is it me, or do the latest pictures look dim (look at the C2 and C3 latest images. They seem a bit dark)?...
oops, forgot to add another link so you can see the latest C2 and C3 pics...
John said...
Thanks, sunking. My dad says similar things like "Engage brain before opening mouth" to me a lot.
Imagine, my old man told me the same thing!!!
And does anyone know what THIS is (look at the top of the picture)?
john said;
Ssl4000g, I've got natural clouds here, how about you?...
11/23/2005 08:27:41 AM
It looks like a few natural one. But I have seen some with the "rainbow color" quality too them. Could be leftovers blowing around, not sure. Other than small clouds rolling by, it is quite windy and cold. Won't get out of the 30'sF today. It is sunny, and the sky is blue. Not a shade of blue. Blue like it should be. Also, probably too windy to see any trails today.
sunking said;
".... I coudl go on. DISCLOSURE!!! There's that word again."
Didn't The Disclosure Project have a press conference shortly before 9/11? Same with RCH? Maybe "they" didn't wan to have to deal with this and made 9/11 not only to further their own agenda, but to sqash the stuff they didn't want to deal with.
The dead giveaway about 9/11 is that it fit entirely into the agenda of the Project for the New American Century's Rebuilding America's Defenses(PNAC), backed by Cheney and written by Wolfowitz and Kristol...and that Intel and the M/I Complex benefitted from it.
Not also that all the power players in this Admin were in the previous Republican Admins, back to Nixon. The same people, just shuffled around. Even Adm. Poindexter survived and popped up in DARPA!
I knew that 9/11 was arranged by the same cabal behind JFK as soon as I heard, on 9/12 was it?, that they had found a flight manual, a Koran, and a pic of Osama in the front seat of a car in the parking lot at the airport in Boston. Riiiiiiiiiiiight!
When i asked "is that a crack" I ment that some of your post seemed to actually be questioning some of your long held truths. It was a good thing. There was a smiley face at the end...
You are doing fine.
Alas, this kitten was no alive to know about JFK. My mother hated the Kennedys (her father had an occasion to have to entertain them on a trip The kennedys took to Calgary in the late 50's-she used the words, rude and boorish as I recall) -so to her, while a shocking event,the assassination was not life altering. Being that my mother and her family were pretty eliteist, this opinion doesn't suprise me.
If you really want to know why he was having to enetrtain said Kennedys here's why:
My grandfather was head of fundraising for the conservative party in Canada in the 50's and 60's- he worked in Ottawa most of the time and very closely with PM Defenbaker. He was going to lobby to be his finance minister when he was diagnosed with a rare form of lukemia which took him out of the running and he ultimately died in '68.
While a staunch conservative, power is power and those that have it tend to congregate. (love of money is a bi- partisan love).
ANYWAY my point here is that I grew up in an atmosphere where Dems were to be despised-and the Kennedys to be TRULY despised. Personally, I never really had an opinion about JFK. I wasn't alive when he was killed and I only vaugely remember Vietnam. I have to say that I am in the WTC being the first really nightmarish telly viewing. I have never been so scared, and unsure about life ever. Instead of worrying about nukes from russia we are now worring about suitcase nukes from radical Islam. What has changed, really? Only that as americans many began to question Kennedys death, and in that began to question The Man in general-which has been a good thing. Kennedys death was not in vain. It was the day some in america WOKE UP! And isn't that what he wanted all along? While the road has been far more cirquitious than he dreamed, the fact is, many are awake...and want to know more.
I guess this situation is the product of what the latest blog is about;
Is it any suprise the online poll has 70% beliveing that he would do such a thing?
I'm just soooo sad for the 30% who still believe he wouldn't do it.
NO shit he would have done it-and probalbly still should IMHO.
We had to put the assassinations behind us, 911, behind us, Kent State, behind us, Vietnam, behind us, Waco, behind us, Hurricanes Rita, Wilma, Katrina, behind us.
That's alot of baggage folks. It's hard to feel sorry for the United States of America. Except for one thing; THE TRUTH.
I attended a protest in New York City in 1983 during the Reagan presidency.. There were millions of us (never mind what the press said) and we moved as one and we moved from every nook and cranny of the that wonderful republic called the United States of America.. (I can barely see,,sorry.))
Shock and awe
in what we all saw,
forced the eyes wide open.
Some are now awake
focussed in a feeling,
from something aweful and revealing.
A utopianist was I,
til I surrendered that with a sigh
when I understood duality,
and what doth die.
A world addicted to struggle and pain,
how much more can we all try possibly to gain.
A tug of war, a teeter totter,
strategies of the old world fodder.
Time for a new way of being,
rooted in the true heart of seeing,
A pure reflection of us in each other,
clarity from brother to brother,
sister to sister,
love one another.
Here is a reminder!!
An indigo child, also known as children of the blue ray. Gifted and profoundly gifting she is astounding in her clarity of vision.
see here:
scarletm said;
Is it any suprise the online poll has 70% beliveing that he would do such a thing?
I'm just soooo sad for the 30% who still believe he wouldn't do it.
NO shit he would have done it-and probalbly still should IMHO.
11/23/2005 10:22:19 AM
Not surprising at all. Seems the Brits have more scruples than our "fearless leader", wow. I do feel sorry for the 30% wearing the fashionable new Versace blinders. But, are the Arabs the problem or are we creating the Arab problem. IMO, it is the latter. Maybe we could talk about the root causes here?
Scarletm, I still refuse to believe that the government would do something like that. I just thought it would be an interesting topic to discuss. Plus, while I was telling something that actually happened to me, the speculation was just that, speculation.
I just found out that Hayabusa landed successfully on Itokawa.
Update to New Enterprise Crewman (newenterprisecrewman.blogspot.com
Oh, and if the WTC towers WEREN'T hit by jets, how come there are eye/earwitnesses EVERYWHERE who confirm that they heard a plane? And how come they have multiple camera angles of the second plane, some from home video cameras?
Who said THAT, John?
I know there are theories that the jets alone could not do the damage done to the WTC...and there is some photographic 'evidence' that seems to show what could be missles shooting from the a/c...if so, there is a far wider conspiracy!
Now, there is even MORE thought that the Pentagon was hit with a missile, not an a/c. Look at the pics from there...not much a/c debris....and the hole in the side of the building looks waaaaay tool small compared to the size of a 747. Plus witnesses there heard a 'whoooosh' (of a missle) vs. the roar/whine of a 747.
I think perhaps there is a misunderstanding involved in what you were referring to, John...not sure. ANd NOT necessarily your fault! I don't know.
It was supposedly a 757. Little smaller but the hole is still wrong. :)
Oh, and don't forget WTC 2 explosion was milliseconds before the plane hit.
Yes, Wayne, that was another basis for the missile being launched just prior to impact theory. Interesting theory, no doubt.
But also tentative enough for me to insist that the conclusions that were PRed to the American public were suspect.
Absolutely. Seems like that whole thing was info overload. It was very difficult to make objective conclusions as the event was unfolding. When that happened I remember feeling disturbed. That's the best word for it.
Have a Good Holiday Crew!
Answer this anyone: I was slogging through some Iapetus images and came across a couple of odd ones.
At first glance, it looks like stars are shining through the moon. The images were each taken with the UV1 and CL2 filters (ultra-violet and clear.) What's up? Stars, surface lights, or other?
Hi mates,
Yes re hole in pentagon, and remember the wall & roof above that hole were intact until later succumbing to fire, so at first it was just that (undersized) hole, with no 757 wreckage to be seen. Therefore the 757 is such a lame cover story.
Perhaps intentionally lame so that public reaction to an obvious scam could be measured..?
Yes we saw planes hit towers.
IMHO Building 7 is a key to crying 'foul'. No Aircraft involved. Buildings DO NOT fall like that without professional help. Same goes for the towers.
Also the Fire Engineers. Three steel buildings in one day doing what had never been done, ie collapsed by fire?
It took me multiple viewings and readings to get past my denial.
After digesting the videos, and the statements Fire & Demo experts, plus witness statements of police & firemen,....the squibs...the clouds of pulverized concrete as the towers fell,....to me it is just so damn obvious that explosives brought those three buildings down.
So why were we told otherwise? BTW, for now, forget about pondering whether 'our government' did it. I would stick with the forensics, then reach conclusion re how they came down. Who / why lied comes after that.
Not to mention the lame 911 Commission investigation, apparently ignoring evidence presented by Steven E. Jones, here (again):
Are the Wall Street records of days prior to 911 still sealed?
That is kinda odd, dag! Like the were taking a picture of a reflection of Iapetus on a piece of glass facing inthe other direction. Odd-a-rama!
I can't see squat on those Iapetus pix. Guess I need a good photo viewing program. :( But, on the 54 image, I could see a bit of the moon, very strange indeed.
Why is Iapetus transparent?
Sunking, to answer your question about "Who said THAT?" At the end of the article that unipax put up a link to where this guy talks about how the WTC towers were brought down by preplanned explosives, the guy mentions a theory that jets didn't hit the WTC towers. As far as I know, no one here said that...
Ssl4000g, there's more than one camera angle that shows the plane making the hole, and THEN you see the explosion, which was a result of the plane hitting the tower. Also, a 757 DID hit the Pentagon. The camera that was in the parking lot takes pictures every few seconds, so it caught the explosion, but not the plane. I've got a friend here who was IN the Pentagon when it got hit, and he heard jet engines...
I'm gonna try something with the Iapetus pix. I'll keep y'all updated...
That IS odd...
I did a contrast enhancement to make the pix lighter, and Iapetus is clearly visible, but it's like seeing a ghost of the moon. I tried making the picture a negative, and got pretty much what I expected, all the stars were black, and space was white. VERY crazy theory: optical camoflauge on Iapetus...
Oh, and in the negatives, Iapetus is still visible...
happy thanksgiving
and back to regular programming
Where'd you hear that? I didn't see it on the MIMIC site. And happy Thanksgiving to you too.
from NOAA:
WTNT33 KNHC 232026
5 PM AST WED NOV 23 2005
Well, on the Navy site, it says it's still a tropical depression. They don't get names until they turn into tropical storms...
JOHN< this is from NOAA!
And shepard smith said so too...so there :P
your friend no doubt hears jet engines everyday. And the fact that the cam did NOT catch the jet shoudl tell ya something...expeciall when combined with the our=trageously small hole in the building...plus no skid marks approaching the buidling? That was some mighty prodigious flying for someone who had only done simulators, eh? Most pilots say it's impossible to do what they did.
John, you blow off stuff waaaaaay to quickly, without knowing all the info. But you're free to do so all ya like, pal!
Happy Thnksgiving!!!
Day before thanksgiving....
MIMIC a tool of a university....
Maybe no one there to enter the data?
BTW I watch Shepard Smith because I have a huge crush on him.
Hopin you are going to have an el fabo T-giving!
Tis nice here in GB today...how about JAX
Some girls!
Operations Paperclip: Dark Side of the Moon
Good point about MIMIC ssl400g. I'll let you know if I get any snow. Happy Thanksgiving to you too...
Sunny, but chilly and breezy. But I like a little nip in the air, come Thanksgiving!
Best Wishes!
Ok, scarletm, I believe you. I haven't been watching Fox News a lot today, because I've been on here. I'll go check it out.
National Hurricane Center list it as Tropical Storm
Damn-supposed to be 75 here tomorrow.
Do you think they take personal requests?
LOL! That would be cool!!!
I gotta go....back later!
AND for the record, i have not "been in the sauce". Yet. :0 !
jasgrave333 said...
Deep SunKing, born in 1971, the biggest event that I can remember was Elvis dying...
I have completed a LOT of research as most here into JFK and the conspiracies the fact that he represented something different...
The FACT THAT HE WAS NOT A FREEMASON or a 33rd degree one, is indicative of the fact that Lincoln also copped it, and also was not a FREEMASON...
The ONLY two Americans to be assasinated and they are bot NOT MASONS... the only two..."
Wasn't Presidents McKinley and Garfield also assassinated? It would be interesting to see if they were also not Masons. If that were the case, I'd say you were really onto something, but even with just Lincoln and Kennedy it is certainly quite interesting...
Sure they take requests for custom weather !
But only from certain VIP's
Touche dear Uni!
Dec. 10 - International Human Rights Day
P.S. Happy Holidays to ALL!!
Hello All.
Just wanted to introduce myself and say what a great site and group.
And to post regarding the current blog about JFK. Yes, we did lose a future when JFK died. But the thing about the past is that it is the past. We should remember it and learn from it, but not dwell upon. If we do, then we stagnate. Instead we should move forward, with the knowledge gleaned from the past (and the efforts of people in the past) into the future. And the thing about the future, there is no way to tell what it is, or may be, or may have been. It is like a tapestry with infinatly branching threads. Some threads inevitably join other threads, but also, with deft movements of a skilled weaver, two threads that would never touch twine together to create a scene of beauty.
The future is what we choose to make of it. And remember, there are definatly more ants than grasshoppers. :)
Lisya Dragonphyre aka Darkwood's wife.
Kennedy & Lincoln not masons?
Prove that.
On the other hand - they may have been masons who wanted to have disclosure to early... ...
Sword said..
Prove that.
Ain't that just where we get to with most or all of this stuff. Especially in the disinfo world of the "Hall of Mirrors with The Quicksand floor" (quote; Linda M. Howe)
That is, except for one's personal experience, which ultimately is the only measure of personal truth we have, yes? Of course that excludes 'faith'. Personal experience, sometimes, aka 'faith' is all that some have to measure what is real, 'true'. Even then, WTF do we know? Experience/faith, Faith/experience.
Having said that, now I wonder; WTF do I know about anything?
Reminds me of Jim Carey in 'The Truman Show'. That movie had something to say to us, in such a lighthtearted way that it could be easily missed.
ps I do know something about a coupla things, thank (who?) for personal experience.
Lisya Dragonphyre :
Hope to see you post more and often.
Take care to you and Darkwood this Thanksgiving.
Lisya Dragonphyre,
Guess I'll be da (second, after Scarlet) welcome wagon.
I'll trot out the reading list approved by the AWOL one.
Maybe you got it already. Do you?
Here 'tis;
Welcome Aboard !
For newcomers and reviewers, if you wish to familiarize yourselves with The Enterprise Mission research, Richard C. Hoagland recommends reading;
A Recently-Discovered Secret Link --
Between the Myths of Ancient Egypt...
and the Space Program :
NASA's ritual 'killing' and resurrection of its own SOHO spacecraft :
NASA has had an ongoing obsession with the celestial representations of the highest
Gods and Goddesses of ancient Egypt, (Isis, Osiris, and Horus) :
Ritual demise of NASA's Mars Climate Orbiter, data cover-up:
'Table of Coincidence' A Guide to the Improbable at NASA and in History :
Introduction to Hurricane Manipulation, with Hyperdimensional Physics :
Scientific data, from a variety of highly credible institutions (including
NASA itself), reveals that startling “climate change” phenomena are
occurring, not just here on Earth,
but, in fact -- throughout the entire solar system :
http://www.enterprisemission.com/_articles/05-14- 2004_Interplanetary_Part_1/Interplanetary_1.htm
An explanation of "19.5" and Hyperdimensional Physics is here :
Richard C. Hoagland biographical information :
.....and...here are The Enterprise Mission article archives :
A 1948 Red Cross report details nearly a quarter of a million Jews died in Nazi concentration camps.
You can't arrest me for quoting that!
Welcome, Lisya! And not sure I said this before, but Welcome, Dag, too!
Watching this interesting show on PBS, Myth & Heros series, about the Search for Shangri-La. Wonderful journey thru India, Nepal & Tibet.
Biological_Unit said...
A 1948 Red Cross report details nearly a quarter of a million Jews died in Nazi concentration camps.
You can't arrest me for quoting that!
I don't play golf.
I don't play golf.<
well, what could I say? That I haven't said before?
Lisya Dragonphyre aka Darkwood's wife, hello
You speak well with the metaphor and language of the weaving. Threads in warp and weft,
A matrix intermeshed.
Lovely introduction, thank you.
Wise words, wise woman
Darkwood's Dragonfyre
Our first spousal duo!
Accrued to a crew.
Balance is Now, anew.
Welcome Lisya
Biological_Unit said...
A 1948 Red Cross report details nearly a quarter of a million Jews died in Nazi concentration camps.
You can't arrest me for quoting that! <
Care to elaborate?
hello iontru02
get snow yet?
One martini...
Two Maratini...
Three MarRatoonie...
... ...
... ...
zzz zzz
ha ha - he - oh boy... ...
Did anyone happen to watch E-Ring?
Very emmotional I was this epidsode.
apparently the holidays are upon us
What's E-ring?
I'm in da boonies with not much tv
Whats E-Ring he says...
Its a show (NBC) about the operational level in the Pentagon - specifically the Special Operations division.
Now, there have been good episodes adn bad episodes.
ALOT adn I mean ALOT of "BRASS" really dig this show. The writers have been getting some "help" some nudges into the right direction.
Of course, the men behind the pentagon - and the outer secrect pentagram (anyone really taken a good look at the pentagons symbology?) - have riddled teh show full of Masonic symbolism - even this latest episode was heavly peppered with symbols we would A L L recognize.
The latest episode was regardign recovering a NAvy Seal that was written off as dead - yet became a POW and forgotten about intill some intel proved he was alive. Of course they whent and got him back.
This struck an immense emmotional cord with me - Unit Sword - this type of mission is our speciality.
Salvation only a phone call away.
In case anyone wants to look into it:
The show is almost there - it's dealing with alot of politics right now - which is what the BRASS deal with - adn why they like it. Some ground pounding "action" happens as well. Its always during the operational ground pounding sceanse that I get both a woody adn a shiver down my spine.
thanks Sword
unipax, HELLO
you said...
hello iontru02
get snow yet?
11/23/2005 10:11:12 PM
iontruo2--> Just light flurries yesterday, sudden plunge to -12C(F?). Just the other day it was +12C. So, darn cold, this year for Nov. You going to tell me about your weather now? O.k. I'm ready, I'm visualizing, Ommmmmmmm.
SWORD, Martinis???!
Yum. I have seen two good recepies for pomagranet martinis this week. One on Oprah today. I love that juice so I've got to try the martini now.
Hope your not on scramble stand by. :0
My Dad said that from take off, straight oxygen in the mask made for instant sober and hang over cure, but you had to be careful not to use it all up during your climb to patrol altitude.
you said:
This struck an immense emmotional cord with me - Unit Sword - this type of mission is our speciality.
Salvation only a phone call away.
IonTruO2--Aren't you flight ready as well? Your earlier story suggested you would be piloting, in our defence?
Yet you also do extractions and rescues? Wow, what a team that must be.
Salvation?--explain please.
iontruo2--> Just light flurries yesterday, sudden plunge to -12C(F?). Just the other day it was +12C. So, darn cold, this year for Nov. You going to tell me about your weather now? <
Nah, better not. :P
But I do sometimes miss the Northern (New England) latitudes in wintertime, which is why I asked.
Earlier last week I was getting a them with the word:
a state of mental or spiritual elation or excitement---a raising, or being raised to a high position or dignity.
Yesterday, 11 22 05, a long battle concluded in a David and Goliath story against a former employer. It has gone on for 6 years and yesterday it finshed with astounding presision and perfect truth showed through against a wealthy man of ill-will.
The checks and Balances just checked and Balanced in a big way.
With a few other notable signs I feel the Divine weighing has just been shown in the sorting of the root good and the ring of truth.
We've encouraged each other in so many words and ways earlier here noted at this Blog, but in the midst of these days that appear to have risk and dread, I am still seeing the halmarks of the "Intervention" called for in these times.
It may seem like its getting worse when it fact it is getting better. It might seem like the chaos and the bad is growing but that is only appearance and uncertainty(doubt).
In my story example, the timing and shutdown of this adversary who was relentless in his harrassment of my Brother was well beyond the timeline one would "think" but in the end it was sooo perfect I am amazed to see again that all is exactly as it should be, even in the midst of ordeal and adversity.
So my encouragement(in.courage.ment) is to stay clear, everyone, and don't jump to any conclusions whatsoever. No grasping needed to get a grip on it. We are seeing changing dynamics now at a lively pace, as reflected in many ways in this our blog.
Velocity, Momentum, Flexability. Corrective Re-alignment Is Occurring.
CONFIDENCE, Clarity, Calmpassion.
Stay Tuned and your path will orient you for whatever is to come.
Smile inwardly at whatever arises.
And watch it pass,
In the effort of no effort.
No attachment and force dramatizing.
in.still.ed, impressed,
no longer distressed.
to feel and express tremendous joy, to rejoice in the defeat of a rival.
Looks as though our Captian will be in Coast this eve.
Too bad.
I'm going to bed.
Happy tgiving y'all!
See ya Monday!
Re: the pentagon on 9/11, the sound of jet engine, and the small hole.
A cruise missile is basically a jet engine with wings and tail, a guidance system and an explosive payload. A war-head. (think Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rummy and the rest of the neo-cons).
We need more peace heads, or more accurately, peace hearts.
I,too, thought it *funny* how quick the FBI had the identities of the *nineteen highjackers* so soon. And real unbelievable about finding one of their passports on the street in pristine condition, after being in a terrible aircraft fire in a building an eighth of a mile up.
But as Scarlett O'hara says in GWTW, "Tomorrow is another day."
Happy Thanksgiving
I was just about to write about Hayabusa and the lack of new info on the JAXA/ISA web site. I had just checked, and no new info. Then my hand slipped on the mouse, I lost the "blogger post a comment" page, and *this* came up:
Newscientistspace latest news Hayabusa touched down on asteroid Itokawa after all
who says there are no coincindences? That was really wierd!
GORT staying tuned for RCH tonite on Coast.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Todays subject: Toys.
Beastie Boys, Slow Ride.
This song is blaring in my speakers – waking troops surrounding me.
They deal with it knowing that the Captain is waking up – and letting loose a little bit.
I always feel a little bit guilty during the holidays.
My father worked very hard being the Chief of all things where water flowed to put food on our table. Very hard indeed. It is by his example that I strive to accomplish everyday in this service to our nations people that I try to emulate – yet – I never think I will EVER be able to outwork him.
Thanksgiving, and the approaching holidays, was always a very trying time for me. From a very early age I always realized that Santa Claus was indeed my father, and his hard work. He worked very long hours to make Christmas the festive event that it was. He worked long hours away from our family to create the illusion that indeed – it was not his workings that gave Christmas its zeal – instead it was The coming of Christ that brought that super special gift for Christmas.
I remember a particular gift – “The Lobo” – it was remote controlled car, that through the magic of the Sears catalogue could illicit so much imagination from a young man. “The lone Wolf” what a magical toy.
It took me 24 hours to break it.
Have no fear my father said as I cried – I had broken the toy my father had labored so long for to bring me. He had friends in high places – and my toy would be restored to me.
Within a day – his airforce brethren had delivered a better toy. It was a modified Lobo.
The friends that my father had took my toy remote controlled car and rebuilt the plastic front end suspension that I had broken – and designed – and rebuilt – IN METAL – the entire remote controlled car. IN ONE DAY they did this for my father.
I drove that toy until the heavily studded tires where tread bare. I would leave tires tracks and do incredible stunts of remote controlled amazement – whizzing underneath passing cars near a restaurant near me. The airforce had built for my father – for his son – a car of STEEL. A toy, that could not, be broken.
It was during the following year after that Christmas that I started to understand the respect that a hardworking master plumber earned for a job well done. His earthly colored beret not withstanding.
The holidays have never been the same.
I always have remembered the value of a hard day’s work – through this one toy alone.
Oh, the tears that FIVE martoonies bring.
Now on to posts:
IonTruO2 said...
SWORD, Martinis???!
Yum. I have seen two good recepies for pomagranet martinis this week. One on Oprah today. I love that juice so I've got to try the martini now.
Refipe as follows:
Dirty mans martini;
Three shots of gin (brand determed by ubdringing and budjet)
One hot Sweet vermouth
One shot olivejuice
Three QUEEN olives
Shake untill satifised
IonTruO2 said...
Hope your not on scramble stand by. :0
Even if I was, the adrenaline would sober me mighty quickly.
IonTruO2 said...
My Dad said that from take off, straight oxygen in the mask made for instant sober and hang over cure, but you had to be careful not to use it all up during your climb to patrol altitude.
Yeah, we know that tick.
However – it gives the men the giggles.
Aren't you flight ready as well? Your earlier story suggested you would be piloting, in our defence?
Yet you also do extractions and rescues? Wow, what a team that must be.
Piloting isn’t my responsibility. I leave that to the professionals.
The team is a very select brotherhood of ground pounding PRO’s.
crypt0 said...
Hanging a label of "Mason" on someone, BY DEFINITION means they are part of the support cult that KNOWS NOTHING.
What an ignorant honkey.
Your servant of coming truth;
Welcome Lisya Dragonphyre, I'm John. If you want to see a picture or 3 of me, go to newenterprisecrewman.blogspot.com (it's my blog)
Ssl4000g, I'VE GOT SNOW ON THE GROUND!!!!!! :) It's not a lot, BUT IT'S SNOW ALL THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!
I just realized something about the theory I put out about the WTC tower collapses that I should have picked up on earlier (for those who don't know, I hypothesized that the reason that the WTC towers MIGHT have POSSIBLY had squibs is that it COULD HAVE BEEN an emergency system to minimize collateral damage to the surroundings, including the people in the surroundings), IT DOESN'T MESH WITH "OCCHAM'S RAZOR".
Occham's Razor states that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. My hypothesis isn't the simplest one. I was talking with my dad when he came home from work, and he said that he's read about jet fuel destroying a lot of things. He easily shot down my hypothesis, and helped me remember Occham's Razor. I KNOW my dad's not part of a big conspiracy to cover up the truth, because he's an accountant (he took me to work a couple of times, so I've seen what he does all day).
And I'll say again, I watched LIVE as the second plane hit, and I watched LIVE as the towers fell. I saw no evidence (which, as I've learned from "CSI", never lies) of preplaced explosives, and even the video clips from that article that unipax put up, while ineresting, still had no solid proof that those WERE squibs going off. I'm more inclined to believe my dad then believe a guy whose name I didn't know until yesterday (when I read the article)...
Boy, that was a rant...
Occham needs a closer shave.
MIMIC's got some footage of TS Delta. No tuning forks/arcs/claw marks yet...
Just to remind you people how HUGE Saturn is...
There will not be for this coming season.
Here's something interesting on the main page of space.com ...
NEW Podcast Episode! Comets: Marvelous Messengers, Deliverers of Dread
The wonderfully mysterious history of comets
Why not?
I just heard that St. Louis was hit by a 2.5 earthquake
I heard it on C2C
Perhaps a bit of redaction practice in the office flyboy?
RCH on C2C was very uneventful. Basically a re-hashing of press releases regarding the Japanese space mission Hayabusa/Itokawa. Not much else mentioned or discussed except for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that was discussed here by another poster (Bohemia?) on a previous posting/blog.
Cydonnia was only very briefly discussed as in passing.
Interesting possibility was raised if Hayabusa actually returns asteroid samples ... what if it contains an alien super-germ possibly from an exploded planet (following RCH's Exploded Planet theory)?
A couple of phone calls were taken.
Again, RCH appeared to "stay on script."
Regards and happy holidays everyone!
>from the future of america:
Occham's Razor states that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. My hypothesis isn't the simplest one. I was talking with my dad when he came home from work, and he said that he's read about jet fuel destroying a lot of things. He easily shot down my hypothesis, and helped me remember Occham's Razor. I KNOW my dad's not part of a big conspiracy to cover up the truth, because he's an accountant (he took me to work a couple of times, so I've seen what he does all day).
And I'll say again, I watched LIVE as the second plane hit, and I watched LIVE as the towers fell. I saw no evidence (which, as I've learned from "CSI", never lies) of preplaced explosives, and even the video clips from that article that unipax put up, while ineresting, still had no solid proof that those WERE squibs going off. I'm more inclined to believe my dad then believe a guy whose name I didn't know until yesterday (when I read the article)...<
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Accountants and priests now rule the world of science.
Bulletin from frontier of science: "Jet fuel destroys a lot of things".
Case closed. Move along. Nothing to question here. Daddy said so.
Don't annoy me with any kind of facts, or melting ice caps, footage of free-falling skyscrapers, deforestation, temperature tables, experts, pools of molten thermite, or rising sea levels.
I'll just bury my head up Hannity's ass while the world burns.
Back to you, Rush, who should I vote for next?
The Waffen SS never tortured people in front of their kids.
The American's DO!!!
You don't want to change!
The State of Texas, for example, saddled (no pun intended) America with Tom Delay and George W. Bush. Delay, a Congressperson from Texas (and subject of a current criminal indictment) explained his avoidance of combat service during the Vietnam War by stating, "So many minority youths had volunteered that there was literally no room for patriotic folks like myself." During the same era, America's preeminent coward, George W. Bush, who now "bravely" challenges Iraqi insurgents to "bring it on" from the safety of the White House, avoided combat duty by using his family's wealth and connections to perform some nebulous "National Guard" duties in the United States.
Jet Fuel burns at something like 537*F.
The steel used in the WTC needs to be heated to 2,000*F+ to begin melting.
A boatload of burning post-its would not generate that level of heat.
Happy Thanksgiving, folks.
Gort, thanks for that update on Hayabusa.
at: http://www.newscientistspace.com/article/dn8362
Outside of the almost usual story of the "communications glitch", a few things stood out for me.
"Hayabusa suffered a communications glitch while approaching Itokawa and, by the time the link was re-established with Earth several hours later, had drifted away from its target."
of course!! The disclaimer.
"The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) had to wait until the spacecraft's high gain antenna was pointed back towards Earth before it could say for certain whether Hayabusa had landed as hoped. This was so that the spacecraft could transmit detailed data from the sensors and navigation equipment."
always a story about a mis-aligned antenna.
"This data has now shown that Hayabusa managed to drop onto the asteroid's surface for about 30 minutes, even though it was only meant to make contact with the asteroid for about 1 second."
30 minutes?!! compared to 1 second. Please!! The story telling is tragic. Do they really wish for us to continue to buy these fables? They have become almost comedic over time. Always the same kind of story, with a small little tweak and twist. Hey! maybe it was another silly metric/imperial error/! NOT!
"Prior to Sunday's rendezvous, Hayabusa released a small metal ball-shaped "target marker" onto the asteroid to mark the point where it would touch down. The marker contains an aluminium plate bearing the names of 880,000 people from 149 countries around the world, among them US filmmaker Steven Spielberg and British science fiction author Arthur C Clarke."
What happened to "zero impact camping"? We sure like spherical signatures as well, don't we?. A ball would be a most obvious foreign anomoloy left for "others", as well.
This seems like a serious undertaking for a simple little asteroid project. Just one in the big list of space work. Perhaps a little more important than first presented?!!
iontru02 said;
Perhaps a little more important than first presented?!!
11/24/2005 08:06:34 AM
Maybe the little craft found the keys to the ship that the 50 Annunaki dies in on their way to Earth. ;)
Interesting point re temps for jet fuel and steel. I wonder how long it took them to place the explosives? And did anyone notice all that "extra" work going on????
Ssl400g, most of the snow's melted :(
I heard the Captain on C2C earlier this morning, and he was talking about how we're the Martians. I also heard him talking about some big antigravity breakthru...
I don't know if the problem's on my end or their end, but the SOHO pictures site isn't responding...
Hey crew, here is an interesting article that hints at our efforts at accurate autonomous flight with space rendezvous and proximity operations.
Cutting edge micro-satellite achieves milestones
by Michael P. Kleiman
Space Vehicles Directorate
11/3/2005 - KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. (AFPN) -- A 220-pound micro-satellite developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory's Space Vehicles Directorate here recently accomplished significant mission milestones when it rendezvoused with the upper stage of a Minotaur I launch vehicle at distances between 1.5 kilometers and 500 meters.
The Air Force has used the Experimental Satellite System-11 micro-satellite, commonly referred to as XSS-11, to investigate a variety of prospective space applications, including servicing, repair and resupply.
"XSS-11 is a demonstration in space rendezvous and proximity operations," said Harold Baker, XSS-11 program manager. "The spacecraft also has an onboard rendezvous and proximity operations planner in the avionics to aid in developing autonomous operations for future concepts and missions."
Launched in April 2005 from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., XSS-11 has completed more than 75 natural-motion circumnavigations of the expended Minotaur I rocket body. During its projected 12- to 18-month flight, the spacecraft will conduct rendezvous and proximity maneuvers with several U.S.-owned dead or inactive space objects near its orbit. It will also demonstrate more autonomy as the project continues.
"The micro-satellite is performing better than expected," Mr. Baker said. "Fuel consumption and efficiency is good, and we expect to be operational for another year. In addition, we have had no significant technical glitches and no major anomalies."
Managing and monitoring the micro-satellite's progress has been the focus of the flight control team composed of people from both the Space Vehicles Directorate and the Space and Missile Systems Center's Detachment 12, also located here.
Staffing, however, has been reduced by 50 percent due to the spacecraft's flawless performance, and officials said another decrease is expected in the future as the micro-satellite's demonstration in autonomy advances.
With a projected cost of $82 million, XSS-11 program managers have planned an aggressive, event-driven flight which could ultimately enhance Air Force Space Command's prospective missions of space servicing and maintenance and space support.
In addition, due to its innovative autonomous flight, officials said the XSS-11 mission may reduce the number of people and the amount of equipment needed to operate future space missions.
"The micro-satellite will remain in a systems functional test for the next month or two, as we are still checking out the spacecraft's various components," Mr. Baker said. "The whole part of this mission is to be safe. If we hit the resident space object, we fail.
"To date, most other rendezvous experiments have been designed primarily for the purpose of docking and repair missions. They relied heavily on the other object having guidance and navigation aids as well as docking mechanisms," Mr. Baker said. "XSS-11 does not rely on navigation aids from the other resident space objects or docking mechanisms."
Opinion on the EPA doc;
We took a look at the EPA doc. It looks like a loophole exists and it is very nebulous in the way it is stated.
For example, if "they" were to start grabbing children from foster homes, Human Services should find out about it. That does not mean that "they" can not get a child say from an orphanage. For example, a "husband and wife" apply to adopt a child. They pass all the requirements and this child is mentally challenged or something similiar in nature. They could disappear, and they would end up being another statistic, right?
Now, we have a drug addicted Mom on the streets of any city. Let's say mom gets arrested, and as a plea bargain or even a chance to skip the whole court and jail thing, she is persuaded to give up the kid. And mom is never told anything other than that the child will be "well taken care of". Child disappears. I am sure you can imagine other scenarios.
It seems that they are directly addressing the need to "make the population comfortable" with the wording. But that doesn't preclude them from being covert about it and using the wording to CYA if they were to get caught.
So, I guess in a nutshell, it says what you think it says. But, since it nebulous in the way it is stated, it covers their asses but leaves the covert side open. And you would have a hard time convincing anyone who could really do anything about it, that this document was a serious threat to the well-being of the nations disabled children.
The only thing that can be done, is to stress vigilance to the human services people. Watch out for the kids. Keep an eye on the foster homes etc. A very tall order. It seems that they will most likely get away with something nefarious again. It's like the cop trying to prove a murder. The evidence is circumstantial, but you damn well know he did it. As the suspect sits there with an evil smiling grin right in your face."
It is loosely worded. It can be interpreted like Jones(?) said, but having industry people read it, they thought it was loose. That doesn't mean these things can't happen. Like Ben Frankin said; "Liberty is preserved through vigilance." (Loose quote there, but you get the point) All should be aware and wary of the unthinkable. Eyes wide open my friend. Be back online on Sat pm. If you want to discuss this some more. Have a good holiday. Peace.
Welcome spawnofox...
Sunking, my dad just said that jet fuel burns WAAAY hotter then that. And I just found a site that said 550 degrees CELCIUS. I told my dad, and he just told me that the temperature AT LEAST doubles when you convert 550* C to FARENHIET (in other words it's at least 1100 degrees). Is it possible you meant to say 537* C?
Welcome spawnofox.
Oops, I didn't mean to repeat myself there. I meant to CUT and paste, not COPY and paste.
Wow, what happens when you sleep...
Thanks for the wondermus welcome, though I do tend to be a bit of a lurker, what does come out from under me rock occasionally to comment, then back under the comfey rock again.
A supportive article from this same detailed site:
DARPA's Responsive Access, Small Cargo, Affordable Launch (RASCAL) program will design and develop a low cost orbital insertion capability for dedicated micro-size satellite payloads. The concept is to develop a responsive, routine, small payload delivery system capable of providing flexible access to space using a combination of reusable and low cost expendable vehicle elements.
The US Air Force, in 2001, issued a Mission Need Statement (MNS) outlining the requirements for Operationally Responsive Spacelift. The RASCAL demonstration objectives are to place satellites and commodity payloads, between 50 and 130 kilograms in weight, into low-earth orbit at any time, with launch efficiency of $20,000 per kilogram or less.
While the cost goal is commensurate with current large payload launch systems, the operational system, through production economies of scale, will be more than a factor of three less than current capabilities for the dedicated micro payload size. This capability will enable cost effective use of on-orbit replacement and re-supply and provide a means for rapid launch of orbital assets for changing national security needs.
The RASCAL program will alidate the ability to operate from a 2,500-meter runway with minimal peculiar support equipment and independent of test ranges for telemetry and tracking support. It will also demonstrate mission turn-around time within 24 hours of payload arrival.
This program will utilize reusable an 80,000-pound, winged reusable vehicle for the first stage and will take advantage of low-cost rocket technologies for the expendable upper stages. With recent advances in design tools and simulations, this program will prudently reduce design margins and trade-off system reliability to maximize cost effectiveness. This program will also leverage advancements in autonomous range safety, first-stage guidance; and predictive vehicle health diagnosis, management and reporting to lower the recurring costs of space launch.
iontruo2---> while fishing around on this site, I found this article that helps point to the "other" programs even they hadn't seen.
SB-WASS - Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System
Interestingly, there were parallel acknowledged and unacknowledged versions of this program, whose primary difference was that the unacknowledged program was actually conducting the efforts that the acknowledged program characterized merely as future plans. Initially, satellites were launched by both the Air Force, using a rotating radar antenna, and the Navy, using an infrared sensor.
The characteristics of spacecraft launched by the Titan 2 and Titan 4 boosters, beginning in 1989, demonstrate the existence of the parallel un-acknowledged SB- WASS program, which actually flew spacecraft resembling those considered in the acknowledged program. Three launches of the Titan 2 in 1988, 1989 and 1992 placed single spacecraft into orbit, with these spacecraft exhibiting regular flashing reflection patterns, as would be expected from the rotating reflector radar antenna planned for the Air Force SB-WASS.
iontruo2--> O.K. now thats very interesting. What else might there be in the areas "unacknowledged"?
How about a possibly juicy report titled: Report of the
Defense Science Board/
Air Force Scientific Advisory Board
Joint Task Force
Acquisition of National Security Space
iontruo2---> Hope you all don't mind, a little food for our thought, just to keep our information stream flowing. I'm kind of chasing a loose idea around Sword's disclosures and the notions of maneuverability and preperation for the debris field. The same searches reveal hints of our other capabilities and intentions.
Sunking, I FINALLY got around to reading those Nostradamus links. The "information" there is ridiculous. The best evidence against the statement that NYC is Babylon is the fact that the other stuff (the Seven Seal Judgements, the Seven Trumpet Judgements, and 5 of the seven Bowl Judgements) all have to happen BEFORE Babylon falls. Lemme break it down for you (in the order as it happens in Revelation, plus a short description of the event)...
The first Seal is the White horse (not to be confused with "White House"). The rider is the Antichrist. He will decieve many. He'll make a covenant with Israel for 7 years. He'll be humble, the nicest guy you can imagine. He's the LAST guy you'd expect to be the Antichrist...
The second Seal is the Red Horse of war. After the 7 year treaty with Israel is signed, there will be a short time of peace, then what amounts to World War III...
The third Seal is the Black Horse of famine (no explanation needed)...
The Fourth Seal is the Pale Horse of death. After all that war and famine, death will follow...
The Fifth Seal is that a great multitude of Tribulation Christians, Christians who were saved after the Rapture, will be martyred for being Christians...
The Sixth Seal is a GLOBAL earthquake. Also, during the quake, the sky will go dark, and there'll be a BIG meteor shower. These meteors will cause a lot of devastation in addition to the earthquake...
The Seventh Seal is silence in Heaven for half an hour. Basically, it's the calm before the storm...
The First Trumpet Judgement is hail mixed with fire and blood. 1/3 of the trees and all the green grass burns up...
The Second Trumpet Judgement is "A great burning mountain" hits the sea, destroyes 1/3 of all ships, and kills 1/3 of all sea life...
The Third Trumpet Judgement is "A great star", called Wormwood, falling upon 1/3 of all rivers. Wherever Wormwood hits, the water will be bitter, and many will die from drinking it...
The Fourth Trumpet Judgement is that the Sun, Moon, and stars will lose 1/3 of their brightness...
Then comes the angel that says "...with a loud voice, 'Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!'"
The Fifth Trumpet Judgement is a plague of demonic locust-like things with scorpion tails that won't kill you, but you'll feel awful for 5 months. This will make the cicada invasion of 2004 look like nothing...
The Sixth Trumpet Judgement is the release of four (fallen) angels that are tied up in the Euphrates River. The four (fallen) angels bring about a plague of 200 MILLION demonic horsemen that kill 1/3 of the world's population with fire, brimstone, and smoke...
The Seventh Trumpet Judgement is great voices in Heaven thanking God that He is destroying his enemies (btw, if at any time I give inaccurate info, please let me know)...
Around this time, the Antichrist is assassinated, and shortly afterward, resurrected. This time, he's no longer the tool of Satan, he IS Satan incarnate. He'll force everyone to have a mark of loyalty (aka, the mark of the beast), and worship his image, and behead everyone who refuses...
Now come the Bowl Judgements...
The First Bowl Judgement is that painful sores will appear on anyone who takes the mark of the beast and worships his image...
The Second Bowl Judgement is the ocean turning to blood, and killing everything in it...
The third Bowl Judgement is the lakes and rivers turning to blood (Oh, btw, during all the Trumpet and Bowl judgements, those who have recieved Salvation will be spared)...
The Fourth Bowl Judgement is that the Sun will be given the power to "...scorch men with fire." In other words, it'll be one heckuva heat wave...
The Fifth Bowl Judgement is the beast and his kingdom being thrown into darkness. People will chew their tongues in pain and blaspheme God...
Somewhere BETWEEN the Fifth and Sixth Bowl Judgements, Babylon will be destroyed. If you don't believe me, look in Revelation...
Boy, that went on for a while...
Sunking ..Is that your understanding of the Good Book?
Even a born again Christian like myself can see the "manipulation" that the above was meant to "consecrate" by being in the the big black book.
Any Canadians out there looking forward to an election?
somes it up then,
John, is the Anti-Christ...
talking of which;
Todays Macy Parade...
32 balloons...
if the wind gets above 23 MPH
they have to bring them down...
interesting little Masonic 3 3 3 rythmic parading there...
pure 'coincidence' of course, New York representing the Heart of the Golden calf...
So getting my uncanny ascertations and libelus remarks regarding the character 'John' on this blog...
who likes Bush
and Fox and Hannity et all the psy ops BS...
let's take his chosen choice of 'world' leader into account for a second.
John cannot see with his misty oily spectacles, the evil intentions and fear mongering hate spreading lies, that the man is spouting.
John therefore, would agree that OIL is a good source of energy, and also in that same pencil headed viewpoint, would say it was OK to give MASSIVE TAX breaks to the NOW INFAMOUSLY RICH MOTHER F*CKING sh!t bags who have misteriously made a nicely 33rd degree sized profit...
Therefore John supports the idea of OIL polluting energy sources, an elitiste culture and therefore typicaly biast and racist including hateful in every kind of way.
I therefore put it to you, that by John 'supporting' and 'characterising' himself, on a man, who has as much personality as the plank holding up my chair...
and about as much humour and funny Jokes as you John; oh wait a minute you two could be the same...
It would be funnier watching dust settle than listening to you on a rainy day John, that's not to criticise your wayly underdeveloped humour gland...
but this rant, is leading to the point, that If you were the last person on this planet, that was in a bar on a reallllly sllow day, I still would rather go watch the paint dry...
But With all that said, my as yet non insightful or CLU'ed up eejit non researched crew student...
We still have the plank tied to the ship with a knot that I tied...
and as you is still tied to the plank...
we is watching your sllllowwwwww learning progress...
The more fantastic it sounds the more likely it happens.
Funny, RCH seemed to be practically praising the efforts & successes of JAXA and Hayabusa last night/this morning on C2C.
I agree with IonTruO2 that RCH would have at least mentioned the antenna alignment. RCH did but stated it "matter-of-factly" and in passing. RCH also mentioned another "glitch" is when control was passed from NASA's DSN in Goldstone, CA back to the JAXA DSN. During that critical time is when JAXA believes the robot actually made contact with and landed on Itokawa.
RCH mentioned that because of the distance between Earth and Hayabusa (180 million miles) it takes something like 16 minutes for data to be transferred at the satellites baud rate.
So, according to RCH, combine the three factors:
1. DSN hand-off,
2. data baud rate transmission delay,
3. Hayabusa high-gain antenna alignment
and you get this unique situation in which JAXA engineers did not know for about 24 hours if the lander landed or not.
Now, JAXA is preparing for a 2nd attempt to ensure a sample is obtained ... provided one was not obtained when the landed landed the first time and bounced along the surface of Itokawa.
Scarletm..when I visited your blog moments ago and try to get to comments I get::
We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.
Hi crew,
I been reading a "fictional" book for the first time in many years and I must admit it is startling in its synchrony. It is called "For US The Living" by Robert Heinlein. Oddly it is his first novel ever written and had never been published and was presumed lost. Published last year(2004) after a copy of the manuscript was found in the possession of Admiral Caleb Laning, Heinlein's best friend. It was originally written in 1939, yet it reads like today.
What has struck me solidly is that it is indeed a thinly veiled series of lectures wrapped in a parable. Most notably a treatise on Economics-in the (US) and how skewed it is now. A strange model we are working on currently that isn't useful to the wellbeing of all.
Some principles of who is regulating this thing called money, the so-called Banks. But what really is the premise of money and why are they, the regulators of it, and not the national government itself, directly for its own people. When output is far exceding use or input, the current formula is almost insane. I won't waste too many words trying to summarize Heinlein's well described piece pertaining to teaching a man from 1939 what the system of 2086 is like, compared to the current way. Yet it demonstrates an economic model far more intelligent than the current system we are burdened with.
Beyond my suggestion perhaps to read the book, I really noticed that many of principles that Crypto has been drawing attention to, are bang on, and are definately the prime limiting factor. Who really is behind the current control of this thing called Money? Is it really about Gold anymore?
No, its about credits expressed in a product simply printed on paper and someone else is holding all the strings "about it". How it is made at will and how it is "shared", which is what it really was about in the first place. They forgot the sharing part and in its free flow between.
Take the choke hold on the music industry and the highly regulated flow of creative output by individual artists as a simple current example. F.U. Apple and your silly downloads with limits and money mongering, regulating the real creative artists to death.
Times that by 1000 and you start to get close to this contrived economic model we have now, ruled by very few people holding back the whole societal world from its obvious potential for easy prosperity for all.
Slowly, Crypto's pieces on Mapping and the Power structure are starting to makes sense to me.
Perhaps the Divine HD Intervention of the near future, that may include a judgment or a "weighing" of the world, is also to bring forth a new pattern that allows for a system that is easily more equanimical, mutually beneficial, and not requiring people to groval for small cash in life and endlessly working to just subsist. Chasing carrots, as the seeker's path that never fullfils. A trap contrived by the holders of the money matters, hindering the free growth of the individual and the natural contribution, that would naturally occur without this regulatory inhibiting mechanism.
In order for that to occur, there must be a tearing down of the current system and it will not go quietly.
Global ego resistence of a huge scale is being seen now as the presssure is building and the time is coming when the economic system will be erased, in order for the more appropriate Way to be allowed to arise that gives all people a dignity that is not obssessed with mere self-subsistence and balances production-output more rightly to use-as input both individually and collectively. Currently production far exceeds demand, and must change for the betterment of All.
Perhaps some of what we are seeing occurring in recent radical events is an early sign of that process now undermining the money makers' machine. To a point they will make the situation work to their benefit in the face of some of these "destructive" events, but in the end, I think their time is up. They are just being fooled into thinking they are "staying on top" until it is too late and their lesson for them is delivered.
The meek shall inheret the earth.
The humble will be in the midst.
The real judgment is large scale and systemic and immensly subtle in its employment.
There must be destruction in order for there to be creation.
A dissolving of the false and the ego-tainted power structure.
Walk softly, Love wholey, Be here, Be clear.
Grace is upon us Now.
We have progressed way beyond fables of Christ returning or fears of anti-christ.
There are Spiritual Masters here now of the highest order of full Devine Incarnation. Notably Adi Da.
It has been articulated in numerous sources that they are here specifically to stop World War 3 and usher in a new Age.
However prophetically this flows, I speak from some direct experience, that requires no validation or descriptions.
Bla Bla? Perhaps, but it needed to be just said, in light of the inherent tendency to more in.tense and intensifying fear around these days of change.
I'm not one who is blindly positive, yet I see in the bigger picture, a large scale correction has begun and will unfold in near time.
Gosh, I may sound like Thomas and his endless pronouncements but here you have it. Maybe just an encouragement, to not buy all that stuff about the darkness coming in these circumstances before us.
We are already in the Dark! "Your soaking in it Madge!" Palm.Olive my ass! The dark is the current situation of this existense.
It is the beginnings of the full light entering our sphere and dissolving the dark patterns that are so well described in our various observations here at TEM.
Thus the term from RCH of "STAY TUNED!"
In Truth as we See, so shall BE.
First off, due to marital disagreements (read: control freak Husband)the Comments section has been turned off. sorry :(
frankly, I thought that RCH sounded exteremey tired. There was some je ne sais quois quality in his voice that just didn't sound right. He sounded ill. Very ill.
Dunno- its was a certian lack of peppyness? I have noted it before-but it seemed pronounced to me last night.
I hope he is ok-but coupled with the fact that he's been really MIA here and doing very easy and unexciting "reporting"- just seems to point to something personal.
Happy Turkey day!
ericswan, hello
you said...
The more fantastic it sounds the more likely it happens.
11/24/2005 11:52:09 AM
Some pretty desperate actions being taken! Trying to just snuff out the whistle blowers.
I remember the Suadi spokesman, in an interview once comparing the price for a barrel of oil to the price we pay for an equivilent barrel of Coke or Pepsi. It was a s hocker! Remember, in Canada, a 2L Pepsi is approx. $2.39-$2.99CDN.
WOW! After that last piece I wrote, I stumbled on a similar article.
Truth and Its Revelation
"This is more than a dream come true
This is Truth becoming a reality"
In that same article a side link to this:
Hope this clicks for some of you.
is it the reporting or the fact that 3's and New's get on so well?
"Storm Gamma kills 34, affecting nearly 33,000 in Honduras
Xinhua - 18 hours ago
MANAGUA, Nov. 23 (Xinhuanet) -- Tropical storm Gamma has killed 34 people and affected around 33,000 in Honduras, authorities of the Central American country announced on Wednesday. The discovery of two more ...
Honduras raises storm death toll to 32 Seattle Post Intelligence"
it's just that when weather gets all numerological, it makes me tinks who done it...
PS Katrina touched down as a huge Cat 3, at 3:30...
coordinates, 90 by 30 degrees...
we eat Chicken in da Caribbean, happy chicken day (again)...
happy gobbler to u's, I'm thankful for contributers here and this blog.
I knew the Macy Masonic Balloon show, would only end in tears...
"UPDATED: 12:33 pm EST November 24, 2005
WRAL.com - 2 hours ago
NEW YORK -- Two spectators were injured by a balloon at the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, police said Thursday. A balloon lays on the street after it hit a light pole on Broadway during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in New York, Thursday, Nov. ..."
And John, in your READING,
you note that Tropical Depressions become storms at 39 MPH?
that's 3 333
then at 79 MPH
They get categorised to Hurricanes...
133 333
Deut 5:1-33 ~(5,5,5th word Yahweh)
Dan 12:12 (...'1335 days)
Rom 5:5 (7 seals)
I said Seven Fives John...
that's 555 5 555
also 7 5's
or 133 5 or 9111
93 or 39
"MIAMI (AP) -- At least one more hurricane might form in the Atlantic Ocean before the hurricane season ends next week.
Tropical Storm Delta now has winds of 70 miles-per-hour. If those winds increase another four miles-per-hour, Delta will become the 14th hurricane of this record-setting year.
Delta is the 25th named storm of the season. It poses a threat only to shipping. The National Hurricane Center says it's out in the middle of nowhere and no threat to land.
Although the Atlantic hurricane season officially ends next Wednesday, it's not unheard-of for storms to develop in December."
Storm season isn't completed yet John... Xmas and planet X found this year... spinning at 3.9 something or others...
Sunspots acting up like Acne...
Epsilon maybe John?
Do you want Freeing Energy Devices John, or do you the planet destroying polluting OIL that the meter'ed TAXED to death life is offering you?
The choice is yours John, I've already made my choice...
Aetherical Energy Driven Antigravity machine, with my own free patch of ground to call God's own, and grow that which GOD SAID WAS CLEAN, not some 21 year old as yet inexperienced coffee drinker thinks his PSY OPS led goverment tells him is...
Using your Concience John, which do you prefer, BUSH with his OIL for energy Lies and money driven capalistic greedy elitiste society...
Or one of Peace and brotherhood?
Which is it John, am awaiting an answer...
on July the 10th this YEAR John, TS Emily started the FIFTH STORM...
that's the SEVENTH MONTH
7/10/05 or 10/7/05 - OIL - 710
THREE Category FIVE Hurricanes THIS YEAR JOHN...
DID your priest show you this already?
Did your chosen religion help you with this insight? Did you notice the biblical numbering before John?
So pay attention and READ, clean your glasses RESEARCH and READ!!!
John, did you also note that the FIVE MONTHS of TORMENT described in revelation (TWICE) start at
Revelation 9:5
FIVE MONTHS of Torment, did you never think, eh? coicidently the 5th Verse and the 5 Months...
Coincidence eh John?
Revelation 9:10 FIVE MONTHS...
333 and 5
Revelation 9:11 - Angel of the Abyss...
from the SMOKING PIT John...
Happy Holiday all!
Hi John,
When you finish Jasgrave's assignmennt, here is another site with in depth analysis.
.....FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F). However, experts agree that for the towers to collapse, their steel frames didn't need to melt,... Keep on reading.
Mothership Enterprise has been updated with links to JAXA.
Another update that just raises more questions abt the Cap'n. Hope he's well.
nice post re: Heinlein. I recently read his Citizen of the Galaxy, which has much symbology and references to other-than-4-dimenions dimensionality. Had to laff cuz the book opens with a slave auction being held in Liberty Plaza.
Thanks to T'zemt, I am now looking at Heinlein thru a different lens. Where IS she?
I knew I had those jet fuel and steel temps only in approximation mode...thanks for clarification. And John, while your Dad's jet fuel temps may have been different than mine, the still lacked ~1000+- degrees of being near the mark...so your's is no conclusive proof that what happened on 9/11 is as the Administration wants us to believe....but ten mine is not conclusive either, admittedly. Point is, NONE OF US knows the truth!
Sorry to hear that re: ur blog, etc. Cut him off, he'll geek! LOL!
re: Revelations as per our John or any other...I think what is current 'wisdom" regarding Revelations and Endtimes (e.g. The Left Behind series) is a result of a Jesuit disinformation campaign begun in the days of Martin Luther that came to real fruition in the 19th Century with Fundamentalist religions in the US. Like good BS, it has spread real well!
Greetings, my brother! Thought of you on Tuesday...I was ordering flowers online to be delivered to my wives work, in celebration of our 29th wedding anniversary today, and I had to get her address since I did not know it. Yep...it was 333. I LOL'd in delight!!!
While we celebrate this day, let's also have a thought for the Native Americans who suffered...well, genocide at the hands of our Euro-centric ancestors.
Ms. T,
Ha...I wouldn't be setting any pies in the window to cool around your place!!! :)
Sunking, Hi acting Capt.!
Thanks for you comments re: Heinlein. I understand T'zemt had just gotten in to "Citizen of .." novel after her screening of Podkayne of Mars as well.
Unfortunate she has disappeared as well.
you said: Jas,
Greetings, my brother! Thought of you on Tuesday...I was ordering flowers online to be delivered to my wives work, in celebration of our 29th wedding anniversary today, and I had to get her address since I did not know it. Yep...it was 333. I LOL'd in delight!!!
iontruo2---> Now I have fallen off my chair laughing!!! :0 Thats just too good that one!!
You said: While we celebrate this day, let's also have a thought for the Native Americans who suffered...well, genocide at the hands of our Euro-centric ancestors.
iontruo2--> May they prosper again and not be the forgotten people. The true indigenous of this place deserve our Love and Respect.
she lives works on 3 central...
wasn't there something like that in Ghost Busters, where they find out that the apartment with the 'oddity' in the fridge, is the 5th floor antenna focussed, GATE of SHODS...
hi hi hi
still remember Saucerfreaks Masonic Mazda bought from 333rd street, and ran at a Masonically economic 33.33333(Recuring) MPG...
Been a gorgeous evening here in the Caribbean, the air has a light warm breeze, the rum shacks are getting lively now Xmas is coming up, and darn if the rum wasn't tasting better tonight...
News just in CNN
Jordanian King just called for an all out war on terror...
now don't get my understanding of the situation wrong, but, isn't war terrifying?
So if they are warring to stop terrifying things, that's like bombing people into a better way of life... oh a bit like Iraq...
I can read the script now;...
Ve are going to Terrorise Terror
Ve as a people vill terrorise terror so much it's terrified to ze death...
Terror vill be sooo terrified, that it vill cease to be terrifying...
Do I need to elaborate the lunacy any longer?
how about, stopping being such Greedy lieing, Nefarious *$$ Holes and admit that Free energy exists, like errrm Water seperating fuel technologies...
lieing Greedy war mongering power lovers...
Down to the abyss wid da lot of em...
I dont normally sound off about president BUSH...
But tonight being an exception, I'm going to allow an insightful news article speak a few words on my ranting behalf...
" Extreme Bush: The good, bad & ugly
By Bernard Weiner
Online Journal Guest Writer
Nov 23, 2005, 21:06
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I watched the newscast footage of George W. Bush addressing an election-eve rally in Virginia a few weeks ago, and the guy looked and sounded somewhat inebriated, slurring his words, a goofy grin on his face, oversized mannerisms. I had read recent articles about Bush's inability to handle the enormous stress he's under these days (screaming and ranting at his aides), and the likelihood of his being on anti-depressants and/or hitting the bottle again, but just assumed those were sensationalist bloggers spreading some dirty fictions.
But, oh my, when I watched the video clips of his sad performance at that Virginia rally, I began to wonder. It can't be easy being Bush these days, when all is collapsing around him. Consider:
* The Iraq war going so badly that even that old dependable warhawk John Murtha is urging Bush to close it down and redeploy the troops; Libby, DeLay under indictment and the Abramoff scandal getting closer to the White House, with Frist on a legal hot seat as well; Patrick Fitzgerald heating up the Plamegate probe after hearing from Bob Woodward, which could put Cheney, Rove, Hadley and Rice once again under the grand jury microscope; the centrist Republicans causing grief for Bush's agenda; McCain's treatment-of-prisoners amendment making headway, forcing Cheney and Bush to lobby for torture; GOP stalwart Sen. John Warner sticking it to Bush on the lack of success in Iraq; establishment conservative Republicans like Brent Scowcroft and Lawrence Wilkerson and Bill Buckley and others firing off the equivalent of mortar rounds into the White House over Bush's Iraq war; the Downing Street Memos from inside Tony Blair's headquarters verifying that the Iraq war had been on the boards for at least a year before the invasion, with the job being to "fix the intelligence" around that policy decision;"
I see only one Bush, it's ugly, evil and elitist...
As are the whole lying, disinforming, elitiste NAZI family...
I hope that offends enough John?
SunKing said...
> ...I was ordering flowers online
> to be delivered to my wives work
WIVES??? You have more than one?
You sly dog!
I mean these words:
Now: The carnage Bush could do to the country, and the world, is of an entirely different order of magnitude.
Domestically, Bush could, for example, force the country into a constitutional crisis -- by, say, declaring martial law as "commander in chief" during "wartime."
...are enough to make even John sit up and go eh?
Hi Jas & everyone!
See if you can find the tell-tale Masonic symbol in this cartoon:
Happy Holidays!
LOL, see it, on da wall;
Da six pointed symbol, of Jewish connection...
Aside from that, the Tom Cruise dinner party, make the night more entertaining to say dat chip da black boy and the singing grey alien video look kind of normal...
John said...
Scarletm, I still refuse to believe that the government did it...<
Not exactly the government. More like secret govt, or cabal in govt.
Senator Dan Inouye somewhere said something like 'there is a secret government with its own army navy air force'
Point is, as Eisenhower and Kenedy called it, the govt you see is not exactly the govt you get.
The shots are called by parties more powerful than the party in office.
And another thing...
Star of Crossing eh?
Up to a month ago, there were only 710 objects;
"Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) are space rocks larger than approximately 100m that can come closer to Earth than 0.05 AU. None of the known PHAs are on a collision course with our planet, although astronomers are finding new ones all the time.
On 24 Nov 2005 there were 743 known Potentially
Hazardous Asteroids
August 2005 Earth-asteroid encounters"
it went to 736 a little while ago...
now 743...
Where the heck are all these new NEO's turning up to the party from?
that's 33 since a month ago,
NEW Near Earth Objects...
(Look out for any italicised 'stay tuned' slogans...)
It's good if your into Green Houses...
"Greenhouse gases at historic high
Ice probes from the Antarctic show greenhouse gas levels much higher than at any time in half a million years."
Gasses can also be discerned and allegedly measured in the number of not too un-obvious, Marauding HAARPICANES...
...on Monday, 28th of Nov, it will be exactly 33 days left in the year...
Just thought I'd share that...
then it will 12 days to go till Dec 9 10 11...
From your first 'oneness' link...
"Do not take this lightly. These are, often unknowingly so, merchants of death, and not priests of love and life."
It's a simple deception...offer eternal smiles and never ending life but actually
have nothing to back it up...but this is an immaculate deception by 'big-pharma'
(look at that bum!) with drugs that make you /seem/ so happy when actually your
brainwave patterns are in a sleep mode....but you seem /so/ alert ! Believe,
me people actually fall for this stuff :-( www.drugawreness.org
Now this ship has a plank ? I'll be more carefull what I say with you hovering
near it ;-}
Regarding JFK..I think Bill Hicks had the best take on the
subject..."Bill..why are you still talking about the Kennedy
assasination..I mean Bill it happened years ago...just leave it
alone OK ?!"
"OK, so don't bring up Jesus... OK?"
"They have the snipers nest window glassed off in the JFK museum
[in the book repositry] because, of course, if people could
actually see out the window they'd be going...no f****g way !
That's impossible ! Where are they ! No f***g way !"
jasgrave333 said...
->Terror vill be sooo terrified, that it vill cease to be terrifying...<-
Hehehehe. Yah, I've often been heard to do my own best Gestapo Bush impression jackbooting around the house and stating: "Ve are men of PEACE, dammit und ve vill HAVE peace no matter how many people ve must kill to get it."
*sigh* I just keep hoping the obvious discrepancies will finally become obvious to everybody else and the sooner the better, frankly.
unipax said...
>John said... Scarletm, I still refuse to believe that the government did it...
>Not exactly the government. More like secret govt, or cabal in govt.
>Senator Dan Inouye somewhere said something like 'there is a secret government with its own army navy air force'
>Point is, as Eisenhower and Kennedy called it, the govt you see is not exactly the govt you get.
>The shots are called by parties more powerful than the party in office.
"There exists a shadowy government with it's own Air Force, it's own Navy, it's own fund raising mechanism, and the ability to pursue it's own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, free from law itself."
- Senator Daniel K Inouye
a few other tidbits... yea, the truth IS out there.
"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak of condemnation of it."
- President Woodrow Wilson
"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
- J Edgar Hoover
"We shall have a World government, whether or not we like it.
The only question is whether World government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
- James Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950, before the U.S. Senate
"The job of the President is not to wield power himself, but to lead attention away from it."
- Douglas Adams
"There are no victims, only volunteers. You volunteer by looking uncertain and afraid.
You volunteer by being, as grass-eaters invariably are, unprepared to confront the hazards of life"
- Alan Greenpants
"...those who formally rule take their signals and commands, not from the electorate as a body, but from a small group of men (plus a few women). This group will be called the Establishment. It exists even though that existence is stoutly denied; it is one of the secrets of the American social order. A second secret is the fact that the existence of the Establishment - the ruling class - is not supposed to be discussed."
- Arthur S. Miller, The Secret Constitution and The Need For Constitutional Change, Greenwood Press, New York, 1987, prologue, p. 3.
"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
- William Colby (Former CIA Director)
"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."
- Richard Salent, Former President CBS News.
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. ... It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
- David Rockefeller, Bilderberg Meeting, June 1991 Baden, Germany
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet it was planned that way."
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945), 32nd US President
"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
-- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1952
All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed;
Second, it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self-evident.
- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
- Albert Einstein
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
- George Orwell
"Avoid those who are unable to envision a reality greater than the one they know"
- ancient MERLIN proverb ...
thanks !
awesome collection of quotes which I'll save and pass around.
Hi all...
Well, I see that there's been some criticism to the evidence from the Bible that I described. I expected as much. I don't think we're in the Tribulation yet, I still think that it's POSSIBLE that we're still in the "...beginning of the birth pangs..."
Jas, I'm going to assume that you're pulling my leg about me being the Antichrist...
Unipax, my dad said that steel softens at lower temps than 2000 degrees. He says that jet fuel softened the supports of the WTC towers, which DOES mesh with Occham's Razor, because it's simpler...
Hope y'all had a Happy Thanksgiving :)
steel softens at lower temps than 2000 degrees.
So what? The Buildings were DEMOLISHED.
There were people looking out the holes for chris'sakes! How HOT could the fire BE?
How come ONE WHOLE FLOOR of the North Tower was ablaze? That was a bunch of barrells of Oil/Diesel mix which was set alight to cover up the DEMOLITION! Black smoke means COOL BURNING.
The simplest explanation is John has wrapped himself in the flag because HE CANNOT BALANCE THIS EQUATION:
word: oyylly (NO KIDDING? OILY - OY VEY!!)
back to regular programing
I Just HAD to tell SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!
yes, I am truly happy. :) :) :)
is it me or is your word verify relly long????
;ike this qivpvjbz
oh shit, iam i the only one awake????
:P :P :pp
Night ya'll
will be in da 'nooga for da weekend
:) :) :) :)
(hey, if y'all don't hear from me in like a week call the feds!!!!!!
word veri:hdwpyyyn (is that necessary???)
The Enterprise Mission forum has gone dead.
It's apparent that only mindless drones should post anything.
Ever since the Oyyly post they want 10 letter word verification. That's what happens when you Hijack the Zeitgeist.
The top third of one tower tipped over and fell on bldg 4.
Why then, did the undamaged lower two thirds have to collapse?
Why, in both towers did the undamaged (below the fires) massive central columns collapse completely?
Why did bldg seven (and the towers) free fall straight down? That only happens in controlled demolition.
Read on.
Again, how we organize ourselves economically is different from how we organize ourselves politically.
What chance do the ants have?
hows paradise???
just checking to see if antone is reading
Sorry to hear about the divorce. I am glad you are taking it well.
Anyhow, having been there - done that myself a while ago ... if you need any support, I'm here. You're not alone!
Good luck! Sending positive energy and good vibes to ya!
hey Scarlet.
Great! Balmy evening, soft breeeze.
You know :)
Is it just a coincidence that the first anthrax victim was a photo editor at American Media, Inc. who owns the National Enquire which published a photo of Bush's daughter Jenna shown drunk with a cigarette in her hand falling on top of another girl?
biological_unit said...
->What chance do the ants have?<-
Plenty, but it requires them to realize and acknowledge how severely they outnumber the grasshoppers. Frankly, I'm almost surprised that A Bug's Life wasn't suppressed as 'dangerous propoganda'.
The Elites have had 6000 years to perfect their control of the Useless Eaters.
There's movies about Hitmen and they are COMEDIES!!
I'm here, scarletm. That's very good news...
News about the SOLID SUN!!!
SOHO created a newer, more complete, and more methodical series of these images starting on May 26th of 2005. I have created a second movie from a series of these images collected from late May through early June of 2005.
As you can see from the series of snapshots on the right, and from the movies, we can make out more than just a single random pattern emerging from just one composite image. Instead we can see a CONSISTENT set of surface features in these images that MOVE from left to right as the sun rotates. These features are completely consistent and move UNIFORMLY across the surface. In other words, they do not move at different rates near the equator than than they move at the poles like the photosphere. Whatever this "structure" is, it absolutely cannot be the photosphere or the chromosphere because of it's consistency. This photographic evidence stands in direct opposition to present theories of the sun which claim that the sun is a giant ball of gas and has no solid surface below the photosphere.
"Andy Card states in this recollection of 9/11 that he whispered to Bush "A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack". There's just one problem with this - the video of Bush at Booker Elementary shows Card delivering this message in roughly two seconds.
Here's an mp3 audio demonstration of how quickly Card would deliver his message to Bush. It is impossible to whisper at this speed - try it." - whatreallyhappened.com
word:liqtv (Droppin' hot licks?)
All the Presstitutes need their JOHNS . . .
You listening John Boy???
And it was said there was a Snow Ski enthusiast in those days
Who called upon The River Gods to bring The Global Superstorm
There SHALL NOT be a pulse of warm air in a few days here
biological_unit said...
->word:liqtv (Droppin' hot licks?)<-
Or, liquid tv. Careful, bio, Aeon Flux may already be dispatched your way. :-)
How do you think an Immortal God can sustain hisself without the flux
Coming to an NTFS Partition near you.
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