The Saviour's Coming

The coming of a savior… Part One
"and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them"
Hello, this is Sword.
For our blogging community I would like to tell of a story that we all think we know through and through. It has been a story told for over two thousand years, and over the course of time, has changed, and perhaps, lost its meaning – and ultimately – its true meaning and understanding.
This story I wish to tell is the story of the coming of Jesus and the other two important elements of the story of his birth. I would also like to do this in three parts. Those two other elements of course are the star of crossing – or star of Bethlehem; and the three wise men. I will concentrate my references from the King James Version of the Holy Bible, specifically the book of Matthew.
The Star of Bethelhem
I will start with the element of the story that seems to be the most important, as it begins the story of Jesus arrival, that is the all telling star. Some have speculated that is was a conjunction of planets on the constellation of Pisces; that is of the FISH. Some have said that it was a comet, possibly Halley's comet, and others have even speculated that is was a super nova, first of course by our champion of elliptical orbits: Johannes Kepler. Much has been speculated about this star. However, let us reflect and concentrate as to what is reported in the KJV bible. To set the stage:
Matthew 2:1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the
king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,
2:2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star
in the east, and are come to worship him.
The above sets the stage. Jesus was born in the days of Herod (the dastardly villain), and then three wise men came looking to worship him.
Now, after the stage is set, things get interesting, listen:

2:3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all
Jerusalem with him.
2:4 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people
together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born.
So, everyone is in an uproar. Everyone is troubled. WHY? Something tells me that the star is early. Let us also remember that the star of Bethlehem has been depicted as a comet. That is, a bright "star" that has a tail. Thus, a fast moving celestial body.
King Herod gathered scribes, which is an important wording. Scribes would have access to all the kingdom records. Why would recorded events be of importance to the King during a time as this? Why would records be important to the "wise men" – also known of the time as astrologers or magi (those dealing in things magical)? Indeed, WHY?
The answer is stareing us in the face.
The bible is taking into account that we, the reader, have an understanding that thousands upon thousands of years of historical records were kept by mankind in the ancient Summerian culture (and others) of the ever-important - and ever reoccurring "Star of Crossing". As told to me, the Bible is, "one book of many" – meaning – do not discount the others!
Thus: The king, the wise men (astrologers), and the scribes with all their astronomical recorded events are preoccupied with the star of crossing’s arrival.
2:7 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them
diligently what time the star appeared.
Diligently! Diligently, on their backs so to speak – the king wanted to know WHEN the star appeared AND – while not mentioned in the bible (yet implied: "gathered all the chief priests and scribes") – HOW does this reflect on the previous records. The difference in timing makes or breaks the world in this aspect. All of the kingdom was troubled. Everyone can see it, witness it – it’s a tangible truth that can not be escaped. This was a timed event remember – that is, this star of prophecy – it was recorded and foretold to happen over and over - for thousands of thousands of years – and whether or not is was early or late was of GREAT importance to everyone – including the kings. The "wise men" – the astrologers, and the scribes would have a very keen interest in regards to the star being early or not. After all, it was an astrological event that would have happened every twenty five hundred years or so. The star, showing up quite early, in a precession of continually showing up early (as recorded) would tell them all they needed to know.
Remember: "…he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him." We can understand why Herod would be troubled – for a new king was to arrive – but all of Jerusalem as well? Would this not be a time of celebration immediately? But no, it isn’t – everyone is troubled at first with the appearance of the star.
In Matthew 2:8 the king sends his astrologers out to follow the star to the location of the child’s birth, while he states he wishes to worship him – we all know – biased as readers by his previous actions – that he only wishes to slay him. But back to the matter at hand – the star. Let us see if we can really understand the key phrase here:
2:9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which
they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where

The key phrase of course is: "…went before them…". It literally led them along. Let us consider the location of the wise men – they where to the east of Bethlehem, east of Jerusalem, in Babylon. The rough estimate of travel distance between Babylon and Jerusalem is six hundred miles – to the West. Let us consider this fun fact: "Riding camels" can travel up to 100 miles in one day. For the wise men to follow a "star", over a distance of six hundred miles to Bethlehem west from Babylon, would mean that they would have had to travel day and night – until finally the star faded from sight and there journey was complete. If the wise men where to follow this star over a distance of roughly six hundred miles, they would have followed this "star" for six days, and on the seventh day…

2:11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with
Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had
opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and
frankincense and myrrh
As a side note, I love the above verse. It has nothing to do with the star of Bethlehem. It instills peace in my heart, for the following verse(s) show what witnessing the child could do to men of good hearts. Well discuss that in part two.
So, to recap:
A "star" appears, the star of prophecy – and all of the sudden the most powerful king of the land calls for his astrologer’s, priests and scribes. The fact that Herod called for astrologers is one thing, yet – to call for scribes indicates he was looking at historical records!
He sends forth the astrologers– and they follow the star from Babylon west to Bethlehem – roughly six hundred miles away. This journey, by camel would take six days, finally reaching their destination to worship the child on the seventh day.
What could be in the sky that would be illuminated enough for three astrologers to follow for six days worth of travel? Additionally, the star "went before them" – east to west!
What could possibly travel in the sky for six days traveling east to west?
A planet of elliptical orbit perhaps? Could it be the "Star of crossing" from ancient Sumerian lore?
Stay tuned for part 2… …The three wise guys.
Wow.This is quite a blog with a very interesting take on the birth of Christ. Especially if Herod had access to the recrods described. The Star of Crossing sounds like the name of a vessel to me. Not a comet, but a ship?
Hale Bopp was visible over my roof for a couple of weeks. I suppose it depends on how far "the star of crossing" is from earth to determine how long the trip would take.
Sword, what a beautifully written essay. I have always had trouble with this section. In my younger years when studying this, I was unable to read between the lines, or use historical fact as a guide. I never went back to it. I look forward to reading the rest.
Applause from Texas too. Very well done. The new twist concerning Herod is intriguing.
You had mentioned in an earlier blog about the return every 2500 years or so. I had wondered why it was expected back so soon if it were truly a 2500 year or so orbit. You do mention in your blog that it had arrived early, so I'm curious as to how that applies to its next visit and, of course, to the rest of your story. Guess I'll have to wait for part 2 and 3!
Again, well done.
Different scientific and faith-based interpretations of the Star of Bethlehem
I would have written more earlier but I had to get off the computer because of a shift change at work. Sword, I think you've written a timely piece that I think gets at the core of what TEM is about.
Did any of the records Herod's scribes, priests and astrologers use to calculate the arrival of the Star survive to be found in the public domain of today? It would be quite something for the Drydock's number cruncher's to get hold of. But I have a feeling that the records are safely stashed away from our inquiring eyes.
It could well be a planet of elliptical orbit, but given the descriptions in Ezekiel of what sounds like to me like a visit from the crew of a starship, I think the Star is a Starship. Someone came back to put in motion a long formed plan or to see how plans already in motion were progressing. If you have no point of reference for what space vehicles look like against the night sky, I'm willing to speculate it could appear as a star. A ship could be early. Apparently the appearance of the Star in the sky had been described sufficiently to be recognised to those trained to look for it.
RCH speculates upon the artificiality of Iapetus. I'm no expert, but my imagination is willing to take the leap to speculate that RCH is right about Iapetus and that it was once a functioning space vessel and that when that ship was in operation could have well been the "Star of crossing" in ancient Sumerian lore. Only now it's in a parking orbit off of Saturn.
The vacuum tubes in my brain must be overheating for my overuse of the word "speculate" today. LOL. Sheesh!
We celebrate a fake messiah's (just another jooish politicians) birth.
Don't worry - he'll be dead by Easter (or should I say EATster)
I condemn his sissy philosophy - and all the Gods of Rome condemn him
Brief events ...
Hundreds of auroras detected on Mars
According to the physicists, the auroras on Mars aren't due to a planet-wide magnetic field, but instead are associated with patches of strong magnetic field in the crust, primarily in the southern hemisphere. And they probably aren't as colorful either, the researchers say: The energetic electrons that interact with molecules in the atmosphere to produce the glow probably generate only ultraviolet light - not the reds, greens and blues of Earth.
Of the 13,000 auroral observations so far, the largest seem to coincide with increased solar wind activity.
"The observations suggest some acceleration process occurs like on Earth," he said. "Something has taken the electrons and given them a kick."
What that "something" is remains a mystery, though Lin and his UC Berkeley colleagues lean towards a process called magnetic reconnection, where the magnetic field traveling with the solar wind particles breaks and reconnects with the crustal field. The reconnecting field lines could be what flings the particles to higher energies.
The surface magnetic fields, Brain said, are produced by highly magnetized rock that occurs in patches up to 1,000 kilometers wide and 10 kilometers deep. These patches probably retain magnetism left from when Mars had a global field in a way similar to what occurs when a needle is stroked with a magnet, inducing magnetization that remains even after the magnet is withdrawn. When Mars' global field died out billions of years ago, the solar wind was able to strip the atmosphere away. Only the strong crustal fields are still around to protect portions of the surface.
"We call them mini-magnetospheres, because they are strong enough to stand off the solar wind," Lin said, noting that the fields extend up to 1,300 kilometers above the surface. Nevertheless, the strongest Martian magnetic field is 50 times weaker than the field at the Earth's surface. It's hard to explain how these fields are able to funnel and accelerate the solar wind efficiently enough to generate an aurora, he said.
Next stop, Pluto
Safety risk small in launch of NASA's nuclear-powered New Horizons probe
The bottom line:
There is a 1 in 350 chance that a worst-case accident early in launch could release radioactive plutonium somewhere in a six-county area surrounding Cape Canaveral, including Brevard County, according to government studies.
If that happened, the maximum dose a person might be exposed to would be similar to eight medical X-rays -- less than the natural background radiation over 50 years.
Added up, we're convinced the potential risk is minute and would require a perfect storm of converging factors to put lives in danger.
New Horizons' window opens Jan. 11 and remains open until Feb. 14, but the spacecraft must launch no later than Feb. 2 to take advantage of the time saving Jupiter gravity assist. Otherwise, New Horizons will have to be launched on a direct trajectory that would delay its encounter with Pluto perhaps as much as three years.
Stardust Space Probe to Land in Utah Next Month
Fate of Japan's troubled asteroid probe still uncertain
Nasa plans Neptune landing
AUDACIOUS plans for a 30-year space mission to land a probe on Neptune and its largest moon Triton are being developed by a team of US researchers backed by Nasa.
The team, comprising a university professor and a robotic systems expert, have come up with a concept for a 36-tonne "mothership" powered by a nuclear fission reactor and ion propulsion system and equipped with probes that would investigate the ice giant orbiting some 4.5 billion kilometres from the Sun.
The Moon and Mars will be above your neighborhood on Opportunity's "One Martian Year" Anniversary, December 12, 2005.
371 Bohemia
Very intriguing angle Sword......
Looking forward to whence part two shall cometh unto us.....
I've never heard anything about these three wise men, other than they followed the star, bearing gifts, etc.
Do we know anything else about these guys? Their race? Their rank? Were they delivery guys, or were they kings themselves? How far east did they come from? China?
Wow Sword, you have a way of just (made-up word coming up) "De-Christifying" the Christmas story...
Unipax, I just realized why the 757 disappeared from radar. The terrorists turned off the transponder, which lets the controllers know where a plane's at (I'm not joking)...
I hope the Plutonium Powered Pluto Probe (or P4) launches in January...
Oh yeah, I read in the latest issue of "Popular Science" about man-made black holes by smashing 2 protons together (don't worry, their not going to be a threat to the Earth)...
Still waiting for part 7 of "A Moon With A View"...
Product placement in the word verification. stpvz (first 3 letters)
The third king was Gaspar. There's nothing else written about these 3 kings in Matthew, but I did find a review on a book called "The History of the Three Kings." It does contain a more detailed description of this "star". Doesn't sound like a planet in this description...more like Starshipconstellation's space ship! Excerpt:
The elaborate story that we know today can be found in the Historia Trium Regum, the History of the Three Kings, which is attributed to the fourteenth-century cleric John of Hildesheim. In this compilation of the legend, we are told much more about the star: "When the day of the nativity was passed the Star ascended up into the firmament, and it had right many long streaks and beams, more burning and brighter than a brand of fire; and as an eagle flying and beating the air with his wings, right so the streaks and beams of the Star stirred about."
More details here about the 3 Kings: The Three Kings and the Star
starshipconstellation said;
"Did any of the records Herod's scribes, priests and astrologers use to calculate the arrival of the Star survive to be found in the public domain of today? It would be quite something for the Drydock's number cruncher's to get hold of. But I have a feeling that the records are safely stashed away from our inquiring eyes."
I wonder if that was what the Templars found?
I have heard the bits about a supernova and the comet. And the Pisces bit.
The fact that it arrived early, is that because of the breakup of the planet or that is precessing in it's orbit so that it will continually arrive earlier? In that it moves E to W, does that make it's orbit within our system retrograde to ours? (I am not very good on that)
How is the orbital time known? Another researcher has reported 3600 years, you are reporting 2500. Where does this information come from? We've already found and measured the Star of Crossing, haven't we.
I have been going a bit with the crew re Annunaki. So your post is very timely. I knew we would find that planet, and I think that happened back in 1983 with IRAS. Because after that, the machine pretty much disappeared from the radar. If that is the case and the orbit was plotted, it could be extrapolated back to support your statements. Sitchen could or wouldn't ever give exact dates as they related to his research and Nibiru. If you have, we would still have a few hundred years to wait unless it is really picking up speed for it to come around again. Unless I am not going in the right direction with any of this. Thanks sword, you got my brain going and I'm looking forward to part deux. :)
oh duh,
shrinking orbit, earlier and earlier arrival, closing trajectory, increasing proximity, deploy countermeasures, dig, duck & cover....beam me up
The terrorists turned off the transponder, which lets the controllers know where a plane's at (I'm not joking)...
The only thing that would happen is THE RADAR BLIP will not have a "code" next to it !!
The blip stays on the screen without any "caption"
Got any more questions about how you are being lied to John?
Of course you live in the most amazingly awesome country in the world and "they hate our freedoms"
I look forward to the USA getting ass-kicked in Olympic hockey in February !!
Gold: Canada
Silver: Russia
Bronze: Sweden
Reading more about Planet X or the Star of Crossing, I found that it is also called the "winged" planet or the "Phoenix, the fiery, winged planet". Now that fits the description I just posted of the Star of Bethlehem perfectly ("and it had right many long streaks and beams, more burning and brighter than a brand of fire; and as an eagle flying and beating the air with his wings, right so the streaks and beams of the Star stirred about."
OK, connection made...ready for part 2!
Thank you for that fine story telling. Good flow.
It would seem the reason the "comet" would arrive earlier is from your previous disclosure concerning the declining eliptical orbit? And oh yes, the Oval Office!
Does comet=debris field? This is where I am getting a little fuzzy.
So when the eliptical orbit degenerates to hyberbola, which then leads to escape of the comet from the solar system we get examples like this perhaps?:]
Where a "comet" is observed exiting:
The lead up to that condition, is the "comet" arrives here sooner each occassion, roughly 2500 years.
So some "comets are orbiting and some periodically get spit out of the system.
With the "star that crosses our path", there would be a size of "falling star" that would be most necessary to watch for. Like perhaps bigger than a house?
Here is that recent example of notable size:
they said:
An asteroid the size of a house that exploded with the power of an atom bomb over Antarctica last year may help scientists prepare for the entrance of larger bodies into the Earth's atmosphere.
The 1000-tonne asteroid crashed to Earth in millions of pieces last September, 900km from the nearest humans at Japan's Syowa station.
A trail of dust recorded by a physicist 1500km away at Australia's Davis station shows that if the asteroid had not fragmented into tiny pieces when it hit the Earth's atmosphere, it would have had an impact similar to the bombing of Hiroshima.
Dr Andrew Klekociuk, from the Australian Antarctic Division, said today the event helped scientists prepare for the effects of a larger asteroid hitting the Earth.
Iontruo2-->That was a real current example, just september 2004.
I just started an interesting book that I stumbled on at Chapters books for $4.99cheap, called Wormwood by G.P. Taylor. Very on topic with these themes, this fictional book is presenting story in 1756 London and uses the interesting term "sky-quakes".
As well there is a persistent recurent theme in my general experience with this name Wormwood, notably through Dr. Culpeper as I previously posted. In this latest book again it is showing up, presented in the title and referenced in quote from the story: "Wormwood...the bright star shall fall from the sky...and many will die from its bitterness."
Tragic segue: I have a unique old card of a cross with Jesus portrait in the middle and three words on the ends of the cross:
Reparation means: a putting into good condition or being so repaired.
a righting of a wrong.
something done or paid as compensation of a wrong or damage done.
An interesting choice of word isn't it?
What I am getting at with this subjective symbolism is that this is a time when we will see a gesture of truly divine proportions and a moment of real Reparation, an intervention of Honour and Love at just the right moment, which is Now.
Thus the importance of that sign.
A Great Sign.
Sun King is a rather ostentatious title. I'm just a Unit
Gosh, thanks. Very kind.
Bravo to you, you were holding the can opener!! I was just a.mused lol hi hi hi!!
Sunking's the bright one holding the light here with his radient smile! Props to our moderator/acting/host/asst./ Capt.
I am in the company of Fine Men.
Sunking, I for one would like to thank you for giving Sword the outlet to(finally) teach us what he has been taught. This is not only a timely blog topic, but a topic that spans aeons.
Sword, Other than kudos, I have not posted anything of importance. However, I believe you will appreciate my endevours. I have spent the majority of my free hours this afternoon and evening researching. When I professed my ignorance of this particular section, I dont think I mentioned my lifelong confusion at the description of events. I have since been doing alot of reading. Please dont think me rude or uninterested while I try to study on my own.
Ion - How well you express what is on my mind. You never cease to amaze me.
or a brown dwarf with say maybe 4 moons accompanying it?
Yup. We're among some great minds.
So great, in fact, that they know who they are.
For me, 'tis an honor and a privilege privelige privledge pre-village to be on board.
I'd like to also acknowledge RCH for all he has done from years ago,
including launching this ship we now sail.
And of course Sunking, for stepping in when most needed.
I am deeply dismayed about how we have bastardized the original Enterprise Mission from one of cuting edge technical prowess and pursuit of disclosure of useful and coveted technology to an all out group hug and binge on religious iconography and zeal.
Since the source of spoon-fed knowledge has stopped, does that mean we also have stopped feeding and now cling to religion and way-out articles as a catch-all security blanket?
Look deep into the events for an explanation. It is very hard work and terribly time consuming BUT the former Captain has diligently done it for decades and has numerous publications to prove. It never is easy finding the needle in the haystack. Everything has a meaning that is demostrable and provable. The quitter and hopeless is the one who chalks it up as some "supreme being's" will or fate.
The only fate that is inevitable is death. Someday, we are all going to die. Why dwell on that? Why not discover and uncover, learn and grow, open ones eyes and leave behid a legacy in our provable works.
Simply because some book says something and some other book says something else ... what it all boils down to is *INTERPRETATION*. People zealously hold to their INTERPRETATIONS. Arguements based on emotions, feelings, spiritualism, and interpretations always result in both hard feelings and a draw.
Scientific *FACT* and cold, hard, unadulterated TRUTH is never open to interpretation. Go outside, it is cold and snowing -- that is FACT; provable, concrete, irrefutable demonstrable FACT! It cannot be denied or misinterpreted that. We need the same evidence or else this whole thing floats like a lead brick.
I beg to differ.
Our Skipper, RCH launched this crew and is with us still.
We are not him. We are plotting our own course in his absence.
He always said this was multi-disciplined, far reaching investigation. (or something to that effect...)
Besides, we all know who we are ;)
You're right, nightstar, he didn't take Christ out of the Christmas story. But it just seems like he's taking away the need for faith in God's loving the world so much that He sent His Son to save us...
Biological_unit, first off, thanks for clarifying exactly what the transponder does. I've always thought that if it gets turned off, then they lose the plane on their screens. Second off, the thought of the government or some secret agency within the government, yet unkown to most of the government, sanctioning an attack on the Pentagon (or even just THINKING about attacking the Pentagon) makes me feel very uneasy. Third off, another question. Why the heck aren't the major news channels covering the oil depot blasts. I haven't heard a peep from the tv about it, yet on the internet and the radio, I hear about it, even if it's only briefly. Surely it can't be that hard to get some reporters over to the blast site (which, last I read, was still burning). Also, what's up with SOHO? It's been since Friday that it's had this "CCD bakeout". Now, I know that they can't just go up and fix it, but come on! This is NASA for crying out loud. They "MacGyver"ed new filters for Apollo 13, yet they can't fix a CCD bakeout?...
Didn't mean to rant there
Kudos SWORD.
Beautiful, elegant and timely.
I look forward to the discourse in the coming days.
All: I have had some great personal loss in the last few days-I am here but quiet. I should have solemity for 7 days, but being that my friend was only half Jew (with a wicked sense of humor and a DEEP sense of the "beyond")- she will probably permit me 3 1/2.
I'll chat soon.
unipax said...
I beg to differ.
Our Skipper, RCH launched this crew and is with us still.
We are not him. We are plotting our own course in his absence.
He always said this was multi-disciplined, far reaching investigation. (or something to that effect...)
Besides, we all know who we are ;)
Oh, yeah, we're plotting our own course, but sooner or later, someone needs to hit the "OnStar" button... :)
NightStar said...
FACT - the earth is flat
FACT - the sun revolves around the earth
FACT - man cannot fly
FACT - you cannot flip a switch and light up a room
all these were hard, proven SCIENTIFIC FACTS .. in their time
Tomorrow FACT: we see through the veil & marvel at what is on the other side, always has been there, just hidden from view while we were out worshipping the FACTS.
Spider-----> Now that was good!! :)
good post sword, ...leading to WHEN is the next star of crossing?
Earlier that I KNOW the better ;)
Another earthquake, how can we uncover whether an earthquake is an ELFquake, or a haarpiquake, or a pulsequake?
The location of this one is not far from the last Afganhistan quake,0008.htm
I've written my u.s. representative and both my senators urging them to look at the pentalawn video and
urging a new investigation into the multiple mysteries of 911.
To the anon, you have a point, I don't think you have THE point though ;) Seems to me discussing religion
is important as it is a microcosm of one of the great ills of this planet. Also Swords post, while citing
a biblical event, likely has some relevent scientific information. These discussion points do not rule out
your quest for technical prowess. Hold on because I'm sure the pendulum will be swinging back into a serious
look at cop>1 energy/anti-gravity etc. I'm holding off on my TR-38 work-up in deference to the current thread.
I think if you post something in the area you'd like to see discussion, you'll likely see others add on to your
thread, please post some of that info. -Bryan
p.s. Sword, I think that your response to bohemia could have used a dash more finesse. I like his posts
and checked each of his links as I often have. I think there's always gonna be some curveballs tossed around in
darn .................(*_*)
NightStar said...
Anon: Scientific *FACT* and cold, hard, unadulterated TRUTH is never open to interpretation. Go outside, it is cold and snowing -- that is FACT; provable, concrete, irrefutable demonstrable FACT
FACT - the earth is flat
FACT - the sun revolves around the earth
FACT - man cannot fly
FACT - you cannot flip a switch and light up a room
all these were hard, proven SCIENTIFIC FACTS .. in their time
Tomorrow FACT: we see through the veil & marvel at what is on the other side, always has been there, just hidden from view while we were out worshipping the FACTS.
12/13/2005 12:33:45 AM
Why were these accepted as "fact" then? Because different people worked hard to prove that was the case. Given the knowledge, understanding, and technology available at that time, some amazing things were discovered that still hold true today (i.e., Newtonian mechanics, gravity, a better understanding of the orbits in our solar system).
These folks used mathemaics, visual observation, and detailed descriptive explanations before people accepted it as general fact. Each supported the other.
No one said "well it says it in some book and we must have faith and have to believe ... that's all."
I'll give that modern scientific knowledge and technology still has many unanswered questions. Like the beginnings of time, for example. But to say that a supreme force kicked it all into action is a quick feel-good cop-out. If this is true, we need to be thoroughly and completely convinced. Once this thought path is bought into, the arguments become cyclical and stops progressing. "It is because it is." Or, "It is because I said so." Chicken-and-egg.
The fact examples given changed because, as in any true logical rational discipline, these are always challenged and tested. Newton's calculation of gravity (9.8 m/s/s) is still tested and chalenged to this day some 300 years later (roughly)! If ever a discrepancy is found, it is ruthlessly challenged, examined, and tested before being accepted and those conditions are precisely and exquisitely documented.
To add on to my previous post, I have never heard of any religion getting science right. When science flew in the face of religious teachings, those courageous early "scientists" were ostracised, incarcerated, ridiculed, excommunicated, tortured, and run-out.
Of course one might think: "Well, DUH, religion is not science." And you are absolutely 100% correct. But wasn't it science that helped clarify some of the religious teachings and corrected some incorrect views from a rudimentary technical basis. Science is also instumental in helping to prove/disprove some religious events.
NightStar said...
But to say that a supreme force kicked it all into action is a quick feel-good cop-out.
>>>ummm... I think you may need to talk to some physicists & get updated.. many if not most of them, including Stephen Hawking are turning to the concept of an intelligent force as being the first cause. In fact in certain mathematical models, it is the *only* hypothesis that works.
Given BUT science is edging closer and closer to t=0. It is a simple quick jump to assume a kickstart simply because we do not (yet) have the understanding or mathematics/physics to describe t=0, t<0, and t=i. In time we will.
And basing a hyposis on *only* one model is near-sighted research. Any research, experiment, hypothesis, and/or test always has a series of conditions or tests (what-if scenarios). I am sure that giving so much to something unknown makes many esteemed scientists uneasy.
How can one explain it? We can't ... yet.
Anon - Can I buy a copy of your book? Ya know, the one titled "Science, no room for Religion"? If the subjuct of the blog does not appeal to you, perhaps you should just not read it. You can always come back at a later date when we have completed our scientific dissection of the KJB. Here, let me give you the key to the chains that bind you here. I hope I speak for us all when I say that we are sincerely sorry to have held you here against your will. I am sure that someone of your intellect can find something better to do with your time than to take away from our little experiment during this Holyday season. Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year.
I hope I have not offended the blog GODS, but since no one is trying to convert anyone, I see no reason to not continue. I happen to have waited quite awhile for Sword to reveal all that he has been hinting at. I also just REALLY hate it when someone tries to tell me NOT to learn about something.
Scarlet, I am sorry for the loss of your friend. It is never easy to lose someone you love, no matter what season it is. Look forward to 'hearing' from you in a few days.
KrazyBy4Kids said...
I also just REALLY hate it when someone tries to tell me NOT to learn about something.
12/13/2005 02:32:19 AM
I said that? Gee, I did not consiciously realize I wrote or even thought that.
Balance. Question and challenge. That is the message.
I guess I should ask you for your book then, "Acceptance without Proof". I am sure it is on some best sellers' list here.
If you look at my comment dated 12/13/2005 01:42:08 AM I also said that science and religion can work together.
"Science is also instumental in helping to prove/disprove some religious events."
Very timely Sword...Sunking, thanks for the latest read, can't wait for the next one!
anon said...
>If you look at my comment dated 12/13/2005 01:42:08 AM I also said that science and religion can work together.<
No you didn't because working together would imply a mutual benefit...RIGHT? When actually, you stated that religion benefits from science not the other way around...hmmm
>QUOTE=anon "I have never heard of any religion getting science right."<
Doesn't sound like you're saying they're working together to me! Also since when did comments like "intreguing" "interpretation" "prior speculations" even remotely imply FACT. The only fact I'm reading is that "it's" written down...not that it's true.
I think a re-read my be in order ;)
>anon...."how we have bastardized the original Enterprise Mission"<
Just how much of this stuff do you ACTUALLY read? I think most here will agree and has been stated on prior TEM blog comment sections (which was confirmed by RCH BTW) that it's all connected and there's an underlying current with TEM's research that happens to be the topic at hand.
Again Sword/SunKing throwing out a "Jas...Whoop Whoops!" This is a subject of great interest to me as well and a point I reached after following TEM's research. There is a truth in there somewhere and I think it will be huge, but that's just my opinion not fact ;).
Crypt0, I hear ya with the maps...gotta do some homework though.
wordy thingy = icaiwgkr (I see and I walk, gave killer responce) <--Ok it's late...need more coffee!!
Interesting blog. I think there are different layers of meaning in the Bible. Even if the actual events didn't take place as described, the inclusion of the events and certain details in the story have some meaning to someone.
As Jesus said, "let he who has ears hear."
Also, just because they could travel by camel 100 miles a day, doesn't mean that they flat-out booked across the desert for 6 days and nights non-stop. They were astrologers, not power Rangers. The star could have been seen for *at least* six days, but maybe longer, bsaed on your assumptions.
Staying tuna-ed for the next two parts.
Thank you for the critique: you do them well.
Sword: Thank you for your thought provoking post - looking forward to part 2 & 3 to see where you are going with it.
Great Posts tonight.
Anon: Science and Religion can work together - If you meant to say that, I agree.
Sword, Quite an OUTSTANDING blog, cant wait for the rest!
There is still much to decipher from your initial comments..
Hopefully, I can get my comments/questions together as it progresses.
I do hope you elaborate greatly, further, fullest :) on what you KNOW.
We can speculate all day here but time is.. well.. important.
If you are writing/sharing from your religious teachings, can you explain why yours would be deemed more corrct
in your eyes, versus any others?
Some descriptions of the event(s) we've been fed/taught are quite lame and really need to be elaborated on.
2:10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
Well WHY?? What did they ALREADY know/expect? Obviously, something BIG.
They REJOICED. Obviously something GOOD/desireable.
2:11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with
Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had
opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and
frankincense and myrrh
FEll down and worshipped..?
I don't think many understand exactly WHAT this means. Taken verbatum, the mind's eye presents quite a 'strange' scene.
They opened their treasures..?
This implies much more than is ever revealed. monatomic gold??
and why incence? was there an alien odor to conceal? or just maybe they stunk from spending 6 hot days with camels? lol..
Would you let 3 (stinking to high heaven) unknown fellows in, unannounced, to see your new wife and child? Gifts or not? This would imply they knew/expected the wise guys to show up with essentials.??
anon stuff..
fwiw, IMO:
Science IS Religion, Religion IS Science. Two branches of same trunk.
Science and religion are tidally locked :) and science came first.
Note that the Sumerian astronomer-priests where first and foremost ASTRONOMERS, then priests.
This seems to hold true with all ancient peoples. Usually do not see them referred to as Priest-Astronomers.
This holds true for the 3 wise guys as well. They were SCIENCE geeks, with some *very* special talents, interests, GIFTS.
Science (observation) came first with all it's mental gymnastics and the explanation of that science to the
masses in more understandable terms, became the 'religion', 'rituals' = 'procedures'.. etc.
and all downhill from there... as greed, power etc. took hold.
This struck me many years ago when a grade school science teacher was trying to explain something
to me and I was just not getting it. He way simplified his scientific explanation for me.
I then got the point/idea that way, never having to digest his original 'science' jargon.
While I understood somewhat, I would never be able to do the 'science' with his explanation.
I then explained it to another student, who told this last poor student was hopelessly
lost to the original science behind it all.. but felt good that he 'understood' and went on his way..
and on another note;
Quite an interesting choice of name, for a Science project.. I would say..
TRUTH in plain sight! (or site actually..)
Project Wormwood
"The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water - the name of the star is Wormwood."
Revelation 8:10-11
hmm.. how does Hale Bopp fit into this, if at all?
Precurser maybe? First alert? BS?
sanctioning an attack on the Pentagon (or even just THINKING about attacking the Pentagon) makes me feel very uneasy
You know you could just draft Congresscritters kids to fight over d'ere.
You could count them on a single hand!!
We make our own luck. Don't do something foolish and get yourself killed !
Trust no one - not even me !
You are too young and sensitive for these things (unless you play hockey and like smashing into people)
Prepare the Way of the Lord
Or Not
You just can't keep compounding liquid wealth (that competes with gold) that has overgrown the limits of gold, even if you pretend that gold does not exist. Because other people may not choose to live in fantasy land, and because gold does exist, and because other people (that you may do business with) will choose gold, such as all of Asia.
Rome will never be a Republic again. I rose through the ranks and cannot afford Republican sentiments.
SO much good dialoguing! Much to catch up on at this early hour.
Firstly: Blasted2, welcome back! seems to me a while since I last saw your fine contributions.
And looky that!!! PROJECT WORMWOOD
Thank you very much for that puzzle piece, Blasted2!!
More later fellow crew, horses must get out to welcome the sun rise.
Hi all...
Interesting article on ...
SOHO's still got that CCD bakeout...
Biological_unit said...
"You are too young and sensitive for these things (unless you play hockey and like smashing into people)"
I'm assuming you're talking about me. I'm 21, which I don't consider as "young". You got the sensitive part right. I don't play hockey, but I do play "NBA Street V3", and it can get violent at times. As for smashing into people, I just load up "GTA: San Andreas" (MINUS the "Hot Coffee" mod) if I wanna do that...
Anonymous said...
I am deeply dismayed about how we have bastardized the original Enterprise Mission from one of cuting edge technical prowess and pursuit of disclosure of useful and coveted technology to an all out group hug and binge on religious iconography and zeal.
Anonymous said...
Scientific *FACT* and cold, hard, unadulterated TRUTH is never open to interpretation. Go outside, it is cold and snowing -- that is FACT; provable, concrete, irrefutable demonstrable FACT! It cannot be denied or misinterpreted that. We need the same evidence or else this whole thing floats like a lead brick
Then Anonymous said...(in separate post)
But wasn't it science that helped clarify some of the religious teachings and corrected some incorrect views from a rudimentary technical basis. Science is also instumental in helping to prove/disprove some religious events.
KB4K which is it? Maybe if you signed your comments they wouldnt look to the reader like they were from two different people.
Since Unadulterated TRUTH is never open to interpretation, what is the truth. Please clue us in, since that is what we are searching for and if it is not open to interpretation, you must be in possession of it.
Fact - a belief that is proven
Belief - an idea that has yet to be proven
What kind of researchers/explorers would we be if we only dealt with what we know? Is it not the purpose of our existence to search for the truth, to prove ideas to be true or untrue?
I guess if we are only dealing in the FACTS, that which we already know, then HD technology does not /can not exist. No sense in looking for something that simply cant be there. Oh my, if good old Chris hadnt searched for something that wasnt there, he never would have gotten credit for finding the Americas. If Pastuer hadnt searched, she never would have found Penicillin in that foul stuff called MOLD.
KJV may not be fact, but like all books written to lead the masses, there is some truth within. After reading the ancient Sumerian tablets last night, I find this discussion even more fascinating.
And my best seller is called: Surviving an Apocolypse in Modern Society. Soon to be on sale at a bookstore near you for $19.95. But you, Anon, can get it for the dirt cheap price of $199.95. ;)
Wow, I rarely get so worked up about comments, but this one just ticks me off. I mean, why bother to bash our discussion if you're just going to turn around and contradict yourself? I have yet to state a religious belief on this blog. I believe I have only said I have my own spiritual beliefs, that I have an aversion to organized religion. If that means i live by faith alone, so what! I have faith that my husband will still be alive in the morning. I have faith that my kids will walk through the door every day after school. I have faith that I can sell enough product to pay our bills this month. Yes I have a WHOLE lot of faith, and so far it has not let me down.
I have faith that Swords next two articles are going to explain how the 3 wise guys are astronomers, how the path of a certain celestial body had been plotted and planned and expected, what body it is, why it was early, and where the maji came from and went to. (See any science showing up?) I expect to see many references to ancient texts that shed light on our lowly planets past as well as our future. I expect to finally find out why Sword thinks that the end is nigh. (For the record those are hypothesis, not beliefs. I wouldnt want to get all religious on ya)
Sorry about the length of my rant, just be thankful that I have lots to do today and need to get going before I write 'another' book here! lol
Nurse Nightingale saying: Keep on keeping on.
21 is young especially when you've never lived out of the house. I was pretty well traveled by 21, had been working 5 years, married with 2 kids, and I like you didn't know shit from shinola.
Bio-unit was referring to an actual sport that requires leaving home not a video game. You will never understand life, truly experience its beauties or find your place in the world as long as you go thru it with tour guides.
It was a star with a tail, not a comet. The only star in our neighborhood is our sun. And earth moves aroung the star, the star doesnt move around us.
Monkey Wrench
John, about your not seeing any of the coverage about the UK explosions: I saw the coverage for two days. Fox News is almost always on for background noise and they covered it quite exhaustively. I think in your channel surfing, you just managed to miss it everywhere.
As far as the bakeout goes, c'est la vie. Either the images are being kept away from the public, or it really is suffering from the damage it received earlier this year. Go find out. Reasearch it. Find other satellite images to correspond with the missing frames. There are over 800 satellites orbiting our planet, pick one and start there. SEARCH and ye shall FIND. I think that link to the satellites was on the previous blog. Go check it out and then report back. I am curious also, but lack the time today to do it myself. Have fun!
Nightstar, would love to send you an autographed copy! :) And thanks for the giggle. I needed it!
you said:....Sorry about the length of my rant, just be thankful that I have lots to do today and need to get going before I write 'another' book here! lol
Nurse Nightingale saying: Keep on keeping on.
12/13/2005 09:24:44 AM
IonTruO2--> Let er flow lady!! Like a pebble in our shoe they can be useful for cracking open our voice to communciate with authenticity. YES!
P.S. I owe you an email reply Krazy.sweet.heart, sorry, my hotmail is troublesome with my fussy firewall. Back to you on that soon. ..and I appreciate your amazement! True synchrony of LOVE.
Ion - How well you express what is on my mind. You never cease to amaze me.
12/12/2005 11:34:38 PM
No two stars will ever get close to each other just as no two similar signs (++) (--) will ever get close to each other.
Monkey Wrench
Thanks Ion. My best virtue is patience. I'll be back late afternoon/evening. Hey, before I you have any experience with wild horses?
Catch ya on the flip side. (Wow is that one old or what?!)
For the crowd not in the know, it must have been a real bummer for Soho to be "Baked Out" on the special of occassion of the 10th Anniversary, Dec.2nd, and as John is reminding, still "not available" or functioning at December 13,2005.
"Ten years of operation without a single service or tune-up is no piece of cake for a spacecraft. As anyone who has operated scientific instruments in a lab will know, it's amazing how many things can go wrong, requiring some form of intervention or repair."
ion-->Ya O.k.?!! ;)
YA gotta turn it on! or perhaps plug it back in! Someone must have bumped the console during the party on the 2nd! Those krazy techies! Ya thats it..!
lol :) Nothing to see here! move along..Look at the "other" pretty pictures of the sun instead. NOT.
Monkey Wrench said...
No two stars will ever get close to each other just as no two similar signs (++) (--) will ever get close to each other.
KB4K says (head cocked, face crinkled in deep thought)...
No two stars...not stars...similar signs.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Must let that one roll around up there. Something in that... what was it? Hmmmmmmm
Metaphor, Allegory, Parable
Too deep to make an impact.
you you have any experience with wild horses?
Yes! My wife! ba bom! drum snare lol :)
Wild, young or unbroke?
I talk to them pretty well, but I don't break them for saddle. I teach them pretty good ground manners though!
Interesting comments from all and thanks, as always, for the kind words...I am honored to serve the 'crewe'.
I hear what you are saying, and I considered such when going over sword's rough draft. But considereing the season, current world events and the fact that while I don't agree with any organized religion nor do I consider the Bible to be the 'inerrant word of Gaaawd', I DO think that there are tons of history and truth in the book. Inasmuch as the 'star of crossing' theme has scientific overtones to it, I made the decision to go with Sword's guest blog. Did not RCH publish a CD called 'God, ET and Man'?
I believe it all ties in...somewhere, somehow.
Would you like to submit a guest blog?
How could you NOT have seen the oil fires in the UK on TV. Not today so much...old news, now. But it was on, bigtime. Now, quit making such a big deal over yourself not seeing it.
Sword writes a good blog and a story that puts me on the edge of my seat. However, I cannot but wonder why so much effort is put into trying to find a purely astronomical symbolism (I think this is where he's headed) in the Star of Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus Christ, as opposed to accepting what the most reliable ancient documents tell us about who he was and why he came ? One can find similar trends from numerous modern liberal "theologians". Could it be that the fallen nature of human kind drives us away from the what Christ offers and the challenge he presents to us to change the way we live ?
I have no doubt that there is some fascinating astronomical phenomenon involved here. I tend to think it may be a combination of the beginning of a Great Year (Pices) synchronized to a triple conjunction of planets or even Sword's "Star of Crossing". But once we find that answer, of what real significance will it be then ? We will have simply found some mechanical rationalization for getting around responding to the main event,that being who Christ was and is and who he wants us to be !
Hello all,
Boy, it is quiet in here today. Thinking about what was "fact" years ago and what is "fact" today...if there had been blog entries way back when, imagine what the blog entries would have been. And future blogs (years from now)...what will they be saying about what we believe to be "facts" today? I imagine it would have been and will be very interesting reading! Would love to have been a spider on the wall back then and in the future.
I hear what you're saying but I think were this is going is to make a point about what that star was and how it is going to affect our future. Sorry about the run on. At least, that is where I feel like he's going. I find it intriguing that it is the Star of Crossing. But i do understand your point about the change humanity needs to make.
Wouldn't that be a something! LOL
Far too often in these recent of days and years the so-called Facts of the science dogma are being reutinely tossed on their head.
Just our little effort here has shown concrete examples already out there of technologies that are in breach of the science rigidity and physics laws as they are still peddling them and puting into print.
As Richard Hoagland had started to post on the main Blog, the model has been intentionally "messed with" and a large gap of understanding was omitted.
WE have seen the patents and the experiments and the correspondence of well lettered academics showing anti-gravity and scalar EM effects and warp drive engines, and weather control and on and on...parallel space missions(i.e.Titan rockets) that were demonstrating projects that were still in future development for the common science crowd.
So it dismays me to still be seeing anon comments about the great scientific facts that are trying so hard to be absolute and in Fact aren't, Never were, and will continue to be reworked, for we don't really know shit about any.thing.
The "facts" are ever evolving...kind of like your blog pics! :) I like this one and the one before.
IonTruO2 ,
Why don't you just put your smiling face back up there ?
An excellent paper on the Star of Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus and what the star was. Definitely well worth the read with a very well laid out argument and is well sourced.
History of CCD bakeouts;
Action Date and Time (UT) Duration
Heater on 1996 May 23 19:21 45 hr
Heater off 1996 May 25 16:37
Heater on 1996 Jun 23 19:10 24 hr
Heater off 1996 Jun 24 18:48
Heater on 1996 Jul 23 15:48 2.5 hr
Heater off 1996 Jul 23 18:26
Heater on 1996 Aug 05 18:50 15 hr
Heater off 1996 Aug 06 10:00
Heater on 1996 Aug 09 15:05 71.5 hr
Heater off 1996 Aug 12 13:31
Heater on 1996 Sep 06 19:49 236 hr
Heater off 1996 Sep 16 15:43
Heater on 1996 Dec 19 13:14 2.5 hr
Heater off 1996 Dec 19 15:49
Heater on 1997 January 3 21:50 156 hr
Heater off 1997 January 10 10:00
Heater on 1997 February 20 21:57 13 hr
Heater off 1997 February 21 11:00
Heater on 1997 March 21 14:26 70.5 hr
Heater off 1997 March 24 12:56
Heater on 1997 July 18 13:30 210 hr*
Heater off 1997 July 27 20:00
Heater on 1997 November 28 23:00 76.0 hr
Heater off 1997 December 2 03:00
Heater on 1998 March 20 16:35 72.4 hr
Heater off 1998 March 23 16:58
Heater on 1998 April 10 22:00 72.0 hr
Heater off 1998 April 13 22:00
Heater on 1998 June 18 21:58 81.9 hr
Heater off 1998 June 22 07:51
Heater on 1999 February 4 17:25 17.3 hr
Heater off 1999 February 5 10:45
Heater on 1999 May 22 15:20 37.7 hr
Heater off 1999 May 24 05:00
Heater on 1999 May 31 13:30 18.5 hr
Heater off 1999 June 01 08:00
Heater on 1999 October 8 20:23 83.6 hr
Heater off 1999 October 12 08:00
Heater on 1999 October 29 21:41 65.3 hr
Heater off 1999 November 1 15:00
Heater on 2000 February 04 21:00 37 hr
Heater off 2000 February 06 10:00
Heater on 2000 June 17 03:49 76.2 hr
Heater off 2000 June 20 08:00
Heater on 2001 February 16 22:06 91.5 hr
Heater off 2001 February 20 17:30
Heater on 2001 May 10 22:54 84.1 hr
Heater off 2001 May 14 11:00
Heater on 2001 June 15 21:00 64.0 hr
Heater off 2001 June 18 13:00
Heater on 2001 August 31 16:00 90.0 hr
Heater off 2001 September 4 10:00
Heater on 2001 November 3 19:00 48.3 hr
Heater off 2001 November 5 19:22
Heater on 2002 January 11 23:05 68.0 hr
Heater off 2002 January 14 10:00
Heater on 2002 March 30 03:30 78.5 hr
Heater off 2002 April 2 10:00
Heater on 2002 June 15 03:36 81.4 hr
Heater off 2002 June 18 13:00
Heater on 2002 August 30 23:46 83.0 hr
Heater off 2002 September 3 11:00
Heater on 2002 November 14 19:06 86.9 hr
Heater off 2002 November 18 10:00
Heater on 2003 February 1 02:00 56.0 hr
Heater off 2003 February 3 10:00
Heater on 2003 April 19 02:00 82.0 hr
Heater off 2003 April 22 12:00
Heater on 2003 June 25 00:00 193 hr
Heater off 2003 July 3 01:00
Heater on 2003 September 26 03:35 168.5 hr
Heater off 2003 October 3 08:00
Heater on 2003 December 26 22:18 251.7 hr
Heater off 2004 January 6 10:00
Heater on 2004 March 18 03:00 415 hr
Heater off 2004 April 4 10:00
Heater on 2004 June 15 20:00 446 hr
Heater off 2004 July 4 10:00
Heater on 2004 September 10 22:00 540 hr
Heater off 2004 October 3 10:00
Heater on 2004 December 11 18:47 400 hr
Heater off 2004 December 28 10:00
Heater on 2005 March 11 22:30 467 hr
Heater off 2005 March 31 10:00
Heater on 2005 June 6 21:52 420 hr
Heater off 2005 June 24 10:00
Heater on 2005 September 2 23:00 UT 491 hr
Heater off 2005 September 23 10:00 UT
Heater on 2005 December 2 19:40 UT TBD
Heater off 2005 December 20 10:00 UT
ion, keep the new pic. it's you.
a peace(pipe) loving man, in tune with nature.
bubba hyde said...
An excellent paper on the Star of Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus and what the star was. Definitely well worth the read with a very well laid out argument and is well sourced.
Spider--->That was a good read. Several separate events involved regarding the Star of Bethlehem. "the conjunction of 7 BC and the planetary massing of 6 BC, alerted the Magi to the coming birth, but they did not set out until the 5 BC comet appeared in the east, indicating that the birth was imminent."
It will be interesting to read parts 2 and 3 of Sword's theory to see how he brings it all together. There should be some very lively discussion after that.
What Sword said...
many of you are close to disclosure
RCH yakked when we told him
not to worry until the little birdies fall from the sky
I read the paper linked to by Bubba Hyde and while the author makes a strong case for a comet, I personally still cannot rule out the arrival of a spacecraft mistaken for a "natural" celestial object.
We need little momentum here.
It's been slow all day long.
Bubba, you got that right. Usually when I am gone all day, it takes me over an hour to catch up.
I think there is something else Sword wants us to figure out before we get the next blog. Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what it is? How about the name of the Star of Crossing?
Well, I know he said he'd be commenting soon on all the entries. Of course, that was last night. :)
Strange new object found at edge of solar system:
lol at nightstar, I get 101? Might be looking at some increased traffic, I am posting invites at craigslists from
all around the planet (we need every viewpoint) If you're curious just google craigslist, I am posting the invites
at these forum/post sections: science, astronomy, health and healing, philosophy and politics (oh,oh)
The invite I'm sending out has a hotlink directly to drydock -Bryan (*_*)
103 !
Hi all...
Well, I can put the "Did a 757 crash into the Pentagon or not?" debate to rest. My dad cleared everything up for me. The reason that not a lot of debris was seen around the crash site was that the plane shattered. Oh there were pieces, but they were very small (remember, we're talking about a LOT of kinetic energy). Also, my dad said they recovered the engines from the Pentagon...
Oh, yeah. The mystery of the SOHO CCD bakeout is solved. My dad told me that the bakeout is for cleaning purposes (think of the "clean" setting on an oven) so it's not a malfunction...
Yep, nightstar, he knows lots of things...
so many questions, so little time.
The meaning of life (I still like this one)
1) to love
2) to learn
3) to try and find out the meaning of life
"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
-- Albert Einstein
Los Angeles and interior cities Emergency rooms are going to be
full tonight and tomorrow (they were full today as well) any
guesses as to why? (only 3 hints, it is a very controversial
theory at this point, the part about ER's being jam packed full
-6 hour waits common-IS absolutely true now AND will be true
tomorrow and finally nothing to do w/ terrorism, earthquakes)
to follow up nightstar John, Isn't it distressing that
videos showing the plane are not available to you, your father
and me? The one that is available shows what cannot possibly
be a boeing. The video COMBINED with the pentagon ground marks
that you can see from the overhead shot (looking straight down)
do not match and could NOT have been made by a boeing. Soooo
what we have is a cover-up. I've now written my U.S. congressman
and both of my senators with a link to the video and a request
for a new investigation. Hooray also for WTC building #7 being the
first and only steel building to be felled just by fire.
p.s. I eagerly await my form letter responses.
bryansail said...
Los Angeles and interior cities Emergency rooms are going to be
full tonight and tomorrow (they were full today as well) any
guesses as to why? (only 3 hints, it is a very controversial
theory at this point, the part about ER's being jam packed full
-6 hour waits common-IS absolutely true now AND will be true
tomorrow and finally nothing to do w/ terrorism, earthquakes)
Spider---> Is it the flu?
well yeah half right actually
the controversial part is that there
was VERY heavy spraying here, trails from planes
(you should have seen how BRIGHT they looked in the sunset, much
more shiny and luminescent than clouds) So, there will
be respiratory issues here, and those w/ COPD will have
aggravation also. Heavy chemtrails = busy ER's
correlation that I have seen (yah I know ancedotal)
here over the last year, I actually GO to ER's on heavy
trail days and talk to employees IN the ER's -Bryan
Spraying never even entered my mind. It's been pretty heavy here lately, too. It's pretty much the norm these days.
Wasn't this Planet X/12th Planet/Star of Crossing supposed to cause a lot of problems as it got closer? I think Sitchin mentioned it causing the Biblical Flood on one of its passes. Anything big happen around the time Christ was born? I've been kind of searching, but haven't come across anything of note yet.
nightstar, note to take notes noted :)
Tomorrow on my lunch will make a visit to one ER, I know a couple of staff there
and can get a census/busy check. Tonight I am STILL seeing the trails above with the light
of the moon. nightstar, I'm listening to coast to Stitchen etc. ,may be good!
Spider, I don't know dates specifically, but deluge/flood information can be found in
archeology from many places on the planet and stories of a great deluge exist in
almost every ancient culture studied (I think I have read in EVERY ancient culture)
Listening to coast and going to craigslists (even in AFRICA!) to put out some invites for
people to come check out this blog.
I am trying to interest those looking for truth, who have a fierce desire to learn and
expand, and also mention that there are a lot of fans of the radio program coast to coast
that are here. I imagine that we are getting views already from some of the craigslist posts
I have made.
Note to newbies, please jump in and make a comment! Signing with a name helps! -Bryan
nightstar, interesting that you don't have the trails there, you are in
Japan right? I am reading that persistent trailing is occuring
now in 13 different countries! Extensive spraying is seen over
oceans as well. Enjoy the blue skies! The activity here is intermittent,
and had almost completely ceased for months before recently returning.
That pattern -3 months of them not being here- and then re-appearing
is more evidence that there IS a secretive program occuring.
Loyd Price discussion of the skull is fascinating, VERY unusual.
Heard him before, good stuff. Now he's mentioning that he's blended
his work with Zacharia Sitchens ....
Hardness of bone 2 to 3 times harder. DNA not turning
up in this oddball skull.
mysterious skull
sorry Lloyd, his name is Lloyd Pye
Yesterday I posted about a line on a satellite image,
that didn't look normal.
Today there is an earthquake swarm very nearby where
one of those bars was (will look closer). The earthquake
is located near a very active fault area, but one of
the earthquakes is located where
there is no active fault mapped. hmmmmm....
Bryan, did you save those satellite images? If not, I saved a few. Let me know if you want them.
I did save a couple, but if its not a problem my email is
They're on the way.
anyone seen the Mothership's net stats lately? wow!
Back in the 1980's when VP Bush and Arkansas governor Bill Clinton were major players in the Iran-Contra drug pipeline, US cities such as Los Angeles were flooded with drugs. Money from these drugs was used to fund weapons manufacturers for the Contras in Nicaragua. This was a covert op that was strictly forbidden by US law.
Williams and his Crips associates undoubtedly have/had information that could fry people like Clinton and Bush. How convenient that he is now out of the way and like renegade investigative journalist Gary Webb, unable to expose a very dark side of American politics.
No one is going to tell me that the CIA was NOT connected
to the massive amounts of guns that gangs were able to attain. These guns were a key tool that gangs needed to protect their drug turfs, just like the Mafia. You can say that Williams is much like Saddam Hussein in the sense that after his usefulness and cooperation ended with the US government, he became extremely expendable!
Gangs have roamed America since America got here. Gangs in uniforms wiped out the Indians. Nobody went to jail for that. Gangs brought black men in chains from Africa. Nobody went to jail for that. Gang bosses machine-gunned miners and burned their children in their tents. Gangs have always been here. Don't talk to me about how Tookie formed a gang and then the gang killed thousands and thousands of people and how he wouldn't get down on his knees and suck the great state of California's dick and say, "Massa, massa dis po nigga did rong." Fuck the great state of California and Arnolt too, for that matter. If he didn't kill those people he doesn't need to say so. He doesn't need to keep repentin' and 'pologizin and bowing and scrapin and "Load! Load! plezz doan let me die hea in dis col col jail. I'ze be a goooood nigga now."
Screech . . the sound of the blog grinding on the rocks and nasty bits of jagged rusty steel that is REALITY (and not Faux and "daddy said")
I would like to make a Shout out to a former Bulldog who scored his first NHL goal pour le glorieux Montreal Canadiens - Russian kid Kostitsyn (a skinny guy who will thicken out in the years to come to resemble your humble narrator)
Correction - pour les glorieux
We got wind from the east. That means beaucoup de neige. It's a cycle
Hamilton Bulldog feeder team for Mont Royal
I go dere in the summer for Jazz fest
You have made some corraboration with Sitchen's research. Does it have a retrograde orbit as was descibed in The 12th Planet?
And, if I understand the elliptical orbit breakdown correctly ; the focal point of that orbit and the gravity fields that the planet must move through, and the fact that it has a retrograde orbit and all together to disrupt and degrade that orbit, correct?
The planets name is Ni-bi-ru in ancient Sumerian/Akkadian. I know we know where it is, I anticipate that it will cause the same global problems (i.e.; quakes, meteor showers and impacts) as the ancients state happened when the thing came through town. They always rejoiced in Sumer as the Planet of Crossing appeared and made it's way through the sky. The home of An/Anu, home of the Annunaki. I wonder where they have gone if their world has disintegrated?
Your point re; finding the planet arriving in your lifetime is interesting. Sheds a whole new light on things. :) I follow you sword.
One other thing, that planet still comes into our system from below the ecliptic, at about 30* and moves through the space occupied by the asteroid belt, correct? Retrograde, correct? The orbit would kind of look like the representation of Iapetus' orbit on RCH MWAview page, correct?
spider818, bryansail;
We've had 99% blue clear skies here the lst couple of days. IT has also been very cold, overnight low last night around 10*. Isn't kb4k in NE OH? She should have the same weather. kb4k, blue, clear and cold?
They must spray different stuff in your neck of the woods or those mountains are concentrating whatever that stuf is as is descends to ground level. Either way, not good. :(
spider818 said;
Wasn't this Planet X/12th Planet/Star of Crossing supposed to cause a lot of problems as it got closer? I think Sitchin mentioned it causing the Biblical Flood on one of its passes. Anything big happen around the time Christ was born? I've been kind of searching, but haven't come across anything of note yet.
12/14/2005 01:41:20 AM
Awesome question, I never thought of asking that!
Crew, I've read some of Pye's stuff and for the most part he was a Sitchen echo. I really didn't get anything new out of his book "Everything You Know Is Wrong" (I may have that wrong), just Sitchen substantiation and giant ape justification of existence. His work on that skull was very interesting and I respect his tenacity in trying to have it studied. Any word on the DNA analysis he was having done, the starchild site wasn't updated last time I was there? IMO.
I think people are that ignorant. I pointed the trails out to a friend of mine that just moved here from Europe. He saw the trails before, but almost fell apart when I described what they were and why they're there. fwiw
Wayne, The mountains here do trap particulates, yesterday was thick...air you can chew.
Same thing here, people don't notice the 'clouds' here either.
spider thanks for the e-mail, I'm going to check coordinates see if they're the same.
Hi everyone,
Life got a little busy, its amazing what one can miss when away from this excellent Blog for a short time. Excuse me if I miss the odd reply, just nudge me again please.
Spider818, Hello
you said...
The "facts" are ever evolving...kind of like your blog pics! :) I like this one and the one before.
12/13/2005 12:52:37 PM
Thunderbolt 2012,
you said...
IonTruO2 ,
Why don't you just put your smiling face back up there ?
12/13/2005 02:25:03 PM
other side of the pacific, hello
you said...
ion, keep the new pic. it's you.
a peace(pipe) loving man, in tune with nature.
IonTruO2--> O.k. now I'm briefly confused! Thanks for your thoughts on my pics, everyone.
The first one was a special little antique I was graced to find in an old log homestead I was in the process of purifying and clearing of years of junk and neglect. I posted it as an image OT to companion with SWORD's fine guest Blog. I frankly found it a bit Too Powerful to perhaps keep as a personal image, even on my desk here it is a strong icon.
thunderbolt2012-I hear you brother, nice to have you still with us. I've read all your good stuff, and I will stay tuned to your contributions. Thanks for your encouragement. I could repost my "smil'in face" if no one is weary of it. :)
other side of the pacific, Thanks! Kind words, dear friend, I liked that image in deeper ways, and wanted to get a little away from an image all about ME, Myself and I. :)
spider818, you started this! Thanks for your input, I'm bashfully flattered.
Now to get on to reading and catching up on everyone's dialogue.
Perhaps if it serves simply for easy recognition, I will heed Thunderbolt2012's advice soon.
Though I offer a nod to Native SWORD and Herbalist Jasgrave333! Love you guys. Ya keep me smiling.
Best comedic wise men I ever met.
Peace friends, I'll jump in a little later.
Good Morning Crew-
RE: chemtrails. I have been noticing them with great frequency lateley- and my 5 yr old has had a horrible cough for 2 months. Been to the Dr twice, 2 rounds of antibiotics to no avail. Now he says its "viral". I'm not sick and no one in the house is either-viral my ass.
I think its the chemtrails now.
The clouds for the last month have been that scalar type that Scott Stevens shows.
The interesting thing about the 5 yr old is that I have been told, that he's a Crystal Child and can be sensitive to enviromental changes- its why Im leaning toward the chem trail diagnosis of my own.
I'll keep taking him to the Dr. till it clears up- but i think its gonna be a long winter for him and this cough.
Spider and NS: Ladies, thanks for holding down the girl part of the fort:) I'm so happy to see y'all as regulars now.
The whole Dec 10th thing proved to be quite a bust eh? Good. it gives me hope NOT to believe in too many prophecies.
That's all from not so sunny FLA.
Good day all
They don't need to spray if the rooves on houses are covered with snow.. This might be an indicator that the invisible star of crossing is just around the left hand rule.
Actually Scar the whole Dec. 10 thing was bang on. The largest fire in Europe since the great fire of London (my opinion) of 1555. And it happened in Jas' home town.. and his dad was a firefighter in that town..just recently retired from that job.. I think the synchronicity is worth one pair of birkenstocks and a partridge in a pear tree.
Hi all, I've been reading a very interesting paper that cites ALL sources regarding Comet Impact Predictions. It is extremely detailed and supports Swords theories (revealed and yet to be revealed). A definate must read, and I haven't even finished it yet. I dont recall seeing this posted here before, but if someone did and I missed, I am sorry for posting it again, but sure am glad I found it.
Dec.10, Jas beieved that Dec 10 would be the end of one era and the beginning of another. I think it may be the beginning of the end of the current state of things.
Yesterday on NPR somebody mentioned , rather matter-of-factly,that the N.O. levee was properly constructed and NOT defective. So then, why did it fail? Army Corpse of Engineers has gone back to "re-check" their original calculations - seems a bit late. Maybe they need to "re-check" the calculations for this resevoir in Missouri that just broke.
Crypto, I read something about how the original place of worship for the Hebrews was Mount Gerizim, NOT Jerusalem. My source says (Livio Stecchini) says that the ancient site of Behdet in Egypt, molunt Gerizim and the present site of Mecca(specifically, the KAABA stone with associated ancient pre- Islamic ruins and walls) form a 36-52-90 right triangle, nearly identical to ...guess what... the cross-section of the Giza Great Pyramid ! You might want to check on that.
Nightstar, seeing that everything IS a miracle is indeed the way to live. Coincidence theorists are the ones who believe the government version of 911.
I have e-mailed and asked them if there is an "electric universe" version of the Star of Bethlehem. Whatever the Star was, it has to be connected with what the shepards in the field saw (great light, angels) and any explanation needs to take that into account. I am thinking in terms of an atmospheric glowing plasma phenomenon. I have gotten no reply yet.
Crypto, Hi
Having just finished reading Uriel's Machine by Knight and Lomas, I found the locations of the global network of "observatories", very specific, in support of what you are aluding to about the map making and greater understanding of the adage "as above, so below".
Would this not suggest that there was a globally mapped understanding being demonstrated in reflection of the cosmos above?
Skara Brae in Scotland was not a very "hospitable" place at all, but its location was highly relevent and they picked it for that reason perhaps based on a map of the greater world already known?
eric: well, yes, it was a very eerie coincidence about Jas and his connections. The Great Fire of London was in 1666-not that it matters, but thats the correct date for it. It burned most of the city-this one, thankfully did not.
I'm sure they havent had that much soot in a 100 years however!
The 10th was auspicious for me as it was the date that my good friend died- age 50, heart attack out of the blue. Only the good die young.In many ways her passing was the end of an era for me. I'm not sure which I grieve for most.
she will be truly missed in my world.
December 10th WAS a bust. Nothing in his prohecy came to pass. Oh sure you can try and attribute certain events and even place jasgrave in the prophecy as he has already tried to do, including the day he went back to smoking weed and calling himself an annointed one. At some point you have to come back to the verses he posted in his prophecy. Mainly Revelation 9:5-6. It speaks of 5 months of torment. Revelation 9 clearly spells out what happens during the 5 months of torment. None of which happened. You can't go pulling verses and point to them as waypoint events then dismiss the events predicted by the verses. For instance, he uses an overactive hurricane season as part of his prophecy yet Revelation 9:4 clearly states that the Earth, the grass or even a tree could not be harmed.
Do all the gymnastics you like about synchronicity but jasgrave's evidence doesn't jive with the scripture used to prophecy the events.
I believe jasgrave to be sincere in what he believes and have told him so. I just believe him to be wrong.
Pretty funny, huh? (or NOT!)
I really have to hand it to you, Scarletm, The Onion is a gem.
War on Christmas
scarletm said...
Spider and NS: Ladies, thanks for holding down the girl part of the fort:) I'm so happy to see y'all as regulars now.
Spider---> Glad to see you back. So sorry to hear about your good friend. Yes posting more often it seems, but I am on vacation and have more time to play AND I guess you could say I'm getting a little more comfortable in my "big girl panties". :)
iontru02 said: spider818, you started this! Thanks for your input, I'm bashfully flattered.
Spider----> Yes, I'm afraid I did. :) The Cherokee in me really does like this new pick. Besides, a peacepipe on the blog is a good thing. We may need it soon!'re welcome. Let me know what you find after doing the comparisons.
Concerning the current blog, I keep seeing statements made concerning that we know where this star is today. Are these statements based on previous comments made by Sword or have I missed something and this info can be found elsewhere.
Hi all...
You tell 'em bubba hyde! The 5 months of torment is caused by a plague of demon locust-like things with scorpion tails, and I haven't seen anything CLOSE to that anywhere...
Spider18 said...
"Anything big happen around the time Christ was born? I've been kind of searching, but haven't come across anything of note yet."
Gee let's see here. An angel appears to Mary and tells her she's going to have a child. An angel also appears to her sister, Elizebeth, and tells her that she too will have a child. When Mary tells Elizebeth that she was pregnent, Elizebeth said that her baby jumped for joy inside her. Elizebeth gave birth to John the Baptist, who let people know that the Messiah was coming. When Jesus is born, a star appears to guide the wise men to where He is. And when shephards are out at night tending their flocks, an angel appears and lets them know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, then the sky fills with angels who are praising God. Other than those wonderous and miraculous things, no, nothing big happened...
NightStar said...
John said: Yep, nightstar, he knows lots of things...
Only problem .. are the answers correct? I still see a lot of unanswered questions relating to the Pentagon crash .. saying it all disintegrated is a bit simplistic as that is only one piece of evidence. How does he explain the 16' diameter crash area, what about eye witnesses? And just where are those missing engines??
I would be careful taking as gospel the word of one person, even if it is a parent...
To that, I say this. They took the engines away, and the 16' diameter crash area sounds like the cabin hitting. The wings got ripped to tiny pieces. Remember, this is the PENTAGON we're talking about. It's designed to take a hit. It did more damage to the plane than the plane did to it. I'm talking REINFORCED CONCRETE here, probably hardened against a NUKE BLAST. And each time the plane went through a ring, it lost momentum. The engines were basically the only things that WOULD have survived the crash...
John said...
Spider18 said...
"Anything big happen around the time Christ was born? I've been kind of searching, but haven't come across anything of note yet."
Gee let's see here. An angel appears to Mary and tells her she's going to have a child. An angel also appears to her sister, Elizebeth, and tells her that she too will have a child. When Mary tells Elizebeth that she was pregnent, Elizebeth said that her baby jumped for joy inside her. Elizebeth gave birth to John the Baptist, who let people know that the Messiah was coming. When Jesus is born, a star appears to guide the wise men to where He is. And when shephards are out at night tending their flocks, an angel appears and lets them know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, then the sky fills with angels who are praising God. Other than those wonderous and miraculous things, no, nothing big happened...
Spider--->John, you missed my point or didn't read my entire comment. I was speaking of floods, earthquakes, climate changes, droughts...Earth changes that this star is supposed to cause as it nears Earth.
I have to disagree with the boys. An inky cloud of soot is presently drifting over France and has reached Spain. The consequences of that extra load of CO2 on an already crippled ionosphere could be an timeline...for scorpions with stingers..(locusts block out the sun too)I don't mind if you don't get my drift. To quote Nightstar (here's an old one)
"You've been told".
I get your drift and so that you get mine, Jasgrave is wrong. I hate being a naysayer but sometimes you have to be. My study of his prohecy shows it to be WRONG. I should have said so earlier but I didn't because I had no desire to start a fight but in all good conscience, I cannot sit back and not say anything. I believe the truth to be that important. Whether you accept it or not is up to you.
>John said "To that, I say this. They took the engines away, and the 16' diameter crash area sounds like the cabin hitting. The wings got ripped to tiny pieces. Remember, this is the PENTAGON we're talking about. It's designed to take a hit. It did more damage to the plane than the plane did to it. I'm talking REINFORCED CONCRETE here, probably hardened against a NUKE BLAST. And each time the plane went through a ring, it lost momentum. The engines were basically the only things that WOULD have survived the crash..."
Enough already!! :D
(In stern voice:) Richard Hoagland, stop this charade!
Please de-cloak yourself Captain! I'm laughing till my sides hurt. It's pure crap, sir, becoz i've worked in N-blast protected areas.
And its 1.40am Dec 15 now....
By your "logic", NORAD should have been built above ground, and not in a mountain!!
the fool,
Welcome aboard. :)
Welcome, Fool ;)
Please jump in and join the fry. New views are really needed all the time to keep this ship sailing along at normal warp speed.
Eric: i am wondering what the clouds impact on the cold winter forcasted for europe this winter. i imagine it will only exacerbate it. ( al la nuclear winter )
But that said, it's no worse than a volcanic explosion, is it?
Isn't that what they think brought on the mini ice age of the 1500's?
oops fray...hahaha FRY! LOL more like it sometimes
If the engines were the only parts that could survive, why didn't they pierce the wall, instead of the softer aluminum nose and frame?
How did the (soft) aluminum nose and cockpit of the '757' neatly pierce numerous steel reinforced walls, leaving an exit hole just like the entry hole?
So, if the heavier engines got inside, where are the holes?
If the heavier engines were found outside, why din't they pierce the wall?
Aluminum frame, nose, seats and control console pierced all those walls?
more info and free dvd at :
Hi, the fool! Welcome to the posting side.
KB4K, thanks for that comet link. Soon as I can will read. Scarletm, The likely culprit is probably some type of mycoplasma infection or possibly fungal. Just keep him in good spirits and have him eat as many veggies and fruits (washed well) as your 5 year old can possibly stand. She/he will get the upper hand on it. You're right though it's not viral. I'm not an
expert, but the EXPERTS are too busy to look at the long time cough
that many people are experiencing.
Even my wife had it. She took 3 tabs of garlic a day for a couple of weeks. Not sure if that helped but she is over the cough finally (it lasted longer than a month)
Interesting note, a fresh clove of garlic on a cutting board KILLS 99% of bacteria around it (fanning outwards over an inch in all directions. Wicked stuff!
Hi Fool,
Welcome aboard!
Great handle!
other side of the pacific said...
anyone seen the Mothership's net stats lately? wow!
So....was I right the other day...that we were nothing but a marketing data collection experiment?
Sorry, and with all due respect...but that kinda pisses me off!!!
Oh well, at least we've met each other and formed an interesting association.
I disagree with your Dad.
You have a great sense of humor! ;)
WV= jnglpst = Jingle Pist! :)
I saw that part of the main Enterprise mission page with Tim Ventura pimping the site for advertisers. I guess the message here is that we didn't support TEM with the green stuff-only talk, so now we are out and "Madison Avenue" is in, via American Anti-grav. If Hoagland had come out and said that this was in the works, I still might not still like it but I could live with it and move on. Even if you don't agree that this is a significant ethical lapse (and I think it is), it is at least very poor manners and I intend to jump this guy the next time I hear him on C2C. I may even go over and have a talk with Phil Plait about this.
you said,
iontru02 said: spider818, you started this! Thanks for your input, I'm bashfully flattered.
Spider----> Yes, I'm afraid I did. :) The Cherokee in me really does like this new pick. Besides, a peacepipe on the blog is a good thing. We may need it soon!
Concerning the current blog, I keep seeing statements made concerning that we know where this star is today. Are these statements based on previous comments made by Sword or have I missed something and this info can be found elsewhere.
12/14/2005 11:59:09 AM
IonTruO2, Pardon me for being slow to tune in to you being one our treasured ladies in the house. The Yin for all this Yang here, keeps the flow "balanced". Exemplified by Scarletm, Krazyby4kids, Nightstar and others. Thank you for your presence and kind comments re: pics.
I honour your people, always, never forgoten by this Canadian.
Btw, Sword is from native heritage, if I recall correctly.
He is also our apparently connected insider, who has expressed a number of times that they know where it is, when it will arrive, and he is to participate directly in a mission with ultra-technology to deal with the coming "blizzard" at an earlier point(behind the sun) before it arrives near Earth.
I believe he is the only one who has clearly stated he has knowledge of the location and its early indicators such as an electro-magnetic wind. I think it was kind of like, when one is waiting for the subway train and you know its coming in advance.
Thanks for the advice! Said child would rather eat dirt than veggies.
He's oddly very anti beef too. When he was a baby i used to joke he survived on air and nothing else. typical fussy 5 yer old.
Never thought of a fungal infection---eeewwww. i am dosing him with a chewable vitamin with extra vitamin c.
hoping this cough (perscription) medicine will do the trick, it worked last time.
Hummmm Those ad stats are mighty interesting. looks like since July it went up stadily- then in Oct began to fall-right about the time he quit talking.
If december sucks, i would expect to hear from him.
Yep, experiment worked- hook line and sinker.
SK: what was our departure date from the mother ship?
I feel your anger, perhaps it is well placed.
In regards to the whole American anti-gravity group, I still wonder if inadvertently we(I) shone the light a little too bright on Col. Bearden and Co. with some of the material we were digging up?
I sure didn't want to get anybody exposed or worse. I certainly enjoyed the scavenger hunt though.
I will certainly admit I like the flow of our group dynamic now. WE continue to share and reveal some grand things and Sword has definately been a key feature as well as Crypto with his complex knowledge of terrestrial mapping and civilization building.
Richard was brief, cryptic and often held back, many times playing the hint game offering only bread crumbs yet suggesting grander knowledge. Straight is straight and I would have grown quickly weary of that angle of his.
So here is my vote of confidence to you all for our progress, however one wishes to "guage it".
We are all forever changed by this process together and that is the factor to me that supercedes any notion of activism or group agenda.
Others had offered and took steps in effort to sustain our dialogue dynamic here, i.e. warehouse33 etc.
but I acknowledge Sunking for this mirror Blog that allowed us a very easy flip away from the abandoned Capt's Blog that had died and stalled.
So thanks chum!
I had said back at the very beginning, if Richard H is just an ego at play and is busy serving only his self-interests, then he WILL suffer his own consequences in that karmic deviance of his. I have lived those lessons and seen enough of them to speak with truth.
I have no compassion for the "posers" acting so fervently righteous as long as it suited their self interests. Thats the falsity that is ruining this world.
So lets hope RCH has a great story in the near future for us who helped get the viewership to some impressive numbers.
NONE of what he was posting was necessarly new, it was being discussed at other levels elswhere too. So, (imho) the comments dynamic and the content we all offered up through our efforts, was the significant draw.
And here we are, still going and growing, and developing emerging new themes.
Thanks Dr John.
My question is this:
his readership was at its highest in September when he was blogiing almost everyday. Then steadily downward: if he needs money so bad then why not reach out again and get the traffic back up to click or donate individually if that what he wants?
this out and out push for cash has me preturbed, but i always wondered how the guy paid the bills.
He must know of our feelings by now, and the chances of him pulling a " jeeze I'm sorry for the absence", probably isnt going to cut it with us. If we were, indeed, some way to inflate his ad numbers-why would he let it fall again?
I'll be interested to see if he posts December numbers and beyond.
( i don't mean to insinuate we the blog crew are his only visitors-or his only hope for monetary survival at all- but i think we were a BIG help in September.)
and dammit- i think we have done an excellent job holding down this blog...OUR bolg all by ourselves, thank you very much!
Dr. John,
Nov 9th is correct.
Thunderbolt2012 said:
I saw that part of the main Enterprise mission page with Tim Ventura pimping the site for advertisers. I guess the message here is that we didn't support TEM with the green stuff-only talk, so now we are out and "Madison Avenue" is in, via American Anti-grav. If Hoagland had come out and said that this was in the works, I still might not still like it but I could live with it and move on. Even if you don't agree that this is a significant ethical lapse (and I think it is), it is at least very poor manners and I intend to jump this guy the next time I hear him on C2C.
starshipconstellation said: Thunderbolt2012, I agree with you completely. This is very much what I have been concerned about of late in regards to not only of RCH succumbing to the marketplace but also of the responsibility of a blog "captain" to his "crew". I looked at the stats as well. They clearly peak at the time of RCH's blogs on Katrina and plummet steadily after his absence from the blog. The blog is clearly an experiment and we now seeing the results of the experiment.
Also: I want to thank Sunking for this blog and voice my support for providing this forum for dialogue. Iontruo2, I think you are also greatly on target.
I also think it's time to unmask John. His last few posts are impossible to believe. Without even trying, I saw considerable coverage on the oil depot explosions in England and I don't even have cable. The posts about the plane hitting the Pentagon are just too much for me. I can't believe anyone would be that naive for real. If John isn't really RCH, it's someone doing his bidding.
The Drydock I believe inadvertantly became part of the experiment as well.RCH was completely silent on the existence of the Drydock. You know he had to know we were here, one would think since we were using his banner and layout, he'd have something to say about that unless it served his purposes to do so. The thing about the Drydock is that we were able to keep going on our own minus the Captain because we have our own minds and are willing to share what we think about. We've demonstrated that as a group we have our own research skills and can through the online medium conduct our own investigations and reach our own conclusions.
RCH has done a lot of good work over the years and I for one, hope that it doesn't get tainted with all the advertising that has practically taken over the upper half of the first page of TEM. Once people start detecting the odor of money around something like TEM, I think the fast conclusion people will reach will be that it's about the money and not the research. That will be quite a shame because disclosure will get stained a shade of green that will turn people off from the message.
Regardless of what's happening at TEM, I am looking forward greatly to Sword's next installments of his blog. I suggest we keep going. :-)
Thing is, if he had said "I wanna push the numbers up so I can attract advertisers.", I would have gone along with the 'gag', just out of a sense of loyalty and 'brotherhood'(?) I'd like to think I have with someone like RCH, who I have been a fan of for so long.
If this was such as we've intimated, then I feel we've been used unjustly and most discourteously.
Kinda sucks!
But....let's DO press on, my friends.
I agree Sunking!
The funny thing is we are the winners in the whole scheme (if thats what it was)
Kinda shows that "becareful what you wish for" thing can backfire.
GREAT Word veri: rwnlazy!
runlazy- FABULOUS!
I do feel we have been used unjustly and discourteously. But as I said earlier, we have our own abilities to conduct our own investigations. I've been a fan of RCH for quite sometime, but this is a good example of what a trap the "cult of personality" can be. It's time to separate the research from the researcher.
Onward and upward!
Perhaps it's time to seriously think about forging our own identity? Complete with logo? Just a thought.
Below is a link to a article in New Scientist about a strange new object found at the edge of the Solar System. This article seems very timely in view of Sword's blog. It says that the region of space the object was orbiting has not been properly mapped and that the object happened its way into the 2 percent area that is routinely observed.
Kind of begs the question of what else is swinging around in odd orbits in our solar system? Things the ancients knew about and we are only now rediscovering? I need to start putting my own reserves on copies of Sitchen's books instead of trying to skim them between sending them out on interlibrary loans! Among the sidebar links on the blog, can we have a tutorial on how to make our links live inside the blog? I admit to not knowing how to do that. Sorry.
wv: cqfnd seek/find
NS gave a good one: but alas I'm not good at it. Frankly, I prefer cutting and pasting so i can open a new window. its just me though...
Go back two blogs....NS and some others gave an excellent tutorial for activating links. do a 'FIND' on the keyword 'href'.
on the links that are clickable, just right clock and Open In New Window....then you don't goof up where you are on the comments page.
Our own Logo, our own 'thang'? hmmmmm...but what?
Before we jump off into something else, maybe we as a group need to decide what it is we wish to accomplish. Are we wanting a place so we can chat and whoever comes along comes along? Are we seeking to build a substantial community with archives, a forum, chat, blogs where we can invite friends, family and others to participate, an alternative information portal if you will. Are we looking for something in between?
nightstar said..
ericswan .. wow, did not realize black cloud was moving across Europe. Talk about a visual....
OB 2 is in Spain..any word from the downwinders?
How about RCH disclosure????
Sunking, Thanks for the tip. As for what Bubba Hyde is talking about, I like the idea of an alternate information portal. Some way to organise the best things that have been put together here for research purposes and to build a collection of information that helps the awakening of others to the larger worlds around us and for placing things in context and connecting the dots.
Sword..please clear this up for me. Are you saying the Star of Bethlehem is coming back as Wormwood?
14.000 how goes the reading? I have been trying to get a copy online or otherwise for some time. Any "revelations"?
I was really just thinking outloud.
I don't think that leaving the current space would be productive- you lose too many people in moves and I thik you lose credibility (do we really have any LOL????)
I was thinking more along the lines of maybe just a seperate "identity" or identifying logo type thing.
Getting into chat options WAY more than anyone here wants to handle ( I think)
Look, we broke off and waited- and waited. looks like we are on our own now. with all thanks to The Mothership and all- we have somehow maintained our own comunity and continuity, i am glad we now have the option to discuss lots of things more freely- but at somepoint I fear we will kind of fade...we aren't really RCHs lap dogs anymore, but we are certianly helping serve his purposes without so much as a thankyou.
I am really just thinking out loud at this point.
The logo idea is more of one just to establish a seperate identity.
I'm a fine one to be yakking about it as I have NO graphics ability so i can't contrubute much in that arena-
Like I said, just thinking
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
I really am impressed with the Skara Brae link..
Crypt0..Tru 02...this is paydirt..
scarletm said;
Look, we broke off and waited- and waited. looks like we are on our own now. with all thanks to The Mothership and all- we have somehow maintained our own comunity and continuity, i am glad we now have the option to discuss lots of things more freely- but at somepoint I fear we will kind of fade...we aren't really RCHs lap dogs anymore, but we are certianly helping serve his purposes without so much as a thankyou.
I am really just thinking out loud at this point.
The logo idea is more of one just to establish a seperate identity.
I'm a fine one to be yakking about it as I have NO graphics ability so i can't contrubute much in that arena-
Like I said, just thinking
12/14/2005 06:01:44 PM
I like your logo idea, and I think moving again would be a flop to say the least.
I really don't believe we are serving RCH anymore at all. We are serving our own desire to talk openly about subjects the unenlightened world maybe can't or won't. I have noticed that we have discovered and revealed way more than the old blog ever did. The old blog was like the carrot on front of the donkey. Think about it. every new blog had a new subject but really didn't say all that much IMO. sword has revealed much in just one part of his essay. we have discovered way more about ourselves as a group and as indviduals. This is most definitely a "core" group. And I think THAT says a lot.
I am no graphics guy either. Somebody got a handle on creating a logo?
And were is jasgrave333? I hope he didn't beam up without telling us. Yo jas! Wassup!?
cryptO said;
I think Skara Brae and other hard evidence are essential to understanding the Big Lie.
12/14/2005 06:52:09 PM
It's kind of an interesting felling to know that everything you know is not the way it's really supposed to be. A lot of planning and execution went into this. Look at how long it's been going on. How long has it been going on cryptO?
Has anyone noticed that no one's talking about the former Canadian defense minister calling for public hearings on UFOs? I wonder if the MIB (Mounties In Black) got him...
Nightstar, not the secret agent thing again...
Unipax, I'll pass those questions to my dad and get back to you...
Re: TEM’s experiment:
Just a thought:
To create a test group – think about the variables required to make a true test group..
If some of these are lacking – you screen for (perhaps in TEM’s case) add the missing variables.
A pilot program designed to succeed and gain funding screen their applicants; to make the program “look” like a true test group, they screen in a few deemed to fail, heavy on the ones who will do well making the program a success, they receive more funds and continue to thrive. The opposite can be done to design a program to fail.
This group could qualify as a test group. I am quite convinced there are “variables added”. What would be the desired outcome though?
Great Posts All - staying tuned.
crypto said;
IMHO, nobles abuse of commoner at the knowledge level, (my thing is maps) I think it goes back to the Roman Ptolemaic rulers of Egypt, enhanced during and after the Mongol Invasions and solidified by the Voyages of Exploration. Seeing the physical evidence line up and the processing of what is written down ... it's deja-vu :-)
Yours is an opinion that has always been helpful to me, so I hope this answer (in a nut-shell) doesn't disappoint.
12/14/2005 08:29:44 PM
No, not at all. Who would think to ask that question besides one of us? Who even knows that a question like that is relevent to today, besides us. Who even has a clue as to what's going on in the world? We at least have some if not a bit more than some. I just think it is absolutely awesome that we can even find out these things and share them. Open minds, open hearts. Getting ready for whatever it is coming down the road. Yes, knowledge is power. For what is coming, we are going to need as much power as we can get.
Just one other question. I guess this could be for everyone. When do you think the "nobles" abuse of commoners will end? Before, during or after, disclosure or the return of the Planet of Crossing? You can always add your own take too.
tacodog said;
This group could qualify as a test group. I am quite convinced there are “variables added”. What would be the desired outcome though?
Great Posts All - staying tuned.
12/14/2005 08:32:00 PM
To gauge the tenacity of those who say they are interested? Just a guess.
I would love to read your work. Let's make it so. Do we think we could survive one more move?
Looking forward to part deux sword.
Why you tracking IP's? They're not gonna pull an IP out of the hat and give me a prize, are they?
Rev 8:10-11. And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Worm-wood ( a representation of what this star will cause, bitterness and death.
Well, I have a startling confession to make......I have inadvertantly supplied you with inaccurate information about the Pentagon. Earlier, I said that it was designed to take a hit, possibly even from a nuke. I was dead wrong. My dad told me that the Pentagon is essentially an office building. It was built in 1940, and it's NOT reinforced concrete as I thought. I also learned that it couldn't survive a nuke blast. They have a bunker underneath it, but it probably wouldn't survive a nuke blast either. I know I stuck my foot in my mouth (I think that's the proper expression), and that is one of the conditions that allows me to apologize, so I'm very sorry for giving false information. Also, a 757 hitting the Pentagon is a LOT of mass, fuel, and energy, so it's gonna make a big mess. End of story...
Nightstar, please tell me you're jerking my chain again...
Sorry sword, didn't meant to ruffle your feathers. Interns usually screw things up, so I am sure my IP has been logged correctly. They can legislate all they want, the road ahead will make it all moot. ;)
And anyone who chooses not to believe my dad, believe the History Channel's "Modern Marvels" episode of the Pentagon...
I agree. Let's do it.
What were we talking about?
Oh Yea.
I have a website that is doing nothing. It's paid for the next 10 years..
Cygnids is a meteorite shower that moves through Cygnus. The shower is rarely seen, rarely talked about but it is there and when you see a cygnids you know why I wanted the website. Put it this way. A grain of cosmic dust comes into our atmoshere and for the briefest of time it is a wonder to behold. Yes I am offering this site to the group...
Nightstar is available :-)
Spider----> I do like that. :) And I agree that we do need to at least change the name.
I'll be interested to see what Sunking thinks about the "identity" morph.
Sword: Tell them what they can do with my IP :)CRAM IT.HARD.
And tell them Merry Christmas too.
(wouldn't want to be too rude)
anyhoo...tis off to slumber.
great meteor clip here, near bottom of page
Very cool video to check out.
Wouldn't it be cool to see video of a comet? How about a comet with a 13,000 mile tail? What would
THAT look like? I went a looking for possible 'stars of bethlehem' comparisons.
close up
of comet Neat from Kitt Peak observatory
This site shows stock footage of a supposed comet flying through space,
check out the amazing video of a comet (example #2 is far and away the best) here Note, at the very bottom of the page there are some videos of asteroids that were visible to the naked eye travelling over a 3 hour period, good video of it.
A little blurb about comets/asteroids here article on comets/asteroids, with some discussion regarding detection/warning window for an earthbound impact
Not sure if we should change the graphics/affiliation of this place yet, something tells me we should wait for
a little while. I think we should as bubba hyde stated try to come to an agreement about what we want this place to be, I think expanding it to include a chatroom is probably eventually in the works. Thanks again Sunking for this
place, awesome job. With regards to RCH, It does look like he got the numbers up which increases his ad revenue, but I still think something else happened and we can't rule out the possibility that he was muffled. Some of the
things that occurred w/ hayabusa postings still looks funny. The non-follow ups on his earlier work, tempe, part 7 still seems odd.
Sword, hope you like my attempt to paint a visual of what the star MAY have looked like, ...waiting.
Jas? Is deep in a meditative trance or busy launching off of a 7 foot water ramp....
Jim Mccanney has a video of a comet making a near approach to the sun.
It is fascinating, linked on his mainpage (a bit of a mess, is an understatement!)
with a brief paragraph starting with, "A Holiday treat...
look for the comet video look down for comet video
Gives ya goosebumps when looking at that video and imagining a near earth comet for sure!
bryansail said...
Jim Mccanney has a video of a comet making a near approach to the sun.
It is fascinating, linked on his mainpage (a bit of a mess, is an understatement!)
with a brief paragraph starting with, "A Holiday treat...
look for the comet video look down for comet video
Gives ya goosebumps when looking at that video and imagining a near earth comet for sure!
Spider---> Very cool video. What's that other object to the lower right of the sun that appears to be moving in the opposite direction of everything else?
Spider, I'm going to look again at the video, not sure.
Jim Mccanney needs a secretary and an organizer for his website.
The mad scientist! Reading his rants and posts, makes this crew
here seem tame, organized and sane. He has such great ideas but it's
so messy trying to find his comet work.
Now that you have some time why don't you run down the hall and find out what is going on...
RCH is in the house...
on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory.
I missed the first part of his talk, but will catch it again when they repeat the first hour.
They are talking about Sir Richard Branson's plans to build a spaceport in New Mexico.
Staying tuned
I think we should keep this Drydock going, for now, even if we evntually end up on another site with a different identity.
I think there are more persons who wlll be joining the crewe, but they haven't caught up yet.
patience, grasshopper.
Peter Gersten the main guest this am on Coast.
News from Missouri re: the dam that overflowed.
The reservoir is on top of Taum Sauk mountain, the highest point in Missouri. There is a second reservoir at the bottom of the hill. It is a hydroelectric project built by Union Electric (now AmerenUE) to provide additional energy in the daytime for peak load. At night the water is pumped uphill to the top reservoir. In the daytime the water flows down through a turbine to create electricity.
According to wed. evening news (12-14-05), what happened early in the morning on 12-14-05 was that the sensor that was supposed to tell the pumps that the upper reservoir was full failed and the pumps kept pumping more water into the full reservoir.
No big conspiracy or terrorists, just a major faux-pas.
Someone mentioned the dam in Missouri earlier on this blog.
oh now this is interesting .. Peter Gersten on Coast just said of RCH: "I really like him but I am mad at him right at the moment".
GN did not call him on it, seemed to understand what he meant.
I heard that strange dialogue (missed the earlier stuff)
A Mexican Standoff of Illumined insiders?
Also, a 757 hitting the Pentagon is a LOT of mass, fuel, and energy, so it's gonna make a big mess. End of story...
There was NO damage to the Lawn.
There's nothing in The American Noggin.
I would be interested in reading a condensed version of your book.
BTW, I saw an interesting show on PBS on wed. night about the Inward Passage in the Pacific Northwest.
Part of it was about Captain Vancouver *naming* islands, bays, straits, etc. and how the native names were more descriptive and colorful. (I thought of you.)
As far as I know, Vancouver's names are still in use.
Nightstar said:
Hey Sword, before posting the polished version could you change all the "wheres" to were... it'll read more smoothly for us :-))
I think Brother Sword often means "we're",(we are), when he writes "where."
BTW, Sword, I meant to spell "slaying" that way. I was hoping you'd catch that. It's funny , though, that an admitted bad speller would come back with "sleighing." :)
gotta go for now.
Crypt0, I hope your research covers the handiwork of the British East India Company and their activities in Soth East Asia. Btw, my country was bought by said co. for 100 British Pounds and a few kilos of opium. They turned it into Singapore. Reading your intepretation of history, it gives me a cold feeling on my back, that, yes, even after independence, the imperial businessmen are STILL entrenched, within our government-linked companies-turned-mini-empires and their interlocking BODs. Silently, as "Advisors", of course.
btw crypt0, have you considered an e-book version instead of hardcopy? You could get around the censors that way :)
To "John"/Captain: its TIME TO DE-CLOAK, sir!! It's not funny anymore. More like down-right ridiculous!
The idea of moving: sunking has been good (thank you kindly, sir!) to set up the dry-dock, and like many before me, acknowledge that these motley crewe has jelled. I like the idea of deciding on the strategic purpose for setting up a portal, before we make the next quantum leap forward.
Chemtrails: there's hardly any over sunny Singapore, but i though i saw some peculiar formations over the SE Asian region from the NOAA sat feed. will keep you all posted if there's any.
NS how do you get C2C if you're in Japan? Radio?
NightStar said...
I don't see RCH 'experimenting' with the likes of the people here ... there is far too much intelligence & even power in this group to be toyed with like that and he knows that. So, the only thing remaining IMO is that something either scared him off & he had to disassociate fast, or he was told to sever all ties to us (and the direction we were going), or ... something else happened external to the blog which made him realize he needed to play it really really straight for awhile. The last would not really explain why he did not try to contact at least one person here if only to say "patience, have to go now, you'll know soon" or something to that effect.
Unless he did not dare transmit any sort of message he knew would eventually find its way to everyone on the blog...
My feeling also.
I think RCH, sincerley enjoyed being present here at this blog with this crew. I agree that some external influence or stimulus caused him to suddenly cease contact, practically in mid sentence, (five minutes after Clan Destine's first post).
I think RCH keeps up with us, so Hello Skipper, hope you are well !
cryptO said;
Ideas ?
12/15/2005 04:05:31 AM
Nicely said crypto. You know, nightstars offer of a site with password is a great way to continue the blog and look at info provided by anyone needing some security. We wouldn't need to move the blog, but we could still discuss the relevent topics and protect the source material. I think any way you look at it, you are still going to have some risk. What if our group grows? You always run the risk of unscropulous (sp?) others joining the blog. You are going to have to weigh the pro's and con's, like I believe you have, before posting on the web. Another idea, why not mail your "blogs" snail or email word docs to each of the participants. We could send our addys to you. Just a thought, maybe other folks have some ideas. I was just thinking of how to preserve our space here. So the IP trackers can keep an I on us and still help you too.
nightstar said;
Hmmm... so maybe RCH is being pushed by his friends to become more public ... maybe he has put himself into the hands of professional 'managers' who are prepping him for a more public role??
Speculations continue....
12/15/2005 04:33:55 AM
I hope public life like was insinuated there won't give him another heart attack. That life, especially for an alternative science guy who will be constantly barraged with de-bunking, is extremely grueling. More power to him. I trust the path he is choosing has been well researched and thought out. Ouch if it isn't.
unipax said;
I think RCH, sincerley enjoyed being present here at this blog with this crew. I agree that some external influence or stimulus caused him to suddenly cease contact, practically in mid sentence, (five minutes after Clan Destine's first post).
I think RCH keeps up with us, so Hello Skipper, hope you are well !
12/15/2005 06:05:25 AM
Did we ever discuss Clan Destine in an investigative manner? Maybe we did. We have always attributed RCH's blogging halt to that post. Very intriguing, Oh to be the wires to know that IP, eh? :)
sword II, the sequel. This Friday at a blog near you!
All in fun, got my ticket Row 10 Orchestra Center, Seat 1. :)
I keep thinking about Sword's comments concerning RCH losing his lunch. At first I thought it was BS (sorry Sword), but why would you say that about someone who could log in and call you on it at anytime. Either Sword's gambling on Richard not coming back or it's true. If it is true, RCH found out something that changed his world. Sword had mentioned that RCH found out that all his speculation was TRUE. That's a lot of weight he's now carrying around and a lot of responsibility. I don't understand though, why he hasn't disclosed as Sword said he would.
---> Spider
crew, glad you all here :)
I've been sifting through the last five months to see if I have missed anyting mentally or numerologically.
Taken a few days off, to recover and get to grips with the Dec 10th symbolism.
Thank you all for your candid discussion and insights.
The last few months have been a hell of a ride for most of us...
I too feel that peace of mind, that lifted sense of urgency...
Whatever follows next, with OIL, IRAQ, Weather, Govermental/NASA lies... I'm staying tuned for...
The fact that the 'cause' of Europes biggest fire since 1555, is still gripping me...
What would cause a plant, that has operated with 3.7 Trillion Metric tons of fuel a year, suddenly go up in smoke?
Revelation 9:10,11, he is from the smoking pit Rev 9...
I'm catching up, Bush is rustling on about, how he takes the blame for the prewar 'intelligence' mistakes...
It's too early to re-character assasinate him, if he had a character, other than lieing and cheating his way through a presidency. Hurting the world with his corporate greed and war mongering bullshit...
Now with IRANS president calling the holocaust a myth, things have really gotten stupid.
Then FOX interviews BUSH, like theirs gonna be any impartial 'serious' questioning there...
PS My Bush, can you leave a tip in the FOX charrity bottle on your way out?
Fuckers all of them...
well a cold winter, lack of OIL...
And big ben on the 27th of May 2005 stopped at 10:07 then 10:20 for 90 minutes...
just that 20 OIL storage containers blew up on 10th Dec (PST), and they held 3 million gallons of fuel each...
Thanks for the ding ding...
It's started, whatever 'it' is...
Sword, star of crossing...
Witnesses believed something a little similar...
Can you coroborate, rumours, that the Watchtower bible and Tract society have a couple of Freemasons at the governing body end?
Just a question...
Your choice of words in interesting...
a large debate has existed in churches for years, whether Jesus was hung on a cross or a stake...
Whilst it's clearly evident that he died no matter the 'how', the term cross and crossing are leveled as words to define a paradigm changing event...
A Man called Jesus crossed our lives and changed the way we think about love, God and neigbours...
Now on his return, the star, that THREE wise men followed, would be evident again.
The sun will be darkened the moon will not shed it's light and the stars will extinguished one by one - Revelation.
Highly symbolic and real language...
The London Fire disaster, certainly had a symbolism with the smoke blacking out the sun.
Only those faithful, would know who Jesus was, and the faithful would know what to look for when he came back...
But the bible also mentions in Revelation, that the unrighteous (during this time of second coming stars etc) would carry on Unrighteousness still and the disgusting will carry in their disgusting things...
Just the opposite would be true for the faithful...
Revelation 14:1-End...
Stars and comets have signified big things for as long as man has been looking at the sky...
Something has come to pass, we are prepared... well mostly...
This star of crossing, would it have anything to do with OIL?
US trade plunges further into red
The gap between US exports and imports has surged unexpectedly, as the US economy has sucked in oil.
In October, the trade deficit was a record $68.9bn (£38.9bn), up 4.4% from the month before, the Commerce Department said.
Although the price of oil fell during October, the volume of oil imported soared 9.3%, with industrial goods also entering the US at record levels.
Just good to see you back. :)
I awoke last night only to catch the tail end of RCH. What struck me the most was when GN said " Can you believe its christmas?"
and RCH said something like "Yeah it seem like yesterday we were talking about...uh, christmas"
Awkward pause
GN:"Well good talking to ya..."
I swear I thought he was going to say "seems like yesterday we were talking about hurricanes"...then stopped dead in his tracks. Now wouldn't that have been the natural thing to say???
I am fully convinced- he's been told to shut up- don't even think the word hurricane, much less say it.
Did anyone else catch this?
I was so stunned I couldn't go back to sleep for a while.
Crypt0: I am interested in the Naming of Calgary. My grandmother was one of the early settelers there from South Dakota- her father, an evangelical preacher from Decatur Alabama, came up to S. Dakota and then to Canada to "save the heathen Indians". She was born in 1905 and moved there in the teens sometime. I know as a young woman she traveled with the Chitaqua (sp) Circus. I still wear a ring that was given to her by a Russian bear trainer who had fallen in love with her.
Did you notice the similarity of Peter Gursten's vision of how things are going to play out to that of Major Ed Dames ? Both talk about a planetary catastrophe followed by "first contact". The thing about Gursten is that he is not willing to commit as to WHO or WHAT that first contact will be with, except to say that he definitely doesn't think they are extra-terrestrial aliens, as per the UFO community. He talks of a higher intelligence on THIS planet that communicates by way of symbolism (11:11, etc.) and codes.
At least to me, all of this talk smacks of a preparation to hit us with a New World Order religion and worship of the disembodied fallen angel of light (Lucifer) which is the "higher intelligence" that I believe they are speaking of. It is well known that such beings are capable of demonstrating things such as levitation ("anti-gravity") and I think that Hoagland and the entire AG community will buy into it with no questions asked and will pay whatever price is asked in return to have access to this "technology". The problem is that there will be no technology...only a supernatural, diabolical illusion, the true nature of which will be revealed only when it is too late.
For this reason, I think it is important to maintain communication between the regulars in this blog in order for ALL of us to stay grounded in reality by bouncing our thoughts and feelings off each other, just to keep us from following the wrong rainbows.
Thanks Scaletm :)
Good to see ya all still here...
Crypt0, been grokking ya statements R.e. Ghetto and drugs.
Crack and Cocaine, are serious tings. Naturally in the wild, the leaves are as available as is any natural herb.
But these are insidious, they create demand and desire which goes in hand with addiction.
Creating an addictive product, that exclusively can only be made and produced in certain local's. It does not grow naturally, creates a 'captive' market.
The ghetto then corrupts into desperate, poor people, whe are addicted to a 'designer' drug.
Cannabis, grows naturally and wild. It's potency is straight from the leaf.
It gives off a natural resin in it's leaves and stalks.
If you touch it, you absorb amounts of Hash or resin through your fingers and gain a similar feeling to that of smoking it...
It's natural and grows, it's litterally like money growing on a tree for it's wonderment of cures.
It grows too easily for anyone wanting a 'captive' market.
It's ease of growing, prevent any kind of desperation worries, anyone with a lamp and seeds can get some...
It's lack of addiction comes from it's pleasent spiritual mind expanding qualities, that leave a user feeling refreshed and alive.
Just warming up da blog for da star of Xing...
BUSH admits war crimes;
Bush admits Iraq intelligence was wrong
Staff and agencies
Wednesday December 14, 2005
The US president, George Bush, today admitted much of the intelligence used as the basis for invading Iraq had been "wrong" - but defended his decision to go to war because it removed Saddam Hussein.
In a speech at the Woodrow Wilson Centre, in Washington, Mr Bush also pledged that US troops would remain in Iraq until "victory is achieved".
The speech was the fourth and last in a series aimed at bolstering flagging support for the Iraqi conflict.
"It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong," Mr Bush said. "As president, I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq."
Then for the loss of over 300,000 Iraq lives and 2140+ Troops and the oil that is not so easy to obtain without that little Disney land Democracy that he so desperatley wants there, to give his paid thugs credence to do horrific atrosities to anyone who also opposes the OIL REGIME...
Mr Bush, just admit your an F- Grader an ugly leader and a lier...
catching up...
Gee-willikers! What a lot of thought-provoking posts!
Crypto, as always some good sensibilities about RCH and Der Blog, but for now I liked scarlet's take on this, that maybe we should keep Drydock, but maybe develop our own 'logo', our own identity, so to speak. If we want to take NS or Eric or whomever's kind offers of websites, and the format of that, I think we should consider in depth and not be hasty. While this blog has limited capabilities, it IS simple and does the job. But if the group decides to make a change, I ain't gonna be mad at ya! ;) But I think we should have a definite plan, maybe even vote on it and go from there. Right now, no time to really put great thought into it, so let's just go with the flow until after the holidays. Cool?
The thought came to me to fax RCH and ask him to put up a Drydock link on TEM. But then.....hmmmmm, your thoughts?
re: Star of Crossing (SOC)
Has anyone else noted the seeming Uber-consciousness going on with the SOC theme. It's been all over the Net, on TV (PBS got down with it good on Tuesday night). And it's not just the 'Star of Bethlehem' usual's more about the SOC/Px/Nibiru theme.
"I gotta feelin', that somethin's going on, oh yeah....." - The Beatles
Good ole WFLA....memories, NS! :)
Hey're sittin on my knee.
2b or not 2b eh Rich?
"The thought came to me to fax RCH and ask him to put up a Drydock link on TEM. But then.....hmmmmm, your thoughts?"
I second that hummmmmmmmmmm.
on first reaction- it feels kinda icky to me.
On further thought, one might say "OK, this is your last chance here Captian. You can't say we didn't make every effort to give you your props."
But then i get that geeky, icky feeling again. Like we are trying too hard.
and part of me really doesn't want to know the in response AGAIN.
I agree we wait on ANY changes till the New Year. New Year, fresh start.
Moving makes me nervous- but the logo I am favor of.
I'm really on the fence about this "contact" thing- but then it might just be the fuel we need to finally just go on...sans El Capitan.
UG.blah. sigh.
ss14000 how goes the read? Hmm?
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